Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Hello! I've been meaning to do this for ages, and here at last: a reader appreciation giveaway! Because I loOoOoOoOoOoOove people who read books, especially my books :-), and I want to give you stuff. Hurray! There are some things here that are a) hard to find, and b) truly rare and [potentially] collectible. There are two each of two sets of shwag. 


2 sets of ...

  • 1 signed (by author and illustrator) hardcover of Blackbringer
  • 1 signed (by author and illustrator) hardcover of Silksinger 
  • 1 Laini's Ladies Christmas ornament

Now, Silksinger, you may know, is hard to find. It's out of print and costs upwards of $70 on Amazon for a used copy. So this is a good way to get it -- two chances! 

As for the ornament, it reads "Merry Christmas nearly everyone!" and is one of my favorite LL holiday ornaments, though it never sold well because apparently people didn't "get" it ... Really? Is it really just me with this little mean place in my heart, or are there just not a few people you truly hope do not have a merry Christmas? Maybe it is just me ...

2.) Daughter of Smoke & Bone super shwag pack!
2 sets of ...

  • 1 signed hardcover copy Daughter of Smoke and Bone, UK edition
  • 1 complete audiobook on CD, US edition
  • 1 signed (by illustrator) extremely limited edition graphic sampler, produced & dist. in the UK
  • 1 very cool 4-chapter sampler/party invitation (party has already happened, sorry!)
  • 2 sets of hamsa temporary tattoos
  • 1 vivid blue feather carnival mask to match US cover

Here's some photos of some of the stuff.

The UK hardcover. So pretty:

The back is gorgeous too ...

The graphic sampler (l) and the party invitation (r):

The graphic sampler was a convention giveaway in the UK, and is eight pages of graphic artwork by my talented husband/collaborator, Jim Di Bartolo, depicting a small section of the book (from Karou and Zuzana at Poison to Karou going through the portal). Here's what it looks like:

Gorgeous! And this really isn't something you're going to find anywhere else. I don't think.

As for the sampler/party invitation, this was the ingenious package sent out in advance of the pre-launch party at ALA in New Orleans this summer. It's just such a cool thing, made to look like Karou's sketchbook, with this awesome sticker on the cover, which you might recall from the book:

Love the coffee ring :-)


Alas, I was trying to find a free contest widget so I wouldn't have to enter every name in a hat later, but I couldn't find anything, so we'll do this the old-fashioned way! Leave a comment to this post. That is all. I will announce winners here, at which time I will ask that you email me your address -- but wait until you win :-)

Deadline to enter: midnight PST, Saturday, December 10. I will pick the four winning names on Sunday; which prizes go to who will just be by order of choosing, with Dreamdarks first and Daughters second.

Ok. That's all. Comment away! Tell your friends. Smooooooooooooch!


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Angela said...

My gosh! I hope I'd win these. They are amazing. I'm from Indonesia and I've recently fallen in love with Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

Keep on spinning those lovely stories! And can't wait for the sequel!

Ava said...

Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God...


sara said...

What an amazing giveaway!!
The UK Cover of Daughter of Smoke and Bone is gorgeous. Thanks and Happy Holidays!

J.Lyn said...

Yay! This was my favorite book of the year :)

Marie said...

I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone! This is an awesome contest. Please count me in!

aqua.illution said...

Wow, what an amazing giveaway. I'm not dreaming I will win those, but if I do, oh, wow, it'll be a nice surprise <3

My mum will love those books (me too of course!)

chichi23 said...

OMG this is one of the best contests ive seen all year !!

i LOOOOOVED daughter of smoke and bone and cannot wait for the sequel!!

would kill to win either of these

Somaya Salama said...

Finally a giveaway! I LOVED Daughter of Smoke and Bone! If I do win this, it would be amazing!!! I live in Egypt where your book is still unknown, hopefully people will know about it more and love it like i have. I hope this is international!

Keep on writing amazing books, I know I will read them all!

Momo (Books Over Boys) said...

Eeep! Thanks so much for the giveaway! :) The UK cover for Daughter of Smoke and Bone is gorgeous! <3

Twitter handle: BooksOverBoys...just in case, lol!

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow! I'm not very lucky when it comes to contests like these, but... *crosses fingers*

Chachic said...

Awesome giveaway! These are amazing prizes. I can't even decide which prize pack is better. Maybe the Daughter of Smoke and Bone one? Because I would love to get that graphic sampler.

I had no idea Silksinger is already out of print, it's still available in some bookstores here in the Philippines. Good thing I bought hardcovers of both Dreamdark books then.

Merry Christmas, Laini! Don't worry, you're included in my "nearly everyone" :P

Tristina said...

Oh, how wonderful! I recommend your book to *nearly* everyone. ;)

Kunegond said...

Sweet kisses from Istanbul.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! What a great giveaway! I LOVED Lips Touch, Three Times, and I'm SUPER looking forward to Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

I would very much like to win, please and thank you.

Zay Arguelles said...

OMG! this is such an awesome giveaway!! i'd very much love to win! can't wait to read daughter of smoke and bone. but my copy wouldn't arrive until after xmas. oh well, winning a signed copy is gonna be bloody fantastic.Long live Miss Laini Taylor. xx

sarah said...

Ooh, wonderful! Thank you for such a generous offer!

gryffindorsbleedred said...

Awesome swag! The graphic sampler looks beautiful and the hamsa temporary tattoos are really nifty.

Jordan McMakin said...

Daughter of Smoke and Bone is my favorite of the year, too! I wish it didn't have to end and can't wait for the sequel. Thank you, Laini!!

test said...

zoomgggg I need all of them lol
thanks for the awesome contest!

MC Rogerson said...

I recently read Daughter of Smoke and Bone. It not only made me want to broaden my reading choices, it made me want to write differently too. Thanks for opening up new worlds for me, Laini!

Sarah (The Book Life) said...

This is so amazing! Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one of my favorite books of 2011 and that swag is gorgeous! I love that ornament, too! There are definitely a few people I wouldn't wish a Merry Christmas...the meanness comes from the horns hidden under my hair :0)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Kat Bender said...

Eek, this is so exciting! I'm not very lucky with giveaways, but I'm thrilled to have the chance to enter, especially for such gorgeous prizes. :) Thank you for the generous contest!

Edna said...

What an amazing giveaway! Please count me in. Daughter of Smoke and Bone was most definitely one of my favorite books this year. :)

Unknown said...

This is an amazing contest! I usually don't enter these, but for this I simply must!

satria said...

Count me in! I'm a big fan! Good luck for your writing endeavour, Laini!

patrick said...

Awesome..... Count me in please :)

Daniela said...

Dear Santa/Laini, please can I win these? I*adore* your writing...

Maja (The Nocturnal Library) said...

It's so wonderful that you're doing this! Both prizes are truly amazing. Happy holidays!

SisterSpooky said...

Soooo pretty. I actually stroked my laptop screen when I saw all the swag!

Really hope to win (and that this is an international comp as I live in the UK)

Merry Xmas xo

titania86 said...

Awesome giveaway!

Melissa Pearl said...

Wow - those prizes are incredible. You are very generous :)

I have my fingers and toes crossed - would LOVE to win Smoke and Bone stuff. I have it on my "to read" list and would be so excited to get a copy.

Good luck with your giveaway. Gifting people stuff is so much fun :)

hiba008 said...

I've been dying to read the book!!!!
Thank you so much for the giveaway :)

Malinda said...

OH MY GOODNESS!!! This is amazing!

Donna_Marie93 said...

Oh my would I love to win this! Thanks for the great competition! =)

Jessirae said...

Oh. My. Lanta. That is the best swag ever. I wants to bad! lol. Thanks so much for the chance! You are AH-mazing :)

Lisa (The Nocturnal Library) said...

Thanks for this amazing giveaway Laini! *fingers crossed*

blackplume said...

oh my! what a lovely prizes.. I'm not lucky at contest/raffles but I really want to win this one. Just this one.. I really want those books especially the Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Even the graphic sampler only.

crossing my fingers really hard x^__^x hoping it helps!!:D

Silver Thistle said...

Best giveaway, EVAR!

Thank you so much. Please enter my name in the draw!

Lynda said...

What a generous giveaway. Thank you for thinking of us. I enjoyed the DreamDark series and Lips Touch but I think Daughter of Smoke and Bone is your best work yet! I love how you worked through all the sticky spots and made every facet of the story click into place so smoothly and BELIEVABLY. I especially love how you explained the purpose of the teeth and Karou's existence. So good!

Kristin said...

Nearly everyone has at least one mean place in her heart.

Zac said...

I love Daughter of Smoke & Bone so it would be awesome to win! Thanks Laini

Rachel Yarbrough said...

Oh wow, such lovely prizes.
I'm so enamored with the artwork, it's making me salivate. I really love the artwork in the graphic sampler, just ... divine.

Just, hoping that I win because now I am filled with a very deep and abiding need for these! Maybe Santa will bring me luck for Christmas - because it looks like I'm going to need it.

Jasprit said...

Thank you so much for the awesome giveaway Laini, Daughter of smoke and bone is a 2011 favourite of mine :)

Lilie said...

Wait, Silksinger is out of print?! I was planning to get a copy the next time I'm in the US, but now I simply have to win this giveaway! And I've *always* wanted a Laini's Lady of my own.
I do love Daughter of Smoke and Bone very, very much -- but Dreamdark will forever have a place in my heart.

Carmen B. said...

Oh my god *stares* This is seriously the most amazing giveaway I've ever seen o.O I can't even tell which prize pack is the better one. I'd absolutely love to win one of them but with my luck I kinda doubt it ^^'
Thank you :)

Liane said...

Oh please oh please!!!! (pleading to the fates here). Any of these would be the Best. Present. Ever. Thanks for the chance, Laini, and the wonderful, wonderful writing.

Anonymous said...

That's the most amazing giveaway I've every seen. Both giveaways sound great. Thanks for the opportunity to get so amazing items. Camille

Irene said...

Mine! Mine!Mine!
If you’ve seen Finding Nemo, you will know what it sounds like out loud.
If you haven’t: envision a choir of seagulls singing the word “mine” over and over again.
And Yes.
I am aware it sounds a bit greedy (and I’m afraid I am, but only concerning books..)
Have a nice day!
From Holland with Love
(damn I wish I could have written Russia)

Angela C said...

OMG. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I absolutely loved DoSB! Merry Christmas! You should go visit here in the Philippines. :)

wallerk said...

I am a teacher who LOVES your work. My students and I would be thrilled to win!

Amanda Day said...

Oooooooo please do pop my name into the hat! I love your blog and your writing and your hair.... Fingers crossed :) Thanks so much. Merry (slightly early) Christmas :D

Rachel said...

I loooved Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I'd love to win something!

Jen R. said...

WOW. This. is. EPIC!

I seriously wish I win something. :D DoSB is sitting on my bookshelf. I really wanna read it now- all I've heard are praises- but the second book is still so far away... And I'm scared of cliffhangers. :P

Thanks for the giveaway! :)

JenE said...

These all look amazing. I loved DoSB so very much.

Taneika said...

:O I am completely spasming over how amazing this giveaway is!! Yes, I have been looking for Silksinger EVERYWHERE so it would be amazing but the Daughter goodies would be amazing too! *so much* brilliant stuff!!

As for future giveaways, there is a thing called 'Rafflecopter' which I've seen on a few blogs :) so you could give that a go

dani said...


Daughter of Smoke and Bone is definitely one of the best YA books I read in a long time. I wish I had your ability to put into words how wonderful it is.

Thanks for the giveaway

Dani, from Portugal

A.M. said...

Hi everyone! This is my first time to be look in this blog, and I'm really happy that I did and I get to participate in this contest.

I wish I get picked. I haven't read any Laini Taylor's books yet, but I think that most of them look really interesting.

-Anna Marie

sapphire3006 said...

Oh I love love love the book Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I just finished it. I started it and could not put it down. I would love to win any of the prizes. Thanks Janelle B.

Jana said...

OMG The graphic sampler looks ABSOLUTELY amazing!!! I would DIE if I win any of these! - Jana

Malvina Beatrice said...

Daughter of Smoke & Bone is in my wish-list,both covers are amazing.
I would love it for Christmas, Please & Thank you,Happy holidays!

mel said...

i'm still giggling over the Christmas ornament...I would have SO bought that if I'd come across it! LOL

brilliant are oodles of generous...

*crosses fingers*

Mandy said...

I would *love* to win! I picked up DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE a few months ago and dropped everything else to finish. I then gave it to one of my students to read; she couldn't put it down. She said her aunt asked her for book recommendations and she told her that she "MUST buy this book." I, too, am recommending it to anyone and everyone! Easily one of the best I've read in quite a while.

--jenna said...

Wow wow wow. Oh. Here's hoping for some cosmic goodwill and luck to come my way...
Merry Christmas!

jenn said...

OMG! What an utterly fantastic giveaway! Thanks a lot:)

I recommended Daughter of Smoke and Bone to a very picky co-worker and she loved it! She got mad of course when she realized she'll have to wait awhile for the sequel. Haha!

In the future you may want to consider using google docs or rafflecopter- they're both free and easy to use!

Ms Mazzola said...

I am a high school librarian and would love to win any of these packages for our library. I have been recommending your book to everyone!

Trudy said...

I've been following your blog for over a year now, and devoured every scrap of advice on your Not for Robots blog - but never plucked up the courage to post a comment. Shocking that it should be a giveaway that makes me take the plunge! I loved Daughter, I read it in one sitting. Then again, more slowly, to savour it. Would love to win, obviously, but also want to wish you three a wonderful Christmas.

Sophia said...

I would love to win either of these. You know I adored Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and I'd love to get the chance to read the Faeries of Dreamdark-- the snippets of information from your blog are just too enticing! Hopefully this is open internationally *fingers and toes crossed*

ATU said...

Wow! This is quite the giveaway! Thank you! My fingers will be crossed that I win! (Too many !!!)

Katy Manck, MLS said...

I would SO love to win this! I promise to be very gentle reading the books before passing them on to my twin teen granddaughters who will DEVOUR them... well, maybe I'll just keep the ornament so they don't have to argue about it.

**Katy M
Recommending YA books beyond the bestsellers at
Follow me on Twitter @BooksYALove

Gina said...

Silksinger! What an amazing giveaway! I *loved* DOSAB!

Shalena @ Writer Quirk said...

So very awesome and generous of you! I love the UK cover of DOSAB. Thanks for this!

Nicole Sw. said...

I'd love to win! Merry Christmas and Happy Happy 2012 to you and your family!!

Heather Hawke said...

I finished Smoke and Bone just a few days ago and loved it. It would make me *happy* to win!

Rachel Stark said...

Me me me me me! <3 And by that I mean, I'd like to give a lot of these as gifts, so this is a totally selfless entry.

Sort of.

Malin said...

This is amazing! Thank you for being so generous. If this giveaway is international, I am so in! :D Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one of the best books I've read this year. And ever.

Cynthia Valero said...

Beautiful. Just beautiful. Thank you for creating the chance for us to own and covet some of these very cool Laini items.

word_sketcher said...

I would love to win this! Lovelovelove!

MonsterAteMy said...

Ooh, yes please! Lovely, lovely, lovely.

Jen de Ridder said...

Awesome give away. My book club read Smoke and Bone and we loved it. My hubby and I enjoy sharing your work with others!

nana said...

Hmm.. I rarely rarely win this kind of competitions/giveaways but there's nothing wrong in trying right? ^^a Who knows the Goddess of Books pointing her blessing staff towards me this time :D *crossing fingers*

Alix said...

Oooh what a fabulous giveaway, I have my fingers tightly crossed!

I would have bought that ornament if I'd ever seen it, it made me giggle - definite mean streak here!

DustySE said...

Ok, I am having trouble with the comment form and I-MUST-ENTER-THIS-CONTEST. Hopefully this is not a dup! Thanks for the contest!

Mary Alexandra Agner said...

I'm entering in the hopes of getting a big surprise gift for my sister for this year; she could really use the cheer and she loves your work. Fingers crossed!!

Suzie F. said...

Laini, this is an incredible contest. I'm drooling over the graphic sampler! Please enter me.

Kelley said...

Oh my god. OHMYGOD. I have become such a big fan, ever since I received a littler Daughter of Smoke and Bone teaser booklet at a local bookstore. I CANNOT GET ENOUGH Laini Taylor! Thank you for this chance to win more of your stuff! Now I just have to sit here and hope hope hope that my name comes out of the hat. ;D Cheers!

Q said...

Fabulous! I am sure Clementine will enjoy helping you pick a name. :)

Lauren said...

Jeez kid (as my 4-year-old would say) this looks AMAZING. I want in!! I miss your face. And of course with you (but no, not everyone) a Merry Christmas. Kisskisskiss!! ~Lo

Henry said...

I'm excited!

Laurie Dennison said...

This is awesome. Thank you so much for doing this!

Karam said...

I love your books and your blog Laini! Thanks for offering this giveaway!

Sandie @Teen Lit Rocks said...

Wonderful giveaway! I also just realized we got married within a week of each other in 2001. Hooray for a decade of marriage to awesome men.

shickle1970 said...

Amazing giveaway! Thank you and merry Christmas!

sharonwrote said...

Yes, please.

Becca said...

I have wanted to read these for such a long time!

Just a Lil Lost said...

Oh wow, amazing!!! Thank you for such an amazing giveaway!

Heather said...

Could you hear me squealing all the way in Ohio!? Cause I did!

Leigh Plummer said...

I hope I win, I hope I win! Either set would be AWESOME!

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Lots of great swag!! Enter me please.

Stefanie Marks said...

Laini!!! I just finished Daughter of Smoke And Bone, and I was absolutely blown away!! This is one of the most vivid, beautiful books that I've ever read. I can't wait to read some of your other books.

wendy said...

best giveaway ever. I have also loved the found in a drawer posts. it's cool to see this other thing you did and to see the variations of jim's artwork! clementine is a lucky girl.

Jenn said...

Crossing my fingers! I'd love to win the Dreamdark books!

midnightblooms said...

Lookit the pretty! So, so so pretty! Please enter me. *fingers crossed*

Sarah Sequins said...

What a generous giveaway!

I most definitely understand the sentiment behind the ornament. :)

angelique said...

woweee! excellent giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Connie Onnie said...

Everything is so beautiful I would probably cry if I won. What an awesome contest, it is off the hook!

Sandy said...

O_O I think my brain just exploded from the awesomeness of this post. Wow..thank you for such a generous and wonderful giveaway! :)

Kelley Lynn said...

Ooo! Pick me! Pick me! *Throws her arms into the air. Jumping. Flailing.*

Rani said...

AH! I feel like I've never wanted to win anything more... ! Love. Lovelovelovelove.

Becka said...

So excited!!! How much do you think my fingers will hurt if I keep them crossed for the next two days straight? :)

BookwormJenn said...

Wow! This is the best giveaway ever! Thank you!!!

Brandy said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I'll be crossing my fingers too! :D

Unknown said...

Me! I'd love to win any of those things :) I didn't know Silksinger was out of print! Sad.

Dawn Browning said...

LAINI! what a great idea! and I L*O*V*E the graphic sampler! MEOW! :)

I loved Issa's character... :)

Kristen R said...

Sweet, everything looks amazing. Especially the graphic sampler!

hey_there_ness said...

I would love to hang that ornament at work :)

Daughter of Smoke and Bone is a wonderful wonderful book, completely took me somewhere else and made me think of a lot of things. Looking forward to reading other works of yours.

Deb in UT said...

I've never entered a giveaway before today. Was never tempted until now. I have two children (12 and 9) who I'd love to introduce to your Dreamdark books. You've always been one of my favorite authors/bloggers/people!

I love everything you write and admire you and your family. So talented!

Cheryl Connell said...

VEry cool! Thanks for the chance.


Jennan the Librarian said...

What lovely gifts from the Christmas fairy! I have enjoyed all of your books and am looking forward to future good reads.

babbles said...

This is so cool, What an awesome thing to do for your fans!

Jonquill said...

...I'd like the ornament. There are a few people, not many, who maybe shouldn't get a merry Christmas.

enoll said...

Awesome giveaway. Hands down Daughter of Smoke and Bone was one of the best books I read this year. I recommend it to everyone!!!!

Sashylee said...

Yay, awesome contest all the way around! Thank you!

Andrea said...

Want, want, want! What an awesome contest!

Faith E. Hough said...

Wonderful contest! Thank you!! I had no idea Silksinger was so hard to find--glad I bought it when it first came out! (I loved it even more than the first book.)

Gretchen Alice said...

I'm obsessed with the UK cover of DoSaB. Fingers crossed!

Jackie! said...

Yay! I so want to win, was very sad Vegas was not on your book tour! I have read them all and have a special place in my heart for the characters! Thank you for sharing your colorful world with me!

Kt Clapsadl said...

Amazing Giveaway. Thank you so much!

fakesteph said...

I don't usually enter contests like this, but Daughter of Smoke and Bone was my favorite and I kind of want that temp tatoos. :)

Cara Mia Amore said...

I just started reading your blog because my friend suggested that I read your book! What a great time to start reading it! I would love the chance to win and am excited to read your book!

Emily's Reviews said...

here's to hoping! Thanks for the awesome contest!

Martha Brockenbrough said...

Yes, the coffee ring is fantastic! If I ever were to get a tattoo, it would have to be a coffee ring. Preferably someplace hilarious.

Bookish Fangirl said...

Ooh I really hope I win something!

Kristan said...

Me and Patrick Rothfuss both.

This giveaway is AMAZING, Laini. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

awesome contest!

G. Donald Cribbs said...

Daughter of Smoke and Bone has been so highly regarded among my writer friends, it went to the top of my Christmas Wish List. This would be so amaZING I might collapse on the floor and require an AED or smelling salts to come around. But, it would be worth it! Thank you for this contest. Your readers love you back.

Meradeth Houston said...

Please drop my name in the hat! Great contest!

rameau said...

So very pretty covers all of them. Thanks for chance to participate.

Anonymous said...

Daughter of Smoke and Bone is the book I've been pimping to almost every customer who asks me for a rec- easily my favorite book of the year and the one that made me fall in love with language all over again. Awesome contest!
requiemofrain (at) hotmail (dot) com

LittleFoot said...

I have to do a quiet little dance in my office to express my glee. Thanks for the opportunity!

Dorine White said...

Awesome giveaway Laini. I can't believe I've known you since Silksinger. Can't wait to read Daughter of Smoke and Bones. Congrats on all the publicity.

Amanda said...

What an awesome contest! Thank you!

MoJoKat said...

I would LOVE to win one of these amazing packages. We had a family emergency come up the day we were going to drive to Petaluma for your signing (Boo) and I wasn't able to get to meet you...very bummed. How awesome would it be to get a signed book this way! =-)
Thanks for always thinking of your fans!

Sarah Wedgbrow said...

Thank you, Laini! I'd love to have copies of your earlier works! Sarah.

Kris Atkins said...

What fabulous prizes! I'd love either package. You're so generous!

seh said...

Nearly fainted when I saw this competition I can only beg beg beg please let me win, I am so obsessed with this book it is fantastic it stays with you long after you have read it. I love it please make my christmas

Heidi said...

This is awesome! How nice of you! (And that is a great Christmas ornament, btw.)

Unknown said...

What an amazing giveaway! I haven't read or heard of these to be honest, but they look gorgeous, and I love fantasy. I'm sure I'll love them!

Anonymous said...

OMG THIS IS AWESOME!!! I'd so love either package, though I must say I want the Daughter of Smoke and Bone one a tiny, okay a lot, more :P DO PLEASE count me in!

Chelsey G. said...

Ahhhh, I would love love love to win this!! I absolutely love your books!

Holly said...

This is beyond amazing. Thank you Laini! DoSaB is one of my favorite books of the year

starshapedstar said...

Would love to win :) Great prizes1

ArtemisG said...

Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! Happy Holidays!!!

Tara said...

Wow, that graphic sampler looks so lovely! Aaand so does the LL ornament. I get it. :) Thank you for writing such amazingness, and thank you for this contest!

Jude said...

Thank you for offering this contest, Laini, and Happy Holidays! Hope I win! :D

Heidi said...

You know that "squee" sound once makes when they get really excited about something like baby panda videos? Yeah, that's the sound I made when I saw this giveaway. I want them all! Thank you so much for hosting, your work is beautiful.

Karen said...

Great giveaway! And those covers are gorgeous. Thanks for offering!

Life is Good(ell) said...

What? This giveaway is incredible! I want it all! :o) Is it possible to share that beautiful graphic art with everyone who doesn't win? (i.e. post more on your blog or Jim's?) I'm greedy to see more! And, I really, really, really want that ornament!

Carman said...

Yey! I loveeee your books so much! Your husbands art is lovely~

Krazzyme(Young Readers) said...

I've heard awesome things about your book!!!

Jillian Schmidt said...

This giveaway is incredible. So much pretty! I'm excited about having even a tiny chance of winning.

Absolute Forest of Words said...

What gorgeous prize packs! The graphic novel art is lovely and I would love to read the books too!

Jenny Perinovic said...

Daughter of Smoke and Bone was incredible - and so is this giveaway! The artwork is amazing, too!

Dark_Calling said...

wow!!! that giveaway is just great! im dying to read ur book :)

Marcie said...


Where have you been all my life?


Eti said...

Thank you for hosting this giveaway. I want to read all of your books on an endless loop FOREVER! Thank you so much!

Jenna DeTrapani said...

I should win because I am awesome.
Awesome = Winning
Ask Charlie Sheen :P

Or wait, better yet DON'T ask Charlie Sheen. Because I am a better person than he is and I *really* DON'T want to be compared to Charlie Sheen. He's an awful person (not awesome) and he really ISN'T "winning". Plus, wasn't Charlie Sheen SO "last season"?

Who's winning now? Hopefully they are awesome. Scotty McCreery won Idol last. Should have been Pia, but Scotty is still awesome (hey, he's young and can sing like a 30 year old, that's pretty awesome.) And Melanie and Josh are awesome on X-Factor (forgive me, for I am a singing competition addict) so they are most likely winning that one...

So my case that Awesome = Winning still stands. And I am awesome so maybe I should win, too...

Bottom line: I really want to win this giveaway and am willing to make a fool of myself on your blog in order to win it...

Pick me!

Jenna DeTrapani
howdymomma (at) yahoo (dot) com
Twitter: wackymomma

Love, Chelsea said...

Wow, wow, wow! I want to win it all!!

The Art of Kim Kincaid said...

Wow! I'm a little late to this party but here goes. I love the Blackbringer series and hope, hope, hope you return to Magpie some day. DOSAB is one of my favorite reads of the year. (Serious character crush on Akiva). Fingers crossed.

Shannon said...

I think the ornament is beautiful and would loveeee to win.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a contest! I quite enjoy reading your blog and epic giveaways only make it that much more exciting!
That Daughter package looks especially nice, but maybe I'm biased because I have a signed copy of Silksinger on my bookshelf. I can't believe it's out of print!

Sequoia :)

Carol said...

I absolutely love all of your work. You're writing inspires me.

Natalie Whipple said...

Gah! Want so bad! I love that ornament! Okay, I love everything. *grabby hands*

cosnmom said...

"Daughter of Smoke and Bone" is by far my favorite read of 2011. I would love to be able to read the Dreamdark Series. Your husband's artwork is breathtaking. :)

Lori Teal said...

I'm in LOVE with the graphic artwork. It's so beautiful!! I wish you could buy it. I'd get it in a heartbeat. But, I'll just enter this contest in hopes of winning. :-) I love the book by the way. I'm currently working on jewelry inspired by the book. :-) can't wait to read what happens next.

Amy said...

What fun! Thanks, Laini. I'd love to win--

J said...

Holy halibut, there are a lot of entries! Maybe I'll get some holiday luck...I'd love to win something. :)

~Courtney said...

Just finished Daughter of Smoke and Bone and it was beyond fabulous. Hopefully I can win that beautiful graphic artwork from it. Thanks for having the wonderful giveaway

Kiersten White said...

Want. All.

Kim said...

I have not yet had the chance to read any of your books. This is a good way to check one out. Thanks for the wicked contest! :D


Jenn Rush said...

I love the UK cover so hard. I WANT!

TL Conway said...

The ornament is fabulous. As is the entire giveaway!

Alison Cherry said...

Fabulous free stuff!!! HOORAAAAY!

Shanella said...

Oh My Goodness. *drools*

*crosses fingers* I don't think I've wanted to win a contest as badly as I do this one! :)

Macbella2 said...

Exciting prizes. Nothing beats a good book ;)
sweetmelf at yahoo dot ca

Have a great day!

Amy said...

That UK cover is gorgeous!!

Amazing giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity!

fishgirl182 said...

wow thank you for the amazing giveaway. i love the christmas ornament! i have the perfect place for it on my tree...
twee66 at gmail dot com

Avery said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway! I LOVE the UK cover!


Valia Lind said...

Oh so many goodies!!! Thanks so much for the chance! :-)

Lacy said...

Sweet deal. This is quite a load of stuff to win. Thanks!

Amy Moran said...

Everyone is from such exciting places, but I bring greetings from just south of Portland.

I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone!

YA Bibliophile said...

AHHHHHHH! The graphic sampler!!!!!!!!!!! ***makes grabby hands*** I've been dying to see that since you mentioned it on tour! I so want to see those characters!!!

Linda said...

Fabulous giveaway! And that UK cover is gorgeous.

tonya said...

Oh my good gracious! These are AMAZING giveaways. I've been wanting to read your other series, and was disappointed to learn how hard it was to find! As for the DoSaB schwag--GUH. WANT. All the Akiva. Give him to me. And his man nipples. Heee.

Thank you so much for doing this! xxoo

xtessa said...

i'm drooling over the illustrations... i want!!!!

Taylor said...

Have to say, I'm totally in love with the Christmas ornament. I thought it was hilarious. But thanks for the contest! I love your writing. Keeping my fingers crossed. :D

Miriam said...

Entering! Entering entering entering the contest! (Especially for the Dreamdark pack. Also, you totally need to write more Dreamdark books. And Silksinger needs to not be OOP.

Michelle said...

I don't think I'd need anything else for Christmas if I won any of these. But seriously, these are awesome. And yes, your husband is crazy talented. I love graphic novels, and the artwork is gorgeous.

Also, the captcha would make an excellent name for a character: Scoratt. I'll let you have it, if you want. ;)

Play said...

ahh, this looks so awesome!! <3

Kenzie Audacious said...

These prizes are so awesome! Thanks for holding this! :)

Kiirsi said...

What?? Silksinger is out of print?! Noooo!!! LOVED the Dreamdark books. Thank you for running a fun contest!

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