Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Hello! I've been meaning to do this for ages, and here at last: a reader appreciation giveaway! Because I loOoOoOoOoOoOove people who read books, especially my books :-), and I want to give you stuff. Hurray! There are some things here that are a) hard to find, and b) truly rare and [potentially] collectible. There are two each of two sets of shwag. 


2 sets of ...

  • 1 signed (by author and illustrator) hardcover of Blackbringer
  • 1 signed (by author and illustrator) hardcover of Silksinger 
  • 1 Laini's Ladies Christmas ornament

Now, Silksinger, you may know, is hard to find. It's out of print and costs upwards of $70 on Amazon for a used copy. So this is a good way to get it -- two chances! 

As for the ornament, it reads "Merry Christmas nearly everyone!" and is one of my favorite LL holiday ornaments, though it never sold well because apparently people didn't "get" it ... Really? Is it really just me with this little mean place in my heart, or are there just not a few people you truly hope do not have a merry Christmas? Maybe it is just me ...

2.) Daughter of Smoke & Bone super shwag pack!
2 sets of ...

  • 1 signed hardcover copy Daughter of Smoke and Bone, UK edition
  • 1 complete audiobook on CD, US edition
  • 1 signed (by illustrator) extremely limited edition graphic sampler, produced & dist. in the UK
  • 1 very cool 4-chapter sampler/party invitation (party has already happened, sorry!)
  • 2 sets of hamsa temporary tattoos
  • 1 vivid blue feather carnival mask to match US cover

Here's some photos of some of the stuff.

The UK hardcover. So pretty:

The back is gorgeous too ...

The graphic sampler (l) and the party invitation (r):

The graphic sampler was a convention giveaway in the UK, and is eight pages of graphic artwork by my talented husband/collaborator, Jim Di Bartolo, depicting a small section of the book (from Karou and Zuzana at Poison to Karou going through the portal). Here's what it looks like:

Gorgeous! And this really isn't something you're going to find anywhere else. I don't think.

As for the sampler/party invitation, this was the ingenious package sent out in advance of the pre-launch party at ALA in New Orleans this summer. It's just such a cool thing, made to look like Karou's sketchbook, with this awesome sticker on the cover, which you might recall from the book:

Love the coffee ring :-)


Alas, I was trying to find a free contest widget so I wouldn't have to enter every name in a hat later, but I couldn't find anything, so we'll do this the old-fashioned way! Leave a comment to this post. That is all. I will announce winners here, at which time I will ask that you email me your address -- but wait until you win :-)

Deadline to enter: midnight PST, Saturday, December 10. I will pick the four winning names on Sunday; which prizes go to who will just be by order of choosing, with Dreamdarks first and Daughters second.

Ok. That's all. Comment away! Tell your friends. Smooooooooooooch!


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prerna pickett said...

I want it all! No really. Thanks for running this contest!

A.J. Locke said...

Great giveaway!

L Lawson said...

If Rothfuss wishes he'd written your book, it's one I need to read. Purchasing whether or not my name is pulled--so excellent contest for you already!

EEM said...

All of this stuff looks gorgeous! Thank you for holding this giveaway. Good luck everyone and Happy Holidays!

Beth said...

Gorgeous giveaways!!!! <3

famouslyso said...

What a fabulous contest!

Shae said...

In the middle of the grading frenzy that always occurs at the ends of semesters, and this giveaway just might be the bright spot that's oh-so-difficult to find in the piles of essays on my desk...

Robin said...

Oooh, pick me!

Lauren said...

What an amazing contest! That graphic sampler is gorgeous!

K said...

This is amazing!

I felt in love with the cover of Daughter of Smoke and Bones and had to have it. Blackbringer has been at the top of To Be Read ever since.

Like I said, this is amazing!

Ashley said...

*waves hand like a crazy person* ME PLEASE!

Jessica Ring said...

I would love to win!! Amazing giveaway!

Book Chelle said...

Silksinger! Eeeeeep! This giveaway is amazing. Thank you for doing this. Good luck to everyone out there!

Jessica said...

This is such a great giveaway. Thank you so much for the chance. I love all of your books. :) This would make an awesome Christmas present to myself, lol....

Michelle @ Much Loved Books said...

Love the prizes. Thanks for this amazing competition!!!!!

mich UK

t. said...

Every time I'm in Portland I keep an eye out for pink hair. All kinds of pink things I wouldn't have noticed before catch my eye, but so far - they haven't been you. I did see Jim at the Neil Gaiman and Amanda Palmer show. I didn't say "hello" because I was too shy.

Mardou1 said...

Ooh, what an AWESOME giveaway! Me, me, me LOL. :D

Thanks so much...this is so generous. And gorgeous! Did I mention gorgeous?

Sarah Goldberg said...

What a wonderful contest! I've loved LIPS TOUCH and DAUGHTER OF SMOKE & BONE, and the Dreamdark books are on my list.

WhatsMyNom said...

Oh man, I would LOVE to win that daughter of smoke and bone set but I've been meaning to read Dreamdark as well so fingers crossed, I'll win one or the other!

Thanks, and Happy Holidays, Laini!

MelBelle127 said...

Laini, this is one AWESOME giveaway! Wooooot! Thank you!

Rachel Bateman said...

Holy cow, this is only the best giveaway EVER. I hope I win so bad it's not even funny.

And for the record, I think the Christmas ornament is hilarious.

The Geek Bride said...

Yay! Thank you so much for the opportunity to win. Your writing brings magic to this world & should be read by all.

Sarah said...

I am so excited! I've read your blog since I used to participate in Inspire Me Thursday. I have enjoyed watching your career flourish, and am so very excited for all of your success! My husband works in the library field, and whenever I see your name, I say, I know her! (Not really, but I feel like I do since I've read your blog for years.) Anyway, please enter my name!

Christina Reads YA said...

Oh wow. The graphic sampler looks amazing! What a wonderful contest! Thanks for the opportunity.

Book Babe said...

Wow! Great prizes! Almost as good as your writing. :)

Lyra said...

I'd love to be entered. Thank you!

Matthew said...

So generous! I would love to enter my name. Thanks:-)

Loving Books said...

Dude. These are like the epic prizes of epicosity!! Makes me want to go all grabby hands (so it's a good thing they're safe and secure on the other side of the interwebz). But count me in, pretty please with a cherry on top? *bats eyelashes*

Steph @ The Caffeinated Reader said...

Oh my gosh, I would LOVE to win any of these! So amazing. Daughter of Smoke and Bone was one of the best books of the year, and I can't wait to read Lips Touch: Three Times :)

Thank you for being so generous!

Steph @ The Caffeinated Reader

Jaime Morrow said...

Wow! What a generous gift! So much awesome swag =) Daughter of Smoke and Bone is one of my favourite books of the year (and even one of my all-time favourites). Love the coffee ring too lol.

Leiah said...

This is such an amazing giveaway! Gah! The graphic novel needs to happen for the whole book!

EJ said...

I have to wait to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone when I get back to the States in June. I love your books and have to have the paper copy: an e-book just isn't the same for me with some authors, and you are one of those fabulous authors. I can hardly wait -and the anticipation is wonderfully dreadful!

dmbeucler said...

Happy Holidays.

alicia marie said...

*fingers crossed!*

Crystal said...

What an amazing giveaway!! Thank you so much!

Cristina said...

This is a great giveaway! Thank you :)

brandisbookmusings said...

Talk about giveaway awesomeness! Can't wait to read the Dreamdark books.

Hannah said...

Oh.OH. How I would love, LOVE to win one of these prizes! SILKSINGER is actually on my wishlist this year! I love reading and getting lost in your books. I recently finished DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE and it was marvelously wonderful. Again, I would be overjoyed if I won one of these prizes! And the hamsa tattoos for your hands, and Karou's notebook! eeeep! I-am-so-excited!!!

Debra S. said...

Thank you Laini, this is such a fun giveaway, because I know that everything you are giving away means so much to you!

Unknown said...

I can`t even decide which one I would want to win.

Gahhh, you`re too good to us.

Anonymous said...

That ornament would look awesome hanging from my christmas tree... just saying ;D

Mindy said...

I want the Dreamdark set soooooo badly! I love them so much! Why is Silksinger out of print??? That needs to be fixed!

laurendftba said...

*crosses fingers* *offers holiday cheer* *smiles innocently*

Travis said...

VERY awesome contest! :)

Kristin Yuki said...

Would LOVE Silksinger...or the LL ornament...or any one of the DOS&B treats! *crossing fingers*

Libby said...

oooh! Pick me, pick me!

Alice said...

Wow, that art is stunning! And I love the ornament! :)

I'm such a huge fan of your writing, it would make my year to win! :)

Empsgorm said...

Laini, I just finished reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone last night, and immediately subscribed to this blog. I said exactly what Patrick Rothfus said, and then I hugged my copy of the book. Yes, slightly embarrassing. But thank you for writing such an amazing, elegant, lyrical piece of gripping fiction. I would love to win the Daughter swag, but will take anything with your name on it! Thanks for running this contest!

Stephanie @ The Night Bookmobile said...

Wow, the graphic sampler looks beautiful.

Jill Kaplan said...

Wow! Winning one of these would make my collection of Laini Taylor books and swag complete :) Thanks for doing this Laini, and Merry Christmas!

Celine said...

I actually got the UK Cover for Daughter of Smoke and Boneand IT IS Pretty!!!!! The graphic sampler looks way AWESOME!! I just love seeing one of my favourite being illustrated! Thank you so much for the giveaway!

Jennifer Morian Frye said...

WOW!!! How cool are these prize packages!! Excited doesn't begin to cover it....Very wonderful, incredible gifts! I had no idea Silksinger was so rare. Our library has TWO....great, now they'll be stolen...

debsfreckles said...

I want-I want-I want-I want!Me-me-me-me!Mine-mine-mine-mine!Now-now-now-now! (from Hook:)

Carrie said...

I can't stop thinking about Daughter of Smoke and Bone, which I finished a few days ago. Like compulsively can't stop thinking about it. I'm going to read everything you've ever written. Like, this week. And I would love to win any of these fabulous prizes :)
Thank you for being awesome!

Krispy said...

What?! Silksinger is out of print?! These are amazing prizes! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

I just found you! I am in love with Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I can't stop thinking about it. That is a wonderful feeling and so hard find. I looking forward to exploring more of your work. You have a fantastic imagination and a beautiful vocabulary. Stunning.
Elizabeth CB Anderson

Kayla Marie said...

This is amazing!! Want so much! :)

Alysa Stewart said...

Wow, so many entries already! :D I've seen other blogs (including Enna Isilee's Squeaky Books) do something with GoogleDocs, I imagine that's free. Thanks for the contest!

Kathryn Rose said...

Everything!!!! OMG EVERYTHING!!! :D :D :D Thanks for this comment, Laini!

candyn said...

Oh, oh, oh, pick me! Me! Pick me!!! Please? :o)

jenn said...

How fun! I'd love to win either of these!

Anonymous said...

Cool! thanks for the giveaway!!! i loved daughter of smoke and bone :)
Alyssa S.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an amazing giveaway!! Thank you! Please count me in!

Edwin R said...

Wonderful treats! Pick me! Pick me!

Holly said...

Gotta enter. I so want to see the booklet Jim illustrated for the UK release!


Elisa Sims said...

Hecks yeah! What a rad contest.

Alyssa said...

Fabulous prizes!!! thank you for the chance to win!!


Erin S said...

Amazing Giveaway!!! Thanks so much for having it!!

Gerushia's New World said...

Oh me, oh my....I'm keeping every single body part crossed, that can be crossed, in hopes that I might be a chosen one.

I am also a fan of your art as well. Love your style. I remember seeing your art within a circle of blog friends through Vanessa Valencia (A Fanciful Twist).

Gerushia's New World

Jessica Spinney said...


Oh Laini, you are as generous as your hair is pink! Ho ho ho, and a merry Christmas to you, too!

Kate Goodwin said...

Laini, you rock! I too love your "Merry Christmas" ornament : )

Daughter was the most fabulous thing I have ever read!! I can't wait to check out your Dreamdark books.

PS Any chance you'd do more of those prints you had up on Etsy (the hafiz/happiness one specifically)?

persnickety_jen said...

Absolutely coveting the graphic sampler and the party invite of Karou's notebook! (We're talking "Goblin Fruit" levels of covetousness!)

Anonymous said...

Pick me Pick Me! Once I started reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I couldn’t stop until it was done. Loved it and can't wait to read the sequel.

Commander Kip said...

*feeling smug because she bought a copy of Silksinger back when it was affordable, booyah* This is all very exciting, Miss Laini, but I am hankering badly for the UK edition of Daughter. So gorgeous!

Vivien said...

This is seriously EPIC! Some of the most sought after prizes :)

deadtossedwaves at gmail dot com

Gloriana Salgado said...

Wow! This is such an awesome giveaway! Yay! Daughter of Smoke & Bone was my favorite book of 2011!

Brett said...

Okay, Daughter of Smoke and Bone is THE best (YA) book of the year. Period! (I won't even argue this point, so don't try.) Count me in, please!

Christina said...

OMG!!! Either one of these would make the best Christmas gift ever! Thanks so much for gifting these. I'm sure the lucky winners will be over the moon (I know I would be).

D. said...

Eee! I'm so excited! Good luck to everyone (but mostly to me)!

Pagecrawler said...

Wow! Great give away!I really hope this is international as I live in the UK. Crossing my fingers and hoping that 277 (my comment numberat the moment) is my lucky number

Thanks again

jclaine said...

Thanks for the contest Laini! I would love to get my hands on a copy of Silksinger...

Jessica said...

I wonder if it wasn't that people didn't "get" it, but rather that they were afraid of people knowing they *did* if they had an ornament that said "Merry Christmas nearly everyone!" ;-). Thanks for the giveaway, Laini!

Helen said...

Haven't actually had a chance to read any of these books so this giveaway intrigues me. XD

Rambling Wraith said...

Oh holy wow! You are my absolute favorite author EVER! This is so Kringly of you. Awesome contest! And I really want to go to Prague now.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! this has to be the most AWESOME give away EVER!!! thank you so so so much for this one! I am so going re-post this one everywhere! Good luck everyone!!! :)

Megsie said...

Oh, my! Yes, please!!

melissa @ 1lbr said...

Oh my tea and crumpets I want to win something from here! Anything! So, so gorgeous. Thanks for the giveaway. :)

Beth S. said...

OMG! This is the awesomest prize ever! And how did I not know Daughter of Smoke and bone would be a graphic novel? That is so perfect.

S said...

Wow, what a fantastic giveaway! I know a few people who would love to get this, so it's definitely worth a try!

Leigh Smith said...

Wow! What an amazing contest!! Thanks, Laini!

alicerose said...

Laini, I love your work, your whimsy, and of course your fabulous pink hair. Fingers and toes crossed! xox
(p.s. i tried to comment about 200 people ago but my phone wouldn't let me...take 2...)

thoughtcrimes said...

You are the best! this is such an awesome giveaway. I have been wanting to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone, but the swag is killer as well! That carnival mask...

Jeanne said...

No way. I've been waiting and hoping since before Daughter was released that you'd have a give away. I'd love to win anything and everything you've got here. SO LOVELY.

KeliaMegan said...

Might as well! I'd LOVE to get either of those prizes, thanks for such a fabulous giveaway!

Anonymous said...

hi layni is too late i want in please!!! :) grettings from Colombia I just loved duagther of smoke and bones!!

Anonymous said...

Oh yay! I hope I win! All of these books are so great, and the Laini's Lady would be such a treasure. Thanks! Jenna D.

Jennifer Castle said...

Oh my. My my! "Daughter" was my favorite read of 2011. You are inspiration. That is all.

teaformilla said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

Wow this is amazing!

teaformilla said...

Oops, I accidently removed my previous comment. Contest Entry: Take 2!

June G said...

This is so awesome. I just bought 2 copies to give away as Christmas presents! If I win any of this stuff, I'll have more to give away! Thanks and good luck to me! Ha!

Tatiana (The Readventurer) said...

Such an amazing giveaway! I so hope I am one if the lucky ones.

Louise Moony said...

Comment! Woohoo. I am excite!

Myrna Foster said...

I just noticed Silksinger was out of print, last week, when I was Christmas shopping. :(

Thanks for the incredible giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the cool giveaway!! I have never read the Dreamdark books! But now I want to :)

Amanda A

katy in wonderland said...

Gah. Want.

Charlotte said...

What a lovely giveaway! Thanks!

Angelique said...

Love your books and your blog (and your husband's art!), and would be very excited to win!

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

yikes 307 comments - count me in !

Kayla Lamb said...

I guess I'm a little late to the party, having only just happened upon (okay, Googled) your blog. What an amazing giveaway! I absolutely loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone. :)

Laurence King said...

This is a very, very cool contest, Laini, and the prizes...hmm...are to die for!

Brooke Adams said...

Wow this is amazing. I read Daughter of Smoke and Bone and loved it!!!!

Unknown said...

Those look wonderful! Your books are a joy. Thank you for writing them!

Lucie said...

I just showed this to my husband because I knew he would be excited to see that image of Brimstone, hunched over his teeth.


Megan said...

Those prizes are just so...pretty. I could look at them all day long! And you're not alone. I too have that little place in my heart that wishes a select few individuals a "mediocre holidays."

Michelle Santiago said...

the UK cover is AMAZING!!! thank you so much for this awesome-tastic giveaway.

Monica said...

Oooooh me me me me me!!!! I got hooked on your books/started reading your blog when my teen book club read Lips Touch Three Times a few years back and had a unanimous LOVE of it!

p.s. I was going to suggest a random number generator, but then I saw how many comments there are and unless you can get a numbered list on your end, that probably won't be any better :-(

Tristy said...

Oh WOW! Love the artwork on the covers! Can only imagine what amazing stories lye beneath!
I'm from Australia! Love Daughter of Smoke and Bone!

Carrie D said...

These are amazing! I adore your work and have been book rec-ing to anyone who will listen! :D

Lauren Trueman said...

Lauren Trueman

Unknown said...

I absolutely loved this book!!!!!! I can't wait for a continuation story!!! :)

Mrs. FB said...

Super great idea. I'd enter just for the Laini's Ladies ornament, but the super swag books are an amazing bonus. Really wanting a copy of DoS&B before it wins all its awards (Im pretty sure it's going to), so I can say I had it oh,so long ago :)

Rachael H. said...

Whoa, baby! Greatest giveaway ever!!! Loved Daughter, Laini. I'm a big, big fan! Thanks a ton!

Melissa said...

What an amazing giveaway! I'd love to win any of these things. Thanks so much for running this contest!

Christy said...

YAY! How awesome for you to share with us!!! Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Wow! So many great prizes. Thank you so much for the chance!

If you what a free contest widget, you should try Rafflecopter. Here is a demo video.

Pam Lepper said...

I'd love to enter :)

Jade said...

What's with all these people trying to win MY contest. WANTS! *grabby hands*

Cher said...

I recently read "Daughter of Smoke and Bone", and I loved it!

TeresaD said...

YAY! I've got my fingers crossed for that beautiful copy of Silksinger! I didn't realize it was out of print, so I've been having the most frustrating time finding it!

Allison said...

Oooh, exciting giveaway! I've been wanting to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone for a while now (SO MANY people are saying AWESOME things about it!), but I've been busy trying to graduate college. Semester's almost over, though, so this is the PERFECT time :D And all the cool stuff that comes with each package looks super nifty/gorgeous/fantastic. Yaaay!

Amy said...

Wow! That is amazing! I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and I would love to see the graphic book! I've drawn some pictures of what I imagine Karou to look like, but I'd love to see more of the graphic book's pages!

I'm so excited! Thank you sooooo much for writing this book and for holding this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for the giveaway! Happy Holidays!
Jean S.

Kristen said...

Wow, what an amazing contest! Thanks for the giveaway!dcr

Summer said...

Before this, I'll admit I've never heard of you. But. Dude. You have a book called Daughter of Smoke and Bone. <3 That is such an insanely gorgeous title - so visceral! so descriptive! - that I'd probably buy that book instantly just for the title. Add praise from Pat Rothfuss himself? Suddenly my brain goes OMIGOSH THIS BOOK MUST BE AMAZING IT IS THE BEST OF ALL POSSIBLE BOOKS. Sigh. If I don't flukishly win this then it'll be time for a bookshop prowl, I suppose.

JoyAnneMorgan said...

What a wonderful treat! THANK YOU THANK YOU!! (^_^)

Jenny said...

So much pretty! Love love love!

Bemkah said...

I LOVED Daughter of Smoke and Bone, and I'd LOVE to win any of these prize packs. I can't wait for the sequel and to see how everything plays out. My apologies if I missed this somewhere in your blog post, but is it open to international readers? I'm from Australia.

saicwizard said...

I would love this for my daughter (ahem and me too:). Thanks. We both loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone. xx

Taylor said...

Eeeeeep! This is so amazing! Thanks you so much for this awesome giveaway, Laini. (: DoSaB has become one of my favorite books. I cannot wait for the sequel!!!

M3LF4C3 said...

Wow! Those are some really impressive giveaways! I almost wish that they had been broken down so each item was a different giveaway so more people could get them. But the winners will be very lucky!

Unknown said...

oh, boy. oh, boy. oh, boy ohboyohboyohboy...I love laini. I love jim. I love clementine pie. I love your books and art. so much love.

Anonymous said...

My 8th grade launguage arts teacher intreduced me to your books and I love them. Daughter of smoke and bone remind me of the Fallen series by Lauren Kate and any way I hope i win bcz silksinger is way expensiveso it be great to own it and read it over and over again. I really *HOPE* to win.

Gabrielle said...

This would wicked. Thanks for the awesome giveaways. Crosses my fingers...even though I never win anything lol! Maybe it's finally time.

Amber Clites said...

This is AMAZING!!! Daughter of Smoke and Bone was my absolute favorite book this year. Fingers way crossed that I win!!!

Alison B said...

Oh, wow, this sounds like such a great giveaway! Thanks so much~

iNK said...

Wow that's really generous of you! Great book by a great author! <3

jessica said...

luv the fact that there are awesome authors who give away the coolest things!!! Thanks for being so great!!! Hopes for a first win!!!!
thanks again

bette said...

dear laini, this is the first time ever I am leaving a comment here. I have been following your blog for a while, because I liked your personality and all its facettes so much, and because I loved to see any developement in your new-old house. and suddenly I found myself on amazon, checking out your books, thinking: hmmmm, I wonder how she writes ... if she writes as good as her daughter is cute, it must be very good indeed ;-) of course, I could just buy one (a book, not a daughter), but look at these treasures!!

Tamara S said...

wow, all the lurkers really spring out of the woodwork when you offer free books.

Flawless Victory said...

You are such an amazing person. This is an awesome giveaway.

For a long time I stopped reading, until I found your books. They have renewed my sense of wonderment and enjoyment. Thank you for this.

I absolutely love the graphic sampler, it's beautiful.

Anyways, we really appreciate you doing this Laini. Happy Holidays, and cheers!

SM Robertson said...

Ooo, what a fabulous giveaway! :) *crosses fingers*

Jessica said...

I have been looking for Silksinger everywhere. No wonder it's been so hard to track down.
The Daughter graphic sampler looks amazing too. Thanks for holding this contest!

Hilary said...

I love your books and have been reading them since Blackbringer! I would love my own copy of the Blackbringer series. I just read Daughter of Smoke and Bone and I can't wait to read the next one.

ChristyG said...

*swoon* This is the giveaway dream of a lifetime! Oh I would love to win any of this magical stuff... thank you for this! Fingers and toes crossed!

Wizardess said...

Yes, please! Just finished Daughter of Smoke & Bone and am reading it again. Cheers.

Jillian said...

Oh my goodness! The Daughter of Smoke and Bone package looks absolutely gorgeous! WANT!

(And the ornament included with the Dreamdark package is adorable! I know what you mean about wishing "nearly" everyone a Merry Christmas. I don't know why that ornament didn't sell well since I think we all have a bit of the Grinch in us that way.)

Anyway, enough gushing. Thank you for the lovely contest opportunity, Laini!

Bobby S. said...

Count me in! Epic giveaway!!!

cassie emma said...

You are awesome! :)

tone almhjell said...

Okay, so I really feel like I shouldn't enter, that sisters, even of the agency sort, somehow should abstain. probably a weird Norwegian thing. But I can't help it. That graphic sampler is just too fantastic and special NOT to. Count me in.

JennyG said...

Hi Laini, Your books have only recently been recommended to me, and they look so shiny and wonderful that I'm really, really excited to discover them for myself. Thanks so much for offering this amazing giveaway. I hope 'Daughter' brings you lots and lots of success and happy things.

kaysi said...

Wow. Thank you for such a great giveaway. I really hope this is open internationally!!!
If not, I thank you for your wonderful work anyway :)

Michelle Warren said...

How awesomely-awesome of you!!! Please pick me!!! *fingers crossed, eyes crossed, legs crossed* :)

Kate said...

Thank you for the opportunity! :)

A Whale of a Tale Storytelling said...

Zazou has touched my heart and you have touched my imagination with your incredible world.

Georgia Summers said...

Wow, these are great!

T said...

This is awesomesauce! Thanks for running the give away. I hope I win :)

LuLuStar said...

ENTERING!!!i so hope that I win this I really love your work and I am one of those who can't get a copy of dreamdark silksinger! Love love love your work and can't wait to read more from you! Also get silksinger back in publication :)!! Hehe thanks so much for holding the contest and good luck to everyone!!

Kelsi M said...

OMG this is so exciting!! I NEED to win that DoSaB swag. The graphic sampler is simply gorgeous. *o*

Thank you so much for the amazing giveaway! (:

Ina said...

I would looooooooooooooooooove to get my hands on the graphic sampler! I wish they would let you have MUCH more influence on the artwork! IT would be brilliant to have Daughter published in the way of Lips touch!
Fingers crossed for a special edition!!!

Kelly R said...

SO exciting!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed that I can win some swag! :D I am completely obssessed with Daughter of Smoke and Bone right now and I cannot wait for the sequel!!

Justine M said...

Where's a bruxis when you need one?! Maybe then I could wish all that swag into my mailbox. (;

Elizabeth said...

I would LOVE to win either of these awesome packages! (But perhaps especially the Daughter of Smoke and Bone package cause I haven't read it yet!)

Yippie - fingers and toes crossed!
Elizabeth N. from MN

Kelsey M said...

I am loving this giveaway! I am completely in love with Daughter of Smoke and Bone and would love love love to get some of that shwag!

anne said...

Pick me Pick me :)

Sarah Kelly said...

Best. Giveaway. EVER.
Thank you so much for doing this!

Anonymous said...

Just finished reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone and loved it! You are an amazing author, Laini! (:

Carina Olsen said...

Oh, wow. Such amazing prizes :D Thank you so much for giving them away. <33 Would love to win something (A) :)
Love, Carina

stefanne74 said...

Wow! What a amazing giveaway!

jpetroroy said...

WOW WOW WOW. These are all stunningly gorgeous.

jpetroroy at gmail dot com

Anami said...

Your books are amazing. Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us.

.jessica. said...

OooOOOoOOOOooOoo, so cool! Thanks for running this!

Tina T said...

Great giveaway, thanks so much, Laini! The odds do not seem to be in my favor, but I will still keep my fingers crossed!

Hope M said...


Gilly said...

Those prizes are fantastic. What a wonderful promotion right before the holiday!

birttany f said...

almost 400 comments?! oh, boy the odds are slim, but I'm still hoping I can win something!

Taylor McKenzie said...

Ooooh please do drop my name into that hat! Ever since I finished Daughter of Smoke and Bone, I've been totally obssessed with it! Its definitely one of my favorite books of this year. I am so looking forward to the sequel but I wish Septmeber would get here sooner!

Rachel said...

I love it! I'm finishing up Dreamdark on audio book right now and absolutely loving it. You have a gift, my friend. A great great gift and I thank you for sharing it with us.

JAJohnson said...

Whoa, this is awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!

Emily said...

Would so love to win!

Karen M said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway! I'm excited ot see who wins. (:

Shveta Thakrar said...

Wow. People want your books, Laini! <3

I'd love to win the sampler, so I'm throwing my hat into. . .your hat? That doesn't really make sense. Oh, well!

Jodi Tanner said...

I just finished DoSaB and am currently in the middle of Lips Touch and am absolutely in love with your writing! I've been wanting to read your Dreamdark series as well, but I didn't realize Silksinger was out of print, so I'm hoping I can win a copy!!

Vivian Futch said...

The UK version of DoSaB is soooo pretty! I love the feathers. And I reaaally want that sampler!

Kirsten said...

Thank you for downloading your amazing imagination into such wonderful books. They are wonderful treats for a bibliomaniac like me. I can't wait to read even more and to add such beauty to my library collection.
P.S. Love your husband's work and your daughter's pigtails!

tay my said...

oOOOHhhh pretties! MULT-PRETTIES!!! Thank you for the wins!!!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous!!! Thank you so much for this wonderful giveaway! =) You ROCK!! I loved Daughter of Smoke and Bone it was beautiful, I could read it over and over and never get tired of it. The UK Edition is breathtaking.

You and your husband are both crazy talented! Thank you for sharing all this amazing stuff with the world! =)

Vivian Futch said...

Exciting! Can't wait to see who wins. I have my eyes on the Dreamdark books, but I'd love to win either swag packages!

Tiffany G said...

OMG I adore your books, Laini and would be thrilled to win something, especially a signed book! (:

Gracey C said...

Aww, I love the christmas ornament. (: Thank you so much for doing this giveaway.

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