Thursday, March 20, 2014

IN THE SHADOWS BY Jim Di Bartolo & Kiersten White

So, you guys already know that my husband, Jim Di Bartolo, is super talented. And I'm sure you also know that Kiersten White is super talented. But still, knowing this, you cannot quite imagine how amazing their collaboration, IN THE SHADOWS, is. 

What is IN THE SHADOWS? It's a heavily illustrated novel, but it's not a novel where the art illustrates the text. Two stories are told, one by Kiersten, with words, and one by Jim, with pictures. The stories are connected, but it will take you the duration of the book to figure out exactly how. And when they do come together in the end: POW! It's crazy satisfying.  

That all sounds cool and all (it is), but I've been trying to figure out how to really SHOW YOU this book. The only thing that does it justice is holding it in your hands and reading it. It's this beautiful compact brick of glossy paper, text printed in sepia, decorative borders, lavish artwork. So much artwork. I think this will help give you an idea of why this is a reading experience you have to have (and why you have to have this experience with a physical book, not a tablet):

WOW, right?

So what's it "about"?

From the remarkable imagination of acclaimed artist Jim Di Bartolo and the exquisite pen of bestselling author Kiersten White comes a spellbinding story of love, mystery, and dark conspiracy, told in an alternating narrative of words and pictures.
Cora and Minnie are sisters living in a small, stifling town where strange and mysterious things occur. Their mother runs the local boarding house. Their father is gone. The woman up the hill may or may not be a witch.

Thomas and Charles are brothers who’ve been exiled to the boarding house so Thomas can tame his ways and Charles can fight an illness that is killing him with increasing speed. Their family history is one of sorrow and guilt. They think they can escape from it . . . but they can’t.

Arthur is also new to the boarding house. His fate is tied to that of Cora, Minnie, Thomas, and Charles. He knows what darkness circles them, but can’t say why, and doesn’t even know if they can be saved.  

Sinister forces are working in the shadows, manipulating fates and crafting conspiracies. The closer Cora, Minnie, Arthur, Thomas, and Charles get to the truth, the closer they get to harm. But the threat is much bigger than they can see. It is strangling the world.  

Until one of the boys decides he wants to save it.  

Told in an astonishing mix of art and words, IN THE SHADOWS collides past against future, love against evil, and hope against fear.  The result is both a mystery and a masterpiece.

Even the text pages are gorgeous. I mean, the writing is gorgeous, yes, but I'm not allowed to show you that. I'm sneaking showing you this much. Hope I don't get in trouble ... But the design is gorgeous too:

Sneaky me. Get this book. It's just as good for boys as for girls. The art is edgy and dangerous and will appeal to readers of graphic novels, and the text story offers something different: it's poetic and atmospheric, gothic, creepy and romantic.

It's just awesome. Don't miss it.

Pre-order now:


Jenn said...

YAY! I am so excited for this book since I heard about it on the Twitter-verse! I've loved Jim's art since I was exposed to it in LIPS TOUCH, so duh, definitely getting this book. I just wish it came out sooner! (all the exclamation points, totally necessary)

Unknown said...

I preordered it a few weeks ago and cannot wait! It looks absolutely amazing! Thanks for the sneak peaks.

Jane Harrison said...

It looks beautiful! Thanks for posting a link to the signed copy.

Unknown said...


tone almhjell said...

It is simply amazing. Probably the most stunning, beautifully manifested story I've seen in years. Yes, yes, get it!

Jim Di Bartolo said...

Well, thank you dear wife for writing such a lovely, praise-filled post (!!!) and thank you so much Jenn, Anna, Melinda, Emma, and Tone! Your kind words and enthusiasm is so incredibly wonderful to hear! I really hope you enjoy the book when it comes out. It was a true labor of love for both Kiersten and myself!

Marie said...

Wow. I will buy this book!

Anonymous said...

I loved Jim's art in Lips Touch so I can't wait to get my hands on this book.

Liz said...

Amazing artwork. Love the train piece with the reflection. Brilliant! Mad props to Jim.

Different story threads unfolding this way, through different media, feels like a new concept. I don't know if it is or not; I've never heard of anything like this before. Sounds very cool!

Liz said...

Amazing artwork. Love the train piece with the reflection. Brilliant! Mad props to Jim.

Different story threads unfolding this way, through different media, feels like a new concept. I don't know if it is or not; I've never heard of anything like this before. Sounds very cool!

Tiffany Marie said...

I know neither of you and yet I am so very proud. Just knowing that you've made this life, this experience so beautiful for yourselves and others. Your vibrancy is inspiring. Thanks for sharing your stories and your husbands artwork and the massively generous, beautifully photographed peeks into your lives.

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