Wednesday, December 11, 2013

"DONE" + my mental state in gifs

Isn't that cool?? Love it. It makes me feel all trilogy-completey. Which ... oh. 


I'm all trilogy-completey, guys! THE BOOK IS DONE!!! 


But oh, wait. Pardon me for joke reusage if you follow me on Twitter but ...


ha ha ha!

Because PSYCH! Books are NEVER DONE!!!!! There's always a next phase! FOREVER!

Okay. Not really. But there are lots of next phases, and some of them are still ahead.

Editorial notes back from my speedy and amazing editor Alvina Ling, and fabulous assistant editor Bethany Strout, and from my wonderful agent Jane Putch, and my fabulous husband Jim Di Bartolo. Thanks, gang! And so I plunge into the next draft ....





Whelp. Okay. Back to it. 

Feeling this curious need to say that I love you. Whoever you are.


Danira said...

OH that's great, I really can't wait to read it.
I love your books, Daughter of Smoke and Bone it's my favorite book ever, I'm from Mexico. :)
You are great!!

Amanda Hale said...

Hurrah and congrats!
I am so excited for the book to come out, the Daughter of Smoke and Bone books are easily some of my favourites ever, you're writing is so beautiful.
Good luck with the editing!

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting for you to say that all year! Congratulations! (Now I just have to wait until it's edited and printed and translated and sent to my country.)

Lori Lee said...

Congratulations! So Proud of you Laini!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS!!!!!!! And now for a WEEK OF PIZZA & MOVIES

Katy Pool said...

I read this post and then fell asleep and had a dream that I finished the novel I am working on...woke up and found out that was not, in fact, the case and that I still have a good two thirds of it left to write! But at least the part about DoGaM coming out in a few months is still true!
Can't wait to read it and then make my sister read it (she read the first two in one night...she's insane). Now that you've finished a trilogy, you can do anything!

Anonymous said...


Genevieve Nine said...

Happy, happy, happy dance! Many congratulations and best of luck with the next phase. I'm currently trying to finish up the last four chapters of my WIP, and I have to tell you this post has me energized! Between Inigo's witty reminder and Tom Hiddleston telling me he loves me, I'm ready to go. Charge!

Jenn said...

Love right back at ya, Laini! Enjoy the final drafts and sleep. Get some sleep, lady!

Unknown said...

I am seriously so excited! Pre-ordering this book! I can't wait!

Jane Harrison said...

So happy for you! You are definitely my inspiration. Hope you have a Merry Christmas with your family and that you are totally free of any book demands and get lots of sleep!

Unknown said...

YESSSS!!!!! For the love of croutons, if someone doesn't get this book in my hand... I needs it. My precious.
And yes, I love you too Tom.
Thank you for the best trilogy ever, Laini! Sleep, rest, enjoy your holidays. I'll sleep better knowing the story is down. It exists somewhere out there where I could actually read it were I in just the right spot.

EternallyxImperfect said...

YAY! This is my favorite trilogy and I can't wait to read the final book. Thank you so much for writing these books. They are simply amazing.

Anonymous said...

It's strange to think this story has an end. I am so excited to see what you (okay, these characters) have in store for us. congratulations! and i hope you enjoy the rest of your writing process. thank you for your hard work!!

Sydney said...

It saddens me to think this trilogy actually has an end, but the beauty of owning the books is I can open them whenever I feel like returning to Karou's story. So to say I am excited for DoGaM is a total understatement. Thank you so much for writing these books!! Your hard work is more than appreciated.

Vyki @ On The Shelf said...

Congrats on completing the trilogy! I can't wait to find out how everything wraps up. So much wow in this trilogy. Time to hibernate for a little while after this me thinks =)

Anonymous said...

As long as that baby is grammar and punctuation error free (98%) I'll be a super duper excited happy camper when it finally lands into my anticipatory fingers.
(Oh April, why can't you come sooner?)

murwis said...

Just finished the first sequel and came to check out your blog. Hm I guess I have to wait a while before I can read the rest of this serie. I mean I'm not sure at all if I even can find next parts in my own language. And it's not fun to read long books in unfamiliar language than mother tongue. Anyhow thanks for the story, it seems interesting so far.

Ines Caranaubahx said...

omgomgomgomg I can't berliebve this D: I mean I will love to read it but it's at the same time the start from ending :(

Laura said...

Oh that's great news! I'm just reading Days of Blood and Starlight in German and I love it! ♥ It's very sad, but it's soo good! And I hope the new one, will released here in Germany very soon. :) Thank you for all the nice hours :) (sorry about my english >.<)

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