Friday, May 15, 2015

New Book News!!!

Finally, I can talk about the new book! I want to tell you aaaalllll about it--about the world building and the characters and the magic and the situation--but it'll be a while before it comes out (fall '16) so I have to be vague for now. 

My fabulous publisher Little, Brown made this announcement today, woo hoo!

(funny that they pulled this photo of all photos to go with it :-)

I'm thrilled to be continuing forward with Little, Brown, my amazing editor Alvina Ling, wonderful publisher Megan Tingley, and the whole rest of the crew. My equally fabulous UK publishers, Hodder & Stougton and editor Kate Howard, will be publishing it across the pond. The past five years have been AMAZING. The next three books'll see me another five years or so down the road, so this is a big chunk of my life and career and I'm happy to spend it in such wonderful company. And of course, my agent, Jane Putch who is with me every step of the way...

...and the biggest piece of what's made the past five years so amazing has been
and I hope you guys will be here for the next five too!!!!!!

The book I'm working on now is called THE MUSE OF NIGHTMARES, and it's a story that's lived in my head for...maybe twenty years, in some form or other? The pieces weren't all there twenty years ago, but the character was, and over time, more elements joined her until I began to feel the shape of the story that it was to become (is still in the act of becoming :-).

After I finished DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS (and after recuperating for a while) I started to think about what I wanted to write next. I'd been dedicated to Karou's story for five years, and here I suddenly had a blank slate before me. Exciting!!!! I asked myself:

If I could write aaaanythiiiing right now, what would it be?

And I could write anything!!!!! The coolest feeling. And also huge. How do you decide? There were three frontrunners, all of which had been taking shape in my mind for at least a few years, if not twenty. I developed them all and wrote up pitches. 

Admission: I'd never written a pitch before. My previous sales were of partials (partial manuscripts), so this was new. It was fun! And hurray Jane liked them! And hurray Alvina liked them! So here we go. All I'm saying about THE MUSE OF NIGHTMARES so far is this:

There was a war between gods and me, and men won. The few surviving children of the gods have grown up in hiding, dreading the day they know must come: when humans find them, and end them. 
That day is at hand.

Hurray! *throws confetti at self*

Andy throwing confetti photo Andythrowingconfetti.gif

I look massively forward to being able to tell you more, because that line doesn't begin to touch on the flavor and texture and mystery and coolness of what I love about this story. All in good time!! 

Also, I'll have some announcements really soon about fun stuff having to do with the DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS paperback release, so check back! I have something super fun for you! 


P.S. I just created a new blog index label for The Muse of Nightmares and it got me all excited. This is the very beginning of a new creation, and I couldn't be happier. 


Athena Rodríguez said...

It's fantastic, Laini! I was just waiting for this news.

Good luck & kisses, from Mexico xoxo

osoordinary said...

I'm so so so so so so so so excited!!!!! Laini!!!! This is THE BEST NEWS!!!! :-) :-) :-) Lots and lots of confetti for you!!!!!

Charlotte said...


Laura Green said...

So excited right now, I'm so happy to see this up! I've been checking your blog DAILY since you said more information on the book and I am so excited for it!
Thanks, Laini!
I love all your books, and I already love this one!! :)

Laurence King said...

Oh joy oh joy oh joy!!!! And, of course, I will be right there rooting for you for the next 5 years and beyond... Can't wait to hear more about the story (the premise sounds deliciously intriguing). XO

Ronald L. Smith said...

I'm in. Sounds awesome.

Bridget Rose said...

This sounds fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Very excited for another amazing story from such a fantastic mind. Enjoy the ride!

Sue @ Crushingcinders said...

Wow! So excited and not sure how ae are going to cope with the wait. Congratulations!

Charley Robson said...

The noise of sheer demented excitement I just produced cannot be replicated in words. So excited for this! Especially after "Dreams of Gods and Monsters" ripped my heart out and ate it in front of me. So pumped for a new book!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to it! I have enjoyed all of your previous books and stories!

Ashley W said...

YES!!!!!!! So exciting!! Congrats =D!! Pumped for 2016!!

Bets said...

I can't wait! Thanks for sharing parts of the process with us. I can still remember getting chills when you first mentioned the name "Daughter of Smoke and Bone." ♡

Jane Harrison said...

Congratulations, Laini! I am so happy for you, and can't wait to read your newest creation. Have fun! And best wishes. Melinda

megan said...

oh my gosh oh my gosh. mid daughter of smoke and bone rerereread and i cannot WAIT for a new laini taylor.

amy said...

Wonderful!! Congratulations!!
You are a delightful inspiration for life-living and life-working. :)

Cerezo Kim said...

OMG! I can't wait for this book.. is a good new!! Thank you Laini, you're the best.

Greetings from Mexico, I will wait for you new book :D

Jaimie said...

Congrats on landing the new book deal Laini! I was super excited to find out what you were planning on writing next, and the Muse of Nightmares sounds like it'll be fantastic!

janice said...

This is SO happy-making! I've been waiting to hear what your next project will be and am so excited that it will be coming soon(ish)!!!

Kristen said...

AWESOME bring it on

Unknown said...

Soooo looking forward to reading your next books! As an aspiring writer myself, I absolutely love and appreciate your style for it's blend of humor, darkness, and fine detail. You are a goddess! Keep up the hard work! And if you're anything like me, stay off Pintrest (it eats up all my writing time). ;P

Unknown said...


M said...

I am so excited for this!!!! I love all your books. I can't wait for a new one.

Anonymous said...

This is so exciting! I loved your trilogy so much.

Hedgecraft Studio said...

I am already way too excited about The Muse of Nightmares! The teaser sounds amazing and I can't wait to see how it unfolds. I love how infectious your love of writing is, this post was blooming with it!

Connie Onnie said...

As soon as I saw the announcement I got all sorts of excited. Good luck on your journey in exploring and creating a new world, I am excited to hear about it and read it when finished.

Anonymous said...

Is there any possibility of a return to the DreamDark world? Thanks....

Mindy said...

I was really hoping this was an announcement saying that you were ready to publish the next Dreamdark book, as they remain my favorite books of all time. :/
This series sounds really intriguing though and I will of course gobble them up! :)
(Sorry if I commented twice, my google account was acting up...)

Unknown said...

Yippee! Hurray! Congratulations! Such wonderful news. Almost midnight here in Paradise and I just finished Dreamdark: Silksinger. Sadly for me, I have no more Laini Taylor books left to read. That's a depressing thought. But, finding this news in your blog cheers me up even though the publication date of The Muse of Nightmares is still a year away. And, just think.... a 3 book series over a 5 year period ~ well, I'll be collecting SS by then. So, now I have several bright things on the horizon to carry me through 2021 :) PS - Since another blog post indicates that you are a fan of rainbows, you really MUST add magical, spiritual, stunning Kauai to your travel Wish List!

Unknown said...

I neeeeed to know what happens after Gods and Monsters! How could you just end the book like that? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. I'm hoping I just missed something and you wrote a book that continues the story. I read Gods and Monsters yesterday (500 pages in one go, it was THAT great), and now I don't know how to handle real life.

Allen jeley said...


Maggie said...

Just finished Strange the dreamer!!!!! It was awesome you are awesome and I know my friends and I are too old for your books as I don't really think we can still be considered young adults but as soon as we knew a new trilogy was coming out we all went to buy it immediately!! You are awesome I cannot wait for the next one and really hope the cover is blue!

Unknown said...

Loved your books especially Strange the dreamer and can't wait for more!!!

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