Wednesday, September 24, 2014


I've finally hired some personal assistants. They're sisters and their names are Witch and Hazel (above, that's Hazel on the left, Witch on the right), and they're not exactly the most skilled candidates for the job, but they're the fuzziest. My main hiring requirement. 

They're pretty good at guarding the keyboard.

But sometimes fall asleep on the job.

When it comes to holding papers down, they have no equal.

There's a certain amount of lap chaos, but nothing I can't handle.

Things are going pretty well so far. They've even shown an interest in typing!



Teresa said...


Oh my goodness, they are the cutest. I'm in college and could definitely use two fluffy, stress-reducing assistants.

tone almhjell said...

Oh. I die, they're so adorable. I remember that so well, writing with a kitten in the lap, back when Balthasar was little enough to fit. It's the best butt-in-seat encouragement ever.

Rhiannon said...

This is amazing on so many levels! Congrats on the new fur babies, hope they help you with the next magnificent literary masterpiece. ;)

Angelica R. Jackson said...

So darling! But if those are Maine Coons (or even mixes of the same), you will never bathe alone again. Mine used to come play in the water while I was in the bathtu

Lindsay said...

Awwww....sooo cute!

Ashley said...

Ahhh, they're so adorable!!!

Laurence King said...

Yay for the new assistants; they are completely adorable!! I think you'll have them trained in no time ;-)

Friedelchen said...

They are soooo beautiful! But what is it with cats and keyboards? They all like to sleep on it or at least next to it :-D

Yun-A said...

They're so cute!

Anonymous said...

Oh. My.
Should have been a warning about 'dangerous-levels-of-feline-cuteness' at the top of this post.

Anonymous said...

Awww, they're so cute, I want them home, damn, really..:3 :D

Unknown said...

WOW! Gorgeous kittens!!! We're keeping our eyes out for a kitten. Ours have always been rescues, but I'm thinking a Maine Coon or Birman might have a better shot at having a personality that's friendlier to our 11 yr old who LOVES cats.

Olya said...

Kittens!!!! Soooo adorable! Squeeeee!

We adopted three from the humane society at the beginning of October, but yours are fuzzier :)

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