Monday, September 16, 2013

Quick river and beach getaway!

Ah, the beach. At the tail end of a summer of work, we squeezed in a few days at the beach, and it was fantastic. We kayaked and built sandcastles and saw seals and bald eagles and got ice cream and salt water taffy and breathed the incredible air. Aahhhh.

Below is Manzanita Beach, Oregon. Manzanita is our favorite town on the Oregon coast. And see the bay beyond? That's Nehalem Bay, where our favorite beach is. We've stayed hither and thither on various trips, usually in Manzanita, but this time we rented a house on the Nehalem River. IT WAS AWESOME.

Here's the view from the house, first day. We had a great day of rain followed by the most perfect windless, blue-sky weather we've ever had at the Oregon coast. It felt like California!

Same view, different days:

A seal friend, right off the dock:

Oddly, the house has a putting green! Right on the river. Don't knock the ball too hard! 

And the view from the living room. It felt like the prow of a ship:

I seriously loved this house. It sits at the junction of the north and south forks of the Nehalem River, and it's just river one way, river the other. It's for sale, and I couldn't help imagining writing retreats here, and long summer getaways, and daring kayak adventures. 

Manzanita Beach in the fog:

"Our" boathouse:

Clementine, suited up for the first kayak outing:

We just deedled around the river right near the house. 
Would love to have a kayak adventure some day though.

 Our favorite beach is near the boat launch in Nehalem Bay State Park. Here it is as seen from the town of Wheeler, across the bay. It's to the left of that dune over there:

And here we are:

It is baffling to us, but we always have it to ourselves. Look. This was a weekend of exquisite weather, and no one was there but us. People prefer the ocean beaches, just a few minutes away, but we don't. This is more beautiful and more peaceful, with warmer water and less wind, and with a rugged driftwood-strewn forest frontage where can make a kind of gypsy encampment with shade.

There's a small airport right over the trees, so airplanes are often coming in low like this:

Bald eagles also flew right over our heads, but I didn't get a picture. 
Well, I did, but you can't tell it's a bald eagle.

We decided that our sandcastle looked like Osgiliath:

Clementine wore my Star Wars sweatshirt as a jumpsuit:

The small town of Wheeler, on Nehalem Bay:

Isn't it ridiculously pretty?

 All good things must come to an end. On our way home ... 

... by way of Cannon Beach, the most touristy of the Oregon coast towns.

It's pretty gorgeous, though. Famous Haystack Rock, below. It's a puffin nesting ground!

(And yes, Jim and I did both work while on holiday. But I swear, once we're both done with our books, we're going on a no-work holiday and THAT IS THAT. :-)



Artemis Grey said...

What lovely pictures! My sister and brother in-law and their daughter just got to go for a brief weekend. Seeing Clementine and Scarlett (they're close in age) playing in the sand makes me give happy sighs.

For me, this has been the year without a vacation. All I'll get is my trip to Sirens next month *crosses fingers that something crazy doesn't happen to thwart it* but that'll have to be enough for now.

Jane Harrison said...

What a gorgeous place. It looks so clean and cool. I live in the deep South and it's always muggy way into October. Looks like you had a lovely time. And Clementine is growing up!

She reminds me of my granddaughter who just turned three.

Anonymous said...

Is that the rock from The Goonies?



Such great pictures! I'd take the warmer water over the cold, too! Such great parents! Clementine is a lucky little girl!

Laurence King said...

How lovely! I don't know that part of Oregon but it makes want to head straight there. Sounds like you had a wonderful time ...

Anonymous said...

Looking at your beautiful pictures brings back so many wonderful memories. As a child and teenager each summer we would rent a house in a different town on the Oregon coast. I think my favorites were Neskowin and Depoe Bay. Looks like you had a wonderful time!

tone almhjell said...

Oooh, I would totally choose that beach too. It looks fantastic! Next time, we're coming with. Tell the seal to hang around.

KEW said...

What a lovely family holiday! Looks fantastic. Glad you got to have a mini-break even if you had to work. C is so adorable and you look so happy :) :) :)

Tiffany Marie said...

That Star Wars Jumper is epic! And that picture looking through Osgiliath toward you and Clementine playing is crazy!

From the ruins of Osgiliath, amongst the silent screams which oscillate the Ever Mist, a creature born of darkness so deep that to utter its name is to forfeit a piece of your soul, lies in wait...watching. What the creature doesn't realize is what it imagines will be easy prey will be its very own downfall. For the Borneoan Queen Milf of Driftwood and Kayaks and the Fairy Princess of Buttercream Daggers have seen into the depth of evil and are always prepared to crush it. Come hither darkness to meet your fate.

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