
Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Done. The book is done. I have finished the ham. It's a little too surreal to even feel celebratory. The second revision draft went back yesterday and is with the copyeditor now. Ah, copyediting. So, not really done yet, alas, but the writing part is done. Now only nits to pick and futzes to fart. I don't know what that means. I used up most of my brain writing this book. I hope it regenerates, because there are more books I have to write! And want to write. Of course I want to. Just, you know, not right away. Because my brain needs to grow back. And there's the matter of having a 2-3/4-year-old sort of grafted to me right now. Clementeeny, she is so glad this ham is done. She's also sick, of all the hilarious timing. She's at that age when she is able to say, "I'm sick," with full manipulation of pathetic-power. It's so funny but not. I don't mind a couple of sick days myself right now. Yesterday we watched Arrietty in bed and ate popsicles. I felt like *I* was a sick kid home from school. Kind of cool.

Say, what were your sick day go-to's? There's the usual ones like chicken soup and Sprite and popsicles and whatnot. Did you have any weird ones? Jim's was fruit cocktail. You?

Okay, so. Just wanted to check in briefly before taking advantage of a sleep opportunity in the form of Clementine napping. I have missed way too many sleep opportunities lately! Catch-up time!



  1. Hooray!!! What a good feeling: now go sleep for a week.

    I liked ginger ale and coke syrup when I was sick. My best friend still craves red jell-o.

  2. I think mine was always chicken noodle without the chicken just the flavour and yummy slippery noodles yum. If it was a tummy ache then mom would also make me cinnamon tea to calm my stomach.

  3. Congrats on another finished ham - er, book! Just saw two red dragonflies, flitting about and took it as a sign to visit you. Hope Clementine feels better soon. Good luck on that brain regenerating thing too.
    p.s. Custard. But it only worked for me if my grandma made it.

  4. Three cheers for Laini Hip Hip Hooray! I read the preview in the paper back last night. It was tugging on my heart strings.
    Red Gatorade, ginger ale or sprit and crackers preferable clubhouse


    Poached eggs on toast.

    After I got my wisdom teeth out, I subsisted on mashed potatoes and peach jello for a few days, and that was nice.

  6. Woot! Congratulations, Laini! And your brain will grow back--promise. Heck, yours probably grows at a faster rate than most folk.

    Also, love your blog. Long-time reader, first-time commenter, yadda yadda ;-)

    Hope little Clementine feels better real soon. In the meantime, both of you enjoy your rest.

    P.S. Mom putting damp washcloth on forehead. Sigh. Miss those days.

  7. I watched The Sound of Music almost every sick day from age 10 up. Still do, though I do rotate other movies in. But Julie Andrews is still my comfort-food, so most of my alternate sick movies include her. My mom would sing along when she passed through the family room--it's her favorite movie, too:)

  8. Congrats on the finished ham! For sick times, we had the usual stuff, but we got to stay in bed. Happened seldom. Have a friend who always had HOT JELLO (jello powder dissolved in HOT WATER) when she was sick. Always.

  9. I am going to celebrate for you, Laini! This is fantastic. Congrats! Can't wait to read it!!!
    My go to when I was sick was calamari, only I used to call it the pink fish (poisson rose in French) and when I first said it (I was 4) it took my Mom hours to figure out which poisson rose I was talking about.

  10. Congrats! I'm so excited to read it!!! :) :) :) Way to be finished with the ham! Haha.
    Enjoy your nap, you deserve it. :)

  11. I'm so glad you finished it! I know I can't wait to read it.
    I get sick actually pretty often. My immunity is pathetic. I like to eat tapioca and tea. The last time I was sick (and reading Daughter of Smoke and Bone for the practically the entire day [no, really, I did that. I didn't have time before I was sick to finish it, so when I was sick, I devoured the rest of the book]) my sister made me a cup of Chai tea. It's really like hot chocolate with a bunch of different spices in it and it's absolutely wonderful! You should try it, Laini, if you haven't already. Now whenever I drink Chai tea, I think of Daughter of Smoke and Bone!

  12. Congratulations! Go have fun with Clementine and Jim!!

    And thank you in advance! I can't wait to read it!


  13. Yes...YES!!! The HAM is DONE!

  14. Congrats on finishing the book. Yaaaay! I used to get to lay in bed with my mommy all day. My hubby still calls soft boiled eggs "sicky-eggs" to this day cuz that's what his mom made for him when he was sick. :-)

  15. Congratulations on finishing the book. One step closer to me reading it!!!
    My good friend's husband and his entire family HAVE to have McDonalds french fries when sick which strikes me as completely counterproductive considering that when I'm sick I try to eat healthier than usual to up my immune system but to each their own!

  16. Congrats!
    Can't wait to tell my daughter,who has been drawing eyes on her hand everyday for months....

  17. Yay! Can't wait to read it.

    My sick day go-tos were root beer ice pops and 'What about Bob?' on repeat. I don't know why.

  18. Congrats on finishing the book, Laini. What a great feeling.

    On my sick days I curl up on the couch with tomato soup and spices and watch Lord of the Rings. Or Firefly. Or LOST. Not very Clementeeny-friendly shows I fear.

  19. Congrats on being finished! WOOHOO

    I remember watching A LOT of movies when I was sick as a kid.

    One sick day stands out to me. I must have been ten and it was the first time I was left alone sick (instead of my mom taking off work). We had just gone to the video store and for some reason we got Sled Dogs with Cuba Gooding Jr. Even as a kid I wasn't impressed LOL

    Otherwise lots of ice cream and sleeping and television.

  20. I am beyond excited to read the new book - congrats on finishing it! Also - LOVE the cover!!!

    Campbell's Tomato Soup for me when I'm sick and videos - either Lord of the Rings, The Man from Snowy River or Buffy, preferably a Spike-centric episode because - well, Spike! :-)

  21. OMG, yes, Spike! Spike and his chiseled cheekbones cure all illnesses ;-)

  22. Yippee! Enjoy your well-deserved rest.

  23. hurray!!! congratulations! rest up now :) i can't wait to finally read the book! woohooooo!

  24. Way to finish that ham, Miss Laini! I shall have my parents ship it to me in college when it comes out. SO. EXCITED.

    Unfortunately, I was too young to watch Firefly when I was sick until recently, so I watched Disney movies. Particularly Treasure Planet.

  25. Sick day! As I child I loved that when we were sick we got to drink from a straw (since ostensibly we were drinking in bed).

    And yay!

  26. Wahoo!!! Congrats!

    Sick days for me meant pistachio pudding popsicles... so I guess a variation on a favorite. Have a fabulous rester tomorrow and I'll keep my fingers crossed that the brain grows back soon. :)

  27. Hm. You're a little short for a stormtrooper, aren't you?

    But congratulations my dear! See those blimps on the horizon? That's right, confetti zeppelins, coming for YOU! Paper stars like June snow!

    And for me, because I need to know what happens. (Akiva. Sigh.)

    I actually don't think I had a sick day staple, which is completely weird since I was sick so often. Books. Books were my sick day go-to. I read The Lord of the Rings for the first time during a particularly bad ear infection. Thank you, ear infection.

  28. Awesome!
    Maybe a dumb question....but is Blood and Starlight the end of the story, or is this a trilogy?

  29. Congratulations, Laini!!! Oh I'm so happy for you...and so excited to read said book!
    Now go get some sleep. :)

  30. Congrats on the book! But poor Clementine though. Hopefully she's feeling better soon. My mom used to have "sick toys" hidden away for us. They were just foam building blocks, nothing fancy, but we could only ever play with them when we were sick so they never got old and were always super fun to play with. :)

  31. Yay! I've been hesitating reading the sampler because I want to read everything anew when it comes out in November. Hurrah! Can't wait, can't wait. Hope Clementine feels better to boot.

  32. Congrats to you!!
    Ah, the sigh of a satisfied finished project...I can identify even if my project happens to be clay.

    Enjoy the 'sick' day...what a great idea. My childhood favorite: Toast with lots of butter then homemade cinnamon sugar sprinkled on top.

  33. Congrats!
    Miyazaki movies are my go tos for sick days.

  34. I feel I must say that the picture on this post is utterly fab. Congratulations!

  35. Congrats on the finished book! I just finished Daughter of Smoke and Bone and LOVED it. I was so tired of all the fantasy out there (sometimes it all starts to feel the same when the market is as saturated with it as it is). But then I picked up Daughter of Smoke and Bone couldn't put it down. Good job!
    When will ARCs be available for Days of Blood and Starlight and how do I go about getting one? I would love to get a copy since I'm dying to know what happens next.
    Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

  36. Hi. Have never posted to your blog but I am a new fan. Recently read "Daughter of Smoke and Bone" can't hardly wait for Daughter of Blood and Starlight to find out the continuing story. Plan to read Blackbringer & Silksinger this summer. Patiently waiting...

  37. I bought daughter of smoke and bone this morning at 10am and finished it at 8.38pm 5 mins ago. First thing i did was hit the internet to get the next one! Then howled like some kind of tortured chimera to see it's not in print! I can't wait. Thank you so much for a cracking read in dosab.
    Your newest fan (hope that doesn't sound creepy ala Stephen kings misery!)

  38. Laini, I want to thank you. I've been stalking your blog and adoring everything about you since I stumbled upon dear Kaoru waiting like a spark in Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I've always been a young writer, and thanks to you I've been taking a deeper more magical look at dreams I'd allowed to be swallowed by real live one bite at a time.
    Last month I decided I'm going to finish my ham. :) Thank you, you're lovely, don't stop being you.

  39. Bluberry soup and yellow pop called Jaffa, if I had a stomach flu. That's the way we roll here in Finland.

    I just have to tell you how much I enjoyed Daughter of Smoke and Bone. I cannot wait to read the sequel. You are a genious. Really. You are.

  40. Hot choco or tea and harry potter books/movies! Ohh miss being little and sick so much! Couldnt miss Uni if I fell down a flight of stairs and broke all the bones in my body, nope, doctors and emergency surgery would have to wait until i was done wit class... :(
