
Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Book Birthday!

Happy Book Birthday to the UK paperback release of Daughter of Smoke and Bone!

It's out today, so if you've been waiting for paperback, now's your chance!

(It came out in the US last month, and in my book-finishing madness I didn't mark the occasion :-(

And by the way: HELLO! I HAVE MISSED YOU!!! I'm back. Back from a few weeks in California that included ALA, Disneyland, seeing family, film meetings, and also a stupid injury. More on that later. I am doing a Twitter chat RIGHT NOW so come find me and ask my questions!



  1. Film meetings? Wait what is this? -is curious- also I am sending you quick healing thoughts for your injury. Happy Book Birthday!

  2. Injury? What injury? I'm sorry you got hurt! I hope you were able to have a good time in Disneyland (!) and with the fam. And film talks? Exciting! Sooo...who's playing Laini in the movie? ;-)

  3. It's so gorgeous! I already have an ARC and UK hardcover of Daugther of Smoke and bone so I am trying to tell myself I don't NEED this. But this is so fabulous might have to get it (Especially since BOTH my copies are currently on loan!)

  4. Yes, film meetings???? Laini, are you keeping something from us? I hope your injury is not too painful...Glad you're back and I'm so sorry I missed your twitter chat. Next time....

  5. I absolutely love this cover. I love the invitation to come Elsewhere, and the door, and the perfect blurb. They're just so RIGHT.

    How is your toe, by the way? That same day, my sister lopped her fingertip clean off (not the whole tip, but a nice little nugget, nail and all) and IT GREW BACK. In three weeks. I think she's maybe one-tenth Wolverine, or possibly Cheerleader.

  6. Just finished reading this and I cannot wait for the next one!!! :)

  7. I love the UK paperback version - am currently up to chapter 21 and am loving it. Don't know how you managed to write such a good story with a baby (I have 2 kids so I know all about it!).

  8. Love love love it... More please your writing is awesome
