
Friday, June 1, 2012

FINISH THE HAM. Also: Friday Fun Things!

Hey-o! Happy Friday! This is no ordinary Friday. It is "finish the ham" Friday! 

how thoughtful of me to post vegetarian ham for the non-grossing out of non-meat-eaters :-)

Why ham, you say? What ham? WHAT HAM? This ham. Of course.

Yes. You see, Clementine in her inimitable way, had taken to saying in this heavy voice of imperative that is a pretty good Zeus impersonation for a  2-3/4-year-old, "FINISH THE BOOK." Fair enough, and yes please, can I please? But then, with no explanation, it became "FINISH THE HAM," and still meant "FINISH THE BOOK." Clementine is experimenting with meaning. She's been doing this hilarious thing where she'll answer a question with a loud series of sound effects, kind of like very emphatic dolphin language, and then abruptly, flatly, like a dead-on theatrical aside, turn to us and caption herself. "That means yes." There has been much hooting of laughter in our house, and Jim and I giving each other "Where did she come from?" looks. In the best possible way, of course. 

P.S. I suspect "the ham" came from her Ponyo book, if you recall that Ponyo has a yen for ham. 

Anyway, tonight, late tonight, I must send off revisions to my editor Alvina, and the book will be very nearly at last finally truly finished! YAY! More on this revision process later. I *will* direct you briefly here to see what Holly Black had to say about revisions the other day that had me high-fiving her across the country because we are terribly-inefficient-process soul mates. But come back! Fo the fun things below!

Some awesome readers have responded to Daughter of Smoke & Bone in some awesome ways. This is by no means all, but this is a quick roundup of some recent ones. You guys, this kind of stuff ... it blows my mind and makes me SO HAPPY TO DO WHAT I DO. Ham and all. 

from Title Tracks, a Daughter of Smoke & Bone RAP!!! So good, such clever lyrics!

And a super-cool speed-painting demonstration by a talented Italian illustrator, Max Rambaldi:

Also, check it out, from Fit Nerd Girl, a Karou-inspired WORKOUT!!! 

And, Katherine from Hong Kong posed as Karou on a recent trip to Prague
and took photos of herself with a tripod. Love :-)

Okay, that's all from me today. I am off to FINALIZE THE FINAL CHAPTERS OF DAYS OF BLOOD & STARLIGHT!!!!!!



  1. Good luck! I am probably about a week behind you with revisions at this point. Goal = NEXT Friday. We'll see how that goes with all the changes i need to make to the end, given all the changes i made to the beginning. At least i love my book again. :)

  2. Will there be any ARC's? **I WANT one pleasepleaseplease **

    Also, I'm too lazy to search it out.. will this be a trilogy or just two? Or more? A Saga maybe!!

    I just finished DoSaB. It was beautiful! I waited to read it until I knew when the sequel was coming out so that I wouldn't have to pine too long.

  3. Mia from The Muses Circle sent me!

    I hadn't heard of your Daughter of Smoke and Bone, but now I've added it to my must-read list on GoodReads and can't wait for Days of Blood & Starlight. Your stories look very different (which I love). Also, your covers are beautiful. And what excellent pink hair you have!

  4. This just made my day happier. "The Ham" story made my laugh! My brother and I, even as teenagers, love Ponyo and very often randomly spurt out, "HAM!!!" Or text it at odd time to one another. So I think that "the ham" story is great! :) And the fan artwork is fabulous! :)

  5. Wow! I'm so flattered to be on your blog! I hope I did Karou justice =) SO excited that you are almost done with Days of Blood and Starlight. I can't wait to read it! Finish the HAM! Ahh so much love for Ponyo.

