
Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Exclusive Edition of DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS!

Okay, finally. I've been meaning to tell you about the signed special edition of DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS that will be available in the US (for UK, see here.

I've spent most of my time since returning from Mexico signing the above limited edition prints (art by me), and I'm done! Whew. And my hand has survived. Yay! These prints will be included in Barnes & Noble's first print run of DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS, both in stores and on-line. 

(This edition will also be available from Indigo in Canada.)

Also, the paperback of DAYS OF BLOOD & STARLIGHT came out today! 

If you haven't read it yet, I hope you will check it out! The re-read is going at Goodreads, and there will be another online chat and Q&A upcoming (actually, a couple more!) and I hope you'll join in! The last one was really fun. Thanks for all the great questions!

I'm in a life-catch-up mode right now, after neglecting all things including myself for months while finishing DREAMS. It's a time for dentists appointments and spring cleaning and all those joyous tasks that are just so easy to put off. Also we have a tree slowly tipping over, and the basement is flooding. Joys of living in Portland. What are YOU doing today? :-)


  1. hi Laini! just curious if you will be doing a book tour/visiting BookPeople in Austin, TX this year. I ask because -- the store requires those who wants books signed to purchase event books from them. Of course, I am always happy to oblige because they're the best *but* if you aren't visiting I will just have to scoop up a B&N first edition. Not sure if you can even answer this question but I thought it was worth a try... ^_^

  2. Hi Moonbloom! I *will* be in Austin the day after publication (yay!) but not at BookPeople this time. I'll be at the Austin Public Library. Tour details soon! :-)

  3. OMG my dad reserved this for my birthday (April 23). He is in Austin working u_u, we are mexicans and I hope you come again to México.

  4. I was bummed... until I saw that they will ALSO be at Indigo! Thank you so much for this and cannot wait find out how the story ends :)

  5. Bummed that this is US/Cad stores only. :(

    I saw you mention on the DoSaB thread in Goodreads that you're coming to Australia? When and whereeee??

  6. Hello Laini,

    Thanks so much for putting up this info about the Barnes & Noble special edition! It looks so gorgeous I've had to order not one, not two, but three copies, for myself, my Dad, and a friend! Well, hey, that's two birthday gifts sorted!


  7. Thanks so very much for your reply and for creating this series which has been an absolute joy! (joy as in it is a joyeous occasion to live fully in a book for a time, even the sad parts.:)) I pre-ordered a B&N edition for the print and will hopefully see you in April!

  8. Totally just pre-ordered a signed copy! *squee!* I've been wanting to have a signed copy of all/any of your books for ages. It's one of my aspirations to get my copy of "The Drowned" signed by both you and Jim. Too bad you're not touring in Ohio anytime soon. So excited to read the last in the Daughter Trilogy! I can't waiiiit!!!!

    ....Sorry I totally fangirled all over your blog. I'll go clean that up now.

  9. Hi Laini!

    I'm counting down the days until Dreams of Gods and Monsters come out! I was just wondering if the signed special edition is already available from Indigo?

    Can't wait until the book comes out!

  10. Hi Laini! I pre-ordered your book ages ago, and I live in NZ, so I hope it comes really soon! You say you will write something about Mexico, and please post more about it! I just think your writing is beautiful, but very sadly I think my friends are sick of me talking about DOSAB because I've talked about it so much!
    Looking forward!

  11. Hi Laini! I'm beyond excited to read *sadlyandhopefullynot* the last book of this amazing trilogy! I keep hoping that you'll release all our tension by finally admitting that it isn't a story, and that it's all real and these characters do exist and live and breathe. I've never had the pleasure of reading something that has touched me so deeply, so thank you for you, you are karou, and with that I mean, you are hope - hope that stories like this one can touch people and lift peoples' lives as it has mine. Thank you, now and always for your terribly beautiful imagination *stillhopingitsmorethanthat* every character is so alive, and I feel as though they should be reality. Thank you so much.

  12. I am so excited, I've been waiting for this book forever it seems!! Does the Indigo version also include the signed insert?

  13. Hi Laini. I just wanted to be sure, if I pre-order the book on chapters, will it be the signed copy? Because I wrote to chapters to ask them and they didn't know anything about it.

  14. Smile Mexico dentists helps your dental tourism in Mexico to be a GREAT experience. I’m Canadian and my wife is a Mexican dentist in Mexico.

  15. Hi Laini, all the way from South Africa!! Just had to say I love your hair almost as the smoke and bone trilogy :), oh how I wish we could get authors like you out here for book signings *sigh*. Until then, I will remain your faithful e-book slave x
