
Thursday, September 22, 2011

The wind will blow it.

(Our little folk singer :-)

One of my proudest on-the-spot parent-think moments: a couple of months back, at the park, Clementine was running and tripped and scraped her shin. Not a bad scrape, no blood. She was in that initial wavering moment before deciding whether to cry or not, and I said, "Let's let the wind blow on it," and held her up so the breeze could get it. And we went on the swings with her pants rolled up so the back and forth movement could really let the wind blow on her boo boo. And this just made so much sense to her. She already knew we blow on boo boos, and what blows better than the wind?

So it immediately became her standard line. Any minor hurt, be it a light head bonk or a stubbed toe, no crying. She immediately says, "The wind will blow it." 

And we nod and agree that it will, and that is that. 

She's like a little sage. She has even told another crying child, gently, "Don't worry. The wind will blow it." 

My heart sings. It will. 

If only everything could be so simple, so benevolent as the wind blowing on boo boos. 

I'm leaving Monday for my book tour, and Clementine knows it. And though she will have her wonderful people, her papa and friends and grandparents and fairy godmother, she is very sad. I think she broke my heart the other night when we were reading bedtime bookies, all three of us, and she starting worrying wherever the mama wasn't on the page. Asking "Where's the mama?" with an edge of panic on every mama-less page. I felt *this big*. How could I do this? Go away for DAYS? 

Oh man. If only I had a "wind will blow it" for this one. 

How about a pocket mama? A little doll with pink hair she can keep in her pocket? 

She'll be fine, I know she will. When I've gone on shorter trips in the past she was completely fine once I was gone, and carried on as her usual sweet self with Jim. But ouch, my heart, my heart. Wind, please blow over here ...


  1. I can imagine that must be hard for you. I have a friend who has a small stuffed toy and her daughter has the same one. Whenever she has to go out of town she takes it with and her daughter sleeps with her. When she hugs the toy Mama's toy feels it ;) Also, The Kissing Hand is a sweet story that might help :)

  2. You just made me cry. I know, I still hate to leave my babies (20 and almost 12), and there is no way to get through without these moments, especially with an AWESOME BOOK TOUR! We just have to keep breathing and know that they WILL be ok, and we WILL be ok....the best things in life are not easy, and this goes double for parenting, I think. : ) Plus, the wind will blow it. (I love this!) Also, the "Pocket Mommy" is a fun idea.

  3. YA Bibliophile, thank you, I love that idea :-) :-) :-)

    Jennifer, thank you!

  4. She is wonderful, just wonderful. And you are a wonderful Mom. The wind will blow in all the places on your tour, I'm sure of it.

  5. That is so cute. I love that. "Let the wind blow on it." I can't imagine how hard it would be to leave a child like that. I think YA Bibliophile has a great idea with the toy. Soundls like that will help a lot.

  6. Poor little Clementine. Maybe she'll write a song about it (cutest photo!). Make sure to video chat, that will help. All part of living the dream... she'll get it some day.

  7. My. How she has grown. She looks like a star. Coming back home will be all the sweeter...If you carry a laptop with you, you can always do a webcam session to catch up on each others day :-)

  8. LAINI! oh my! what a doll. the entire time i read this beautiful post i thought of a song by a beloved craftsman of beautiful songs, steve poltz. the song is "wish the wind" (would blow me back to you...). love.

  9. Ah, such wisdom...simple and clear.

    I will conjure up the gentlest wind when you visit MA next week. I've recently discovered you and hope to make it to Wellesley to meet you :)

  10. I love that picture. So adorable.
    And I love the dolls idea! Great! Do that.
    I know it is hard now, but she is so safe and loved. And she is going to always know you loved her, and you lived a life. What a great example of wonderful womanhood you are to her.


  11. This is seriously so sweet. SHE is seriously so sweet. Wind, skype, and facetime.

  12. Laini: you and Jim are showing Clementine by example how she, too, may follow her dreams and passionate pursuits. You'll be separated for awhile, but not in your hearts. And you're showing her how to live. How to be. "The great perhaps." Think of that! What a gift.

  13. Ah, yes - someone else has mentioned it, but Skype helps the wind blow.

    Hang in there, Laini. Someday she'll be old enough to go with you, and will think it's all a terribly huge adventure. She'll be so glad her mother is this cool.

  14. completely relate. Love the wind blowing it -- how perfect!
    The pocket mama is a very good idea -- you should construct such a thing immediately!

  15. I'm in total agreement with THE KISSING HAND! My youngest had the hardest time with separation and this book really comforted her. Videotape yourself reading it to her, or one of her favorite books, so she can have mama time whenever she wants.

    Hope to stop by when you're in Wellesley. Safe travels and may the wind blow comfort to you and little Clementine. Hugs.
