
Friday, September 16, 2011

I am having A MOMENT

I was writing a short story recently, and this line happened:

She was a wild nerve of thrill, an open flame,  aware at once that she had come to A Moment,
the kind you throw yourself out of doors each day in hopes of finding and almost never do."

Well, I am having A Moment. 

I have been reading Entertainment Weekly forever. Jim and I try to out-maneuvre each other for the new issue every Friday. This is where I get my pop culture knowledge, minus the gross paparazzi b.s. that so many weeklies have, because EW isn't like that. It's about entertainment, and it's good

I love it. 

And ... ulp ... I am in it. 

On the freaking MUST LIST.

THE MUST LIST. My book is on THE MUST LIST. Under Ryan Gosling. Before the Miles Davis Bootleg series. *hysteria building* Before Miles Davis. *begins to laugh uncontrollably*  

Bless you, Entertainment Weekly, for this beautiful bit of crazy.

Oh. And thanks especially for putting it in this issue: 

I really don't know what else to say.

I am verklempt.

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you.

And I should add here that although Daughter is technically not "out" until the 27th, it seems that it is. Amazon shipped early, and now there have been sightings at Barnes & Nobles and indies alike. *takes calming breath*. This really caught me off guard; I wasn't ready for the new level of worrying yet! But it's good. It's wonderful. It's all good. It's all good. *sound of breathing* It's good. I'm ready.


Okay. Now. I'm ready now.


P.S. It's possible that I celebrated this Moment with shoes. I confirm nothing.


  1. Celebration definitely merited! Yay! So incredibly excited for you and can't wait for more!

  2. Oh wow, congrats! You totally deserve it. Daughter of Smoke and Bone is AMAZING. I fell in love with the writing, the story and the characters. I can't wait for more readers to become aware of it. I was surprised when I got a notification from Book Depository that my pre-order was ready to be shipped but yay, early release. :) It's not even officially out yet but I can't wait to read the sequel.

  3. Major congratulations to you, Laini! Your book is absolutely brilliant and I can't wait to shove copies into the hands of everyone I know. I am sure many more amazing things are heading your way! <3

  4. Congratulations, Laini! I just love it when you share your enthusiasm and excitement! Guess you'd better get ready for prime time, huh?

  5. I am so happy for you Laini! I am thinking it is just the beginning of many lovely things that are going to be coming your way!

  6. so so awesome!!!!!!! Congratulations!

  7. That is freaking awesome! Congrats!

  8. Awesome news, Laini! Where the heck is my EW so I can check this out! (Angrily awaiting mail carrier.) Congrats! Loved DoSB! So glad they advertised it so well at Book Expo this year. Am already excited (read: anxious) for book 2!

  9. Well deserved! Enjoy your Moment and the many more to come! (Shoes are always a good Moment enhancer.)

  10. Congratulations on your moment! Daughter is truly amazing, and you deserve all the connected moments of recognition that are building and building into a lifetime of awesome.

    Two copies of Daughter showed up this week on my doorstep: one from Amazon for me and one from Little, Brown for my giveaway!

    Your excitement exploded out of my monitor. Must pick up the pieces now.

  11. That's HUGE! Major congratulations! Please post photos of new shoes soon!

  12. Oh Laini!!! Congratulations!! Wheeeee! I am SO excited for you -- and SO excited to get my hands on a copy of that book of yours soon :) :)

  13. That's so fantastic, Laini! I can't imagine how you are doing anything else but staring at the page. (Are you?)

    I'm reading Daughter right now, having enjoyed bits and pieces since it arrived the other day. Teeth! Wishes! Blue hair and marionettes and Razguts! Yum, yum.

    And that explains that Fluevogs tweet of yours. . .ah-ha! *grin*

  14. Bah! As if I'm not excited enough already. :) I may have to seek out one of those early copies...

  15. Oh WOW! That is just plain AWESOME! Congratulations!

  16. congratulations!
    Did your husband do the illustrations for the book trailers?

  17. I have already ordered it from - here in sweden. It´s on its way as I write this. There is magic in the air, something extraordinary is about to happen...I just know it. Blue hair huh?

  18. Shuuuut UP!!!!! That is so cool. Wow, so cool! How fun all of it is! :)

    Can't wait to read it.

    :) oxoxox

  19. My daughter and I saw it at Barnes & Nobel tonight but alas it on the bottom shelf. So being the rebels we are, we moved your book to the top shelf when no one was looking.

    Our copies are in transit so we have to wait to read it.

    Congrats on all the fabulous press you are getting.


  20. Whoo hoo!! And they're not exaggerating. The story is definitely squee-worthy. A well deserved accolade. Much congratulations :-)

  21. Fantastic!! Looking forward to reading it!!

  22. Wow, I log off the internet for a couple days and looks what happens! (Not that I was in any way responsible for the EW thing... or was I? Haha.)

    I have a feeling this just the beginning of awesome accolades for DAUGHTER. Congrats!

  23. WE got our first copy (ordered 2) on FRIDAY!!! It is being devoured by staff before we catalogue it for patrons!

    (and congrats, and travel safe on the Tour!)

  24. Under Ryan Gosling is a very enviable position to be in. ;)

  25. This is so well deserved, Laini! Your book is a jewel of a book and I relished every word. Congrats!!
