
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

More British Publisher Awesomeness!

So I caught the below tweets a couple of weeks ago (from a children's bookseller in the UK) ...

 Midnight Reader
Last week I was sent white feathers, a black mustache and a gold bead necklace all in different black envelops on different days [cont]

 Midnight Reader
[cont] Then by the end of the week I had a copy of Daughter of Smoke and bone by @! Awesome!!!

... and I emitted a great silent squee that was probably felt by all the neighborhood cats and raccoons as a seismic event.

My UK publisher Hodder & Stoughton didn't just send out ARCs -- first they mailed a trio of mysterious black envelopes which arrived one by one with no explanation, just the strange contents, and only after that, the ARC itself, also in a black envelope. Is that cool, or is that COOL?

Midnight Reader was kind enough to post a photo of the items:

Hee hee hee! So fun!!! Thank you Hodder!

And then, of course, the ARC itself, which I thought looked very beautiful in Midnight's photo:

By the way, a few people have asked how to order the UK special edition, and I will definitely let you know once it becomes available! I can't wait! The other night I finished signing the tip-in plates (it's a signed limited print run of 1,500 copies) that I hadn't finished while in London, and while I was doing this, I decide to embrace Englishness and finally watch Downton Abbey, which I've been dying to see. I'm through the first three episodes and it's SO GOOD!!! Delicious! Now if only I had more busy work to do so I could justify watching the rest! Alas, I don't, but I will have to make the time. It's SO GOOD!

(Did I mention, SO GOOD?)

Also, I'm onto A Clash Of Kings, the second in George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series. It continues to be fabulous. Think you might try?


  1. It is my new goal in life to get a job at Hodder & Stoughton. It was just my goal to move to London but now I have a dream job for when I get there.

  2. What a creative way to get people's attention! Even if I knew nothing about you or your books, I would be intrigued from the get-go... It reminds of the button boxes that Laika sent out before Coraline hit the big screen. (In a word: awesome.)

    I finished reading Game of Thrones prior to the series premiere on HBO, and I'm totally hooked. The only problem is that I'm kind of afraid to keep reading, because you know Mr. Martin isn't afraid to kill his darlings! Which is actually a great compliment to him as a writer, but as a reader, it scares the bejeezus out of me...

  3. Connie, having been there in the office, I can say it would be an awesome place to work!!

    And Jen, I KNOW. I am reading with my hands partially over my eyes, afraid of what he might do :)

  4. ohhhh, so much goodness in one post!
    To begin with, what a fantastic campaign! I can't think of anyone that doesn't appreciate real mail, and then for it to be full of surprises, wow.

    Next, I have to say, I just signed up for the speed dating at the BEA purely because I have to meet you, though, I'm going to wish Clementine was there. I'm a little bit star struck by Clementine, especially as the easter bunny.

    And finally, Downton Abbey and Game of thrones!! I've started watching both, but I must finish Downton Abbey, It's fab but the hubby doesn't dig it. So I have to sneek it in.
    Game of Thrones, the show is amazing, and I really need to settle into the books. They seem like a great backyard, summer read. But a mega commitment, especially since it takes so long for them to come out and there are three left.

  5. That's ridiculously incredible PR.

    I'm not reading the above comments in case there's a GofT spoiler, but yes, if you liked it I figured I should try the books! And a brief teaser from HBO confirmed that I'd want to see the show, so excited.

  6. That cover is lovely and quietly evocative. I really prefer it to the photographic American edition.

    I have a hardcover of Game of Thrones that I picked up on a remainder table some years ago, but I haven't read it yet because I strongly dislike beginning a series before it's complete. (Though I sometimes relent; it can be tough to hold out!)

  7. Awesome, Laini! Such a creative team you have.

  8. Hi all! Just wanted to say to MonsterAteMy that I know what you mean about series, but I'll go ahead and at least buy them if I know I'm going to want to read a series, because the chance is very real (not for GRRM but for many writers) that if you wait for a series to be complete, it will NEVER be completed, because insufficient sales may well prompt the publisher to drop it. Sadly, I know this all too well from Dreamdark.

  9. That's a very good point, and I hadn't thought of it that way. I will buy them and store them against series completion instead! (Well, as the budget allows. Sigh.)

    (I do own both the Dreamdark books and I still hope you might find a way to continue this series. Maybe self-publish as e-books?)
