
Friday, February 4, 2011

Some "Befores" of Our Soon Nest

These first photos sort of exemplify the "before" state of the house. 

The drastic "love-needingness" of it. 

Old carpet, old wall paper, dusty fixture, flaking [lead] paint!

I especially like this one because Clementine's look seems to mirror the house's soul
at this moment in time. Imploring, yeah? Love me.

Plus which the dinged up trim and general state of things are plainly apparent.

That, incidentally, was the last time Clementine would be in "house" (as she calls it, to distinguish it from "home"), until the work is done, lead paint removed and covered, etcetera. 

We won't be moving in for a while.

Little girl in a big room.

My future writing space, an enclosed upstairs sunporch! I love it so much so much so much.

It has to be pretty much rebuilt because it is uninsulated and igloo-like right now. Also, it is yellow. 

Very yellow.

And a "before" and "during" on the upstairs bathroom:



It's hard to tell, but we swiped a closet from the adjoining room to expand the bathroom.
It's been fabulous fun planning a bathroom from scratch (this is all new to us!),
all the more so because I hate our current bathroom. 
So. Much. 

This is not the bathroom below, just temporary digs for the tub and toilet, which we are keeping.


We kind of love the dinged up blue paint on the floor in here and considered keeping it,
but I think it'll get refinished (by Jim) along with all the others. 

So there's a glimpse of things over at "house." Actually, it's a lot more torn up right now--more "during" than "before"--than these pictures make it look. Oh man, I can't wait to nest. I can't even tell you. 
Can't wait! But I will wait, a fair while yet, while "radiator guys" and "sewer guys"
and other kinds of guys do their work.


[Also, my favorite decorating blog, Decor8, blogged about the double-decker vintage dress shop that I posted pics of recently. Awesome :-)]


  1. This is going to be so fabulous! I'm excited for you!

  2. That is very the blue too, but would probably be best to re-do while you are re-doing. : ) The "writing space" is awesome with those amazing windows! It is gonna be great!

  3. What the heck, you guys bought a new house? it's gorgeous!! Where is it? Hope it's close to us. :)

  4. All of it gorgeous, yellow included! :) I hope your renovations go smoothly. (I loved seeing Kelly Rae's posts, did you see those?) Being stuck in a suburban development has made me want an old fixer upper so much, it's almost painful. *Someday*

  5. Wow, congratulations! I can tell it's going to be amazing. Great character and charm. Can't wait to see more pics of the transformation!

  6. Amazing!! I love the sunporch, what a dream writing space. And the blue floor in the bathroom is lovely - I hope you do decide to keep it!

    A x

  7. I love love love that upstairs enclosed sunporch! What a great writery space that's going to make!! Can't wait to see the finished "house".

  8. Hi all, thanks for sharing the excitement! Can't wait to show progress, but it will be slow :-)

  9. I cannot wait to see the final results! We, too, have a claw-footed bathtub, but I can't use it until my love finishes working on that upstairs bathroom. :(

    Ah, old houses, with all their charm and character and draftiness and and and. . .

  10. Oh goodness, I was just thinking it's been a while since I've thought about interior decorating (it's been all reading and blogging and reading about craft) and now you're sending me back to wistfully look at my interiors folder. Sigh.

    I can't wait to see what you do with the place! I imagine lots of colour, though maybe not *quite* so yellow.
    - Sophia.

  11. squeee! How cool. Keep us updated with the progress.


  12. I kind of like the yellow, just judging by these pictures (I'm sure it's a lot more disconcerting to actually be inside all that yellow)...but no insulation would definitely not work.

  13. Ah, check out the timber in those walls! Just like the old farm house on Almhjell. I love love love it! You can put your hand to timber like that, and it's like touching the cold neck of a serpent.

    That writing porch is going to be the home of all your fantastic. Books will spring into life in that sun. Gorgeous.

  14. Very happy and excited for you guys but you know what? I'm going to miss the old house too- the wonderful staircase, checkered kitchen floors, your writing room- so many wonderful , wonderful memories. I remember coming to visit in the early years and you'd always have little treats waiting in the guest room for me- little soaps, chocolates, etc. Many happy memories there Fattae. See, all this temple today has made me so sensitive. Ps- Miriam did great. David's speech to her made me cry.
