
Saturday, February 5, 2011

Camel Time!

I really wanted to ride a camel. Really really. I mean, I wanted to do a trek in the Sahara, at least one night, but I knew it was out of the question with Clementine. So this was our ride: near Ait Benhaddou (kasbah), for fifteen minutes. Which was about . . . ten minutes too long for Clementine. So, you know, I don't think that trek would have gone over so well :-)

Jim's camel just really wanted to snack on tough desert plants.

My camel just really wanted to snack on Jim's camel's crotch.


These camels awaited at our guesthouse that evening. Aren't they great?

My life travel/adventure to-do list has many animal-riding experiences on it, including: 

  • reindeer trip up to see the Northern Lights. In Norway, maybe. 
  • elephant ride through a tiger preserve in India
  • camel trek in the Sahara, several nights, with guitar-strumming and storytelling in the evenings :-)
  • horse trek, maybe in New Zealand, all Lord of the Rings-y; or maybe Mongolia. Or ... Utah?
  • dolphin to Atlantis. What?


  1. Ha! I've got the reindeer all saddled up in the barn. Not really, but we're going.

  2. Utah would be closer, but definitely not as awesome as Mongolia or New Zealand. Would you go temperate mountains (northern) or red rocks (southern)?

  3. Tone, yes yes! As soon as Clementine and Magnus are old enough to enjoy it :-)

    Q: I don't know. I don't know Utah at all, but it seems like a good place for a long horseback trip :-)

  4. There is also dog sledding in Norway. I looked into it before I went there earlier in January. Unfortunately for me, there was too much to crunch into three days, so it didn't work.

  5. If you wanted to do your horseback ride in southern AZ my dad could totally hook you up. He's got horses, and would be an excellent storytelling guide, if you ask me. He could take you up Mount Graham to where he was bitten by a rattlesnake at age 12. Or I think he knows about some waterfalls up there. And then, you could go to the awesome observatory there and read the stars to discover your future.

  6. An amazing horseback riding trip is Hawaii!! On the Big Island. I don't know if they do overnight rides or anything like that, but Hawaii has got pretty much everything you can could even swim with dolphins there! I don't know if they would take you to Atlantis but you could always try! : )


    Come visit our farm in Texas anytime. It'd be our pleasure to share our family's camel with you.

  8. K, I should totally have dog-sledding on the list. Yes. Maybe dogs to haul the gear, while we ski alongside. And see polar bears in the distance. Yes. Does it matter that I can't cross-country ski? YET :-)

    Alysa, sounds awesome :-) We've been to the "sky islands" in Southern AZ and it was gorgeous. Lynx and bears and a million trillion hummingbirds.

    Nikkebird, Hawaii sounds GREAT!

    Doug, family camel! Wow!

  9. I have some similar things on my list....but was surprised that the Atlantis/Dolphin thing was on both our lists....that'd be pretty cool.

    My high school anthropology teacher once rode an ostrich when he was in the Peace story, but not on my list. Currently.
