
Saturday, December 21, 2013


Back from a quick pre-holiday trip to New York!

After going to NY unexpectedly -- and briefly -- last December, I had a hankering to go again, with a little more intention and time. My mom and sister joined Jim and Clementine and me for five days of holiday-time New York City. It was a blast, but over too soon!

West Coast (above) to East Coast (below). Gorgeous.

The city itself:
(first ever time up to see the view from the Empire State Building :-)

The view from our hotel window was of Carnegie Hall:

Another first: ice skating in Central Park!

Followed by meeting Santa at the Plaza; FAO Schwartz; window displays on 5th Avenue. 
Bergdorf's, below, were the most beautiful we saw (didn't see them all).
They were the most beautiful last year too.

(the above really is upside down; it's in honor of April Fool's Day; below; Arbor Day)

The Yeti windows at Sak's were delightful: 

A bit further away, Macy's windows were okay. Kinda old school. Clementine loved them.

We love the holiday markets. Bryant Park is so pretty, but the booths there are only so-so.

The Union Square holiday market is awesome, though.
A favorite booth, Hazel Village:

An owl came home with us last year, with a modest wardrobe. This year Clementine thought owl needed a "husband" and picked her out a dashing fox complete with a black tailcoat and stripey trousers. I can't even tell you how much I love this stuff. Having a daughter is only an excuse to shop here!

Not far from Union Square, across from the Flatiron Building, is Eataly, the gourmet Italian marketplace, with the Birreria on the top floor, all glass ceilings. Lovely, and fantastic food:

Of course, major highlight of the trip: the plays.
We saw Matilda and Cinderella and they're both fantastic. Matilda was a bit mean-spirited to be really awesome for a four-year-old. Clementine still enjoyed it, but we were all taken aback by the abusive language throughout. For older audiences, though: hilarious and gorgeously produced.

Cinderella, though: perfectly suitable for younger kids. A+

It's the Rodgers & Hammerstein version that was written for TV in 1957, performed as a live broadcast starring Julie Andrews. Viewed by 103 million people. In 1957. Can you imagine?? I guess it's also the one that was remade with Brandi a decade or so ago? Didn't see it. Anyway, it's entirely lovely and sweet and romantic and such a beautiful spectacle. The costume changes -- rags to ball gown, etc -- are instantaneous onstage. True costume wizardry. And there's more to the story than one usually gets with milquetoast Cinderella. Some political rabble rousing, a secondary romance, monsters, etc. Oh, and it's funny. Highly recommended.

Rockefeller Center, of course.

And this old place.

Clementine got sick in the middle of the trip so we spent a day inside; it snowed on and off all that day, we watched it out the window. That was the day we would have gone to the Met. Didn't. My mom and sister did though. Was so sorry to miss it. I've only been once, on my first ever trip to New York, when Jim and I were young(ish) starving artists and stayed in a youth hostel.

Never enough time to take photos. I'd love to just go on photo safari. Winding down here. Spent our last morning in Soho. This chocolate shop, MarieBelle, is to die for. Look at their cafe, so beautiful:

Not to mention their actual chocolates:

Five days (minus one for sickness) and going at a child-friendly pace, you know, it's not enough time in New York. But we had a blast, and would love to do this every year. 

Though Vienna has been proposed for next year ... (*ponder face* :-)


  1. being done and everything you definitely deserve a break! i vicariously enjoyed your trip. the photos were lovely. i've never been to nyc but i'm now resolved to make it a winter trip when i get there!

  2. Your trip looks amazing! Like the exact dream trip to New York :) I'm glad you got a nice vacation after your deadline!

  3. There is nothing like New York at Christmas time. Glad to hear you had a wonderful time!

  4. Oh my goodness I have been poling around on the Hazel Village website and the cuteness is nearly unbearable.

    Also: I love reading about your travels! Thank you for posting about them, and taking all the lovely pictures. :)
