
Friday, August 16, 2013


Wooo! In honor of the paperback release of DAYS OF BLOOD & STARLIGHT in the UK, my British publisher, Hodder & Stoughton, commissioned this very cool "Vox Pops" trailer*, featuring reader-generated content: art, short videos, photos. And it is SO COOL!! 

Thank you so much to everyone who participated and contributed. It will be cool to include all of your names in a special back page of DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS! 

Meantime, happy paperback UK birthday to DAYS! Right on time, I got a big box of these in the post yesterday ... 

And then later in the day, these ...

Thank you Kate Howard and Hodder & Stoughton for being AMAZING!!!!

Oh, and I can't leave this out. This also came from Kate the other day:

Marks & Spencer commemorative Royal Baby shortbread tin! Hee hee hee. I love it!

(And the shortbread is delicious!)


*"Vox populi" describes that kind of "man on the street" interview. 


  1. That trailer is awesome. And I see Katherine there! Plus, your British publisher rules. You should have them all over for tea.

  2. Hello Laini!
    Oh my gosh, you've seen the fan trailer! I submitted 4 works- 3 photos and the video at 0:55, and I can hardly wrap my head around the fact that I've contributed something to my favorite books and that the author herself has seen me. It would mean the absolute world to me if you would watch the whole video I submitted, here as I am enamored with the idea of the Universal film adaption. To be any part of it would practically make my life! Thank you for everything,
    XOXO, Angelina
