
Saturday, July 6, 2013

BECOME A WRITER! (for just $1 :-)

Hi there! Spotted this vending machine at Green Bean Books on Alberta St in Portland, and had to share. If you're still looking for that magic thing that will make you A WRITER, look no further! Here it is, just $1. Adorable. 

Incidentally, they also have a BABY VENDING MACHINE.
Yes. It vends babies. Very very small babies.

Hurry on over. Get some books and a baby to read them to! 

P.S. We brought the loveleh Stephanie Perkins here when she was in town last week for LeakyCon, which was splendid. I'll have pictures of Steph's adorableness and random fun-having very soon. Tomorrow maybe. But not much in the way of Leaky pics because I lamed out on lugging my camera. 

You should try to come next year though. It's in Orlando, so you can go to the Harry Potter theme park and everything! Highlights (for me) this year included reading my terrible teen writing along with Leigh Bardugo, Maggie Stiefvater, and Barry Lyga -- I am pretty sure, my friends, that I was the most pretentious teen writer of all time. I have sentences to prove it. (And am saving them for a rainy day.) Also, we did this thing called the Writer's House Cup, in which we writerfolk competed for, yeah, the Hogwarts House Cup, in a series of challenges designed by mad geniuses Maureen Johnson and Robin Wasserman to replicate the trials and tribulations of the writing life. 

This included wriggling through tubes and catching at flying money while blindfolded. Which I do pretty much every day. So. 

And wait. The only pictures I have from Leaky are from my other highlight. This:

These fabulous girls dressed up as Karou/Madrigal (combo) and marionette Zuzana! Made my freaking day. Check out that T-shirt! Isn't it awesome? I would totally buy that! 

* * *



They are always doing really cool things, and this is the latest and greatest. Check it out. If the trailer contest was too much for you to bite off, here's a fun and easy way to get yourself into a professionally produced video to celebrate the release of the paperback DAYS OF BLOOD & STARLIGHT (in the UK; it won't be out in the US for a while yet). 

Anyway, HERE ARE THE DETAILS. All participants will get their names listed in the back of DREAMS OF GODS & MONSTERS, plus you might end up in the video! And it's easy! Please do it. It'll be fun and wonderful :-) (And if you live in the UK there are also prizes.) 

Deadline July 31.




  1. The Author House Cup tourney was awesome & hilarious!!! Took quite a few pics, especially of the Gryffies and Huffles (GO HUFFLEPUFFS! ;D).

    Also, maybe I've just been totally oblivious but that's the first time I've seen the title of the 3rd book and I LOVE IT!!! ...Oh, it's been 'out' since May? -__- *slinks away*

  2. Well, now I know what I've been missing: a mini notebook and teeny pencil!
    I LOVE that t-shirt, of course, and those two cosplays are fabulous. So glad you had a fun time!! :)

  3. Wow, what an amazing pair of costumes! And those tiny book things are hilarious!

  4. Is that shirt for sale ???? I so totally want one
