
Friday, May 24, 2013

German Secret Cover


I've had --and loved-- the German edition of Daughter of Smoke & Bone for ages and I never knew there was this amazing secret hidden beneath its dust jacket! Thank you to Lena from Germany for mentioning this in comments to the last post of foreign editions. I had NO IDEA.

You guys. Look. Under the dust jacket, the book is printed with this gorgeous drawn version of the cover, signed "Karou." It's spectacular, the best use of ... I don't know what you call this. Publishing people, what do you even call this, when the book itself is embellished under the dust jacket? Whatever it's called, this is the best one I've ever seen, and all this time, I didn't even know it was there! 

I wonder what they're doing for Days of Blood & Starlight ...



  1. Hi Laini,

    I've been meaning to send you a message for ages. After reading "Daughter of Smoke and Bone" I couldn't wait for the next book and pre-ordered it. When I read "Days of blood and starlight" I was blown away. It really was very well written with an amazing story line, a little dark and I fell in love with it, more so than the first book. So thank you for writing such an amazing story and sharing it with the rest of us!

  2. Wow is the perfect word! That is beautiful!

  3. Gorgeous! That is one of my favorite covers.

  4. It's gorgeous. They'll probably do the same thing with Days of Blood & Starlight since it's the norm with German hardcover editions to have some kind of artwork on the book itself instead of a single colour.

  5. That's so awesome! I love that idea!

  6. This IS stunning. You do have an artsy under-"cover" thing going on here. I'm sure that as artists, you (and your husband) must be appreciating this cover design on a whole new level :)

  7. Yay, thank you SO much for reading my comment and mentioning my name in your post! Can't explain how happy I feel right now for being noticed. :-)
    I love that book in my bookshelf. It's one of the most beautiful books and I hope they'll do the same thing for Days of Blood and Starlight!
    Lena ;-)

  8. I think this is the cover for German Days

  9. The American publication of Laura Esquivel's novel Malinche, out a few years ago, did a great art on the inside of the book jacket; her works are multidimensional, sometimes use a music DVD with the novel, the book jacket art added to the experience.

  10. Oh wow... that's GORGEOUS! I think this is my favorite cover, now. Thanks so much for sharing it! I wish there was an awesome sketch in the US copy, too!

  11. It's freakin' awesome, is what it is! It's such a pleasure to see the publisher pay such wonderful attention to detail to make sure the actual cover is just a lovely as the dust jacket. Bravo.

  12. Hey Iam from Germany and I love that amazing book. My quastion is: Do you come to the Bokk Fair in Frankfurt this year?

    Greetings from Germany

  13. Oh it's so pretty Laini! What a precious discovery.

  14. I, for possibly the first time, wish I could read German so I could have an excuse to pick this up. I already have two English copies, but that's just amazing.

  15. That is seriously awesome! Kudos to the designers and everyone who made this come to life!

  16. Sorry to post here, is off the subject, but I just wanted to congratulate you for wining The best Romance YA Audiobook for 2012 - No it's running in the finals for Best Romance Audiobook for 2012 :)
    It was a tight battle between Cinder and Days of Blood and Starlight, but your novel pull it off with in a few seconds of the polls closing winning by 3 votes...It was fun!

  17. Oh wow, this is absolutely brilliant, beautiful, and many other positive b-words that are escaping me at this moment :-)

  18. I just finished Days of Blood and Starlight. I thought it was great! But I'm a middle school librarian so I'm eagerly awaiting a new Dreamdark book.

  19. Oh wow, that cover is gorgeous! I was just having a conversation within the past few days with a book blogger friend about how I wish more books would have beautiful bindings and do away with the dust jackets. I almost always peek beneath the jacket as soon as I acquire a new book, and am usually disappointed by what's underneath. This one would have made me squee.

  20. This is very gorgeous! One of my blogger friends was just talking about the great surprises we find under the dust jackets, so I just had to leave her a link here of course :-)

    Vyki @ On The Shelf

  21. I loved this so much that I ordered it from the German Amazon website. If anybody is curious, it was fairly simple. I just used Google translate to copy and paste the German text so I knew what I was doing and the book got here (Texas) in a week! I'm so happy I have this in my collection and you can too if you want it :D

  22. I'm from Germany and yeees the cover is sooo awesome. I love it. *.*
