
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hi there! Happy Valentine's Day!

For a while now, Jim and I have had the tradition of giving each other art for Valentine's Day. 

I LOVE what he made this year! Look!

(for/of me):

(for/of Clementine)

How great are these?! I love them so much! Thank you, talented husband :-)

I didn't make, alas, but bought. Sigh. 

These wall-mounting ceramic sculptures from our favorite art gallery. 

Clementine got in on the act too. Sweet girl :-)

Hope you had a lovely day!



  1. Beautiful!
    I got a myself a box of chocolates that I picked up at the candy store while I was getting Valentines candy for my kids. I put the box in my husbands sock drawer and told him to surprise me in the morning. We only have 1 car so he has an excuse. I was very happy with my tiny box of chocolates.

  2. I LOVE what Jim made!! I'll pick those up later today. And I just looked in my little red "Laini" basket where I occasionally see something that I know you'll like and I save it in there for a birthday, Easter, Valentine's Day, etc...and right now the ONLY thing that was in there was "Apple Cake!!!" I had saved the Powells receipt almost as a joke for the vampire book and now you really need it. From this holiday forward I am only giving you pens, fancy cough syrups, and Bounce.

  3. Wow, so much talent!

    Perfect frames for such lovely artwork as well. Ummm...when is he opening a gallery?! It's amazing how he was able to capture a likeness of her as a fierce, sword wielding older child that seems so right, as if he had a snapshot of the future. Ah, and there you are with your star mantle. So fitting.

    The ones that you purchased for him frighten me, but in a good way. Probably akin to being in the presence of sloths. Very unique and I love their eyes.

    Miss Clementine Darling. You really do know what you're doing don't you. Love the blue around the heart. I love the use of the bold colors for the statement over the softer pastel background. She gave those words impact, and I bet they were well received. Did she help with the felt hearts?


  4. Your husband is so talented, and I bet Clementine is going to be an artist! This brightened my day, thank you for sharing this sweet post! Happy Valentines Week!

  5. I love Jim's artwork. Can he start an Etsy story...or something?
