
Sunday, January 6, 2013

My Writing Room

Hello! Because a little tidy-up has occurred (love a newly cleaned workspace!), I thought I'd post some pics of my writing room, which was once a balcony.

You see, it is small and mostly windows. On sunny days, I have to retreat to the bedroom because it is too bright in here! But, you know, this is Oregon, so that's not too frequent an occurrence :-) 

Those curtain wires strung across the window are for the primary purpose of holding chapters in sequence at a particular stage of writing when it's all over the place in my head and I need to be able to see it all before me. Here's what that looks like. (IKEA Dignitet wires)


(Owl art by Johanna Wright, doll by me, long ago)

Ooh, look at this! Christmas show 'n tell! Jim (who is visible all sexeh in the photo there), got me THE BEST PHONE CHARGER IN THE WORLD. I love this! Look! It's a copy of Pride & Prejudice (a beautiful one) sitting on my shelf. Oh no it's not. It's a phone charger! (by booksi)

Random wildlife calendar decals walking across my desk.

Aurelie Fronty mobile thingy I found in Paris:


Remember that night I discovered Society6 and spazzed utterly? I said then that I was in love with the cushions but couldn't attest to quality. Well, having now received some, I can say that the quality is good! And man, the selection. I sense an addiction coming on ... I mean, how better to quick-change a room?! And they're totally reasonable. Cushions can be stupid-expensive, and these are not.

Some more, downstairs: 

Also, a Society6 canvas I got for Jim, for our weird superhero art collection:

And a Society6 phone cover that Santa put in my stocking. Love it! 
(This post has turned into a Society6 advertisement!)

That's all! The other half of my writing room is basically a bookshelf (mostly folklore, war, and British Raj books) too messy to be displayed. I sometimes daydream about getting it beautified. Some day!

Okay, now I'm off to watch Downton Abbey! YAY!!!!


  1. Very creative.

    My writing room is a shrine to New Zealand and the works of Tolkien.

  2. Lovely room and stuff! I also bought pillows from Society6 (and blame you for finding their website). :-)

  3. Wow, what a great eclectic collection of stuff!

  4. What a great room! I love all the light. The wires are such a great idea - I may have to borrow that one for when I finally have my own writing space.

  5. So awesome! Thank you for sharing. I kept up the Society6 tab for weeks after you introduced us to it, lol.

  6. What a lovely space! That phone charger, especially . . . I covet it mightily.

  7. Feathers! Colors! I love it so! Especially I like the fact that you can warm your toes on the radiator as you write. Very important feature.

    And don't look now, but there's a whole pack of mischievous, naked little ideas lined up on your curtain shelf, ready to skydive into your head at opportune moments.

  8. Donna, I can support that sort of shrine :-) Hope to make it to NZ one of these days!

    Irene, thank you and I'm sorry! It's terrible to spread a dangerous addiction!

    Thanks, Angelica! And Kate, yes, the wires are great, esp since it's all windows in here and so little actual wall space.

    Savannah, ha ha, did you do any damage?

    Thanks Charley! Check out the etsy link for the phone chargers, so many lovely ones. It's great having it, I was always forgetting to charge my phone before.

    Tone, ha! You can see my little naked fellers up there? At one time I planned to expand the collection to take up that whole ledge, but once I started getting duplicates I lost my interest. But looking at it... maybe I DO need more! *rubs hands greedily* MORE MORE MORE! (Incidentally, when C was really little, we'd call those guys "butts" and we still call that collectibles store the "butt store" :-)

  9. I love you little writing room!

    I'm obsessed with buying art prints from Etsy and I need to know where that art print with the pink background and owl balloons? is from. Not sure what the print is of, but it's adorable!

    I'm a very new fan, just started Daughter of Smoke and Bone and only half way through and am loving it! I've been reading a lot of YA lately and your book is so refreshing! YA genre can be very hit and miss but so far Daughter of Smoke and Bone has a great original story and your writing is fantastic!

  10. I have to say I'm a little surprised at how bright and cheerful it looks, having read your writing. Haha. But it looks like a really nice little space.

  11. What a delicious place to write in! It makes me feel that I need to add more color to my own writing room...hmmm. The wires are a must. I usually spread my manuscript all over the floor..which at times can take up the entire floor with no place left to walk...not so good. Thank you, Laini, for sharing those pics. Now I can visualize where you wield your magic. Love it!

  12. Downton wrecked me this week. Poor Ethel.

    Thanks for letting us see your writing space! You've convinced me that I need to take mine back from my kids, whose toys somehow always take over the space in between projects.
