
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Happy December!

Amazingly, it's Advent Calendar time. Clementine and I have been making these little guys for a few days. So cute :-)

Find the free downloads HERE if you want to make your own. They're easy but a little time-consuming. 

Excited to start the Christmas decorating soon. ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE THINGS!!! 



  1. Yay! Happy December! My favoritest time of the year, too. And come Dec. 7th, I'll actually have time to enjoy it. (Racing for deadlines really feels so much like cramming for an exam! Except one won't get away with skipping some parts.)

    Your advent calendar is adorable. What's inside? Magnus and Martine have one made of wood with little Christmassy paintings on the doors and chocolates. A nice little lesson in patience - if you eat all the chocolate at once, there won't be any for all the other mornings. Learned that the hard way, many years ago :)

  2. That is the cutest thing I have seen all week. I love them!
