
Monday, October 22, 2012

Autumn Sky

Below, the exact same stretch of sky over three days this past weekend:
(click first image for large slideshow, use arrows)

It's a few miles south of Newport, Oregon. My whole family rented a beachhouse for the weekend to celebrate my dad's birthday. (Happy birthday, Papa!) My sister and aunt were up from California, my brother and niece down from Washington. And also two dogs. It was wonderful. And man, fall and winter may not be the most popular times to go to the beach, but the skies are so much crazier than in summer. How much do I love having an epic ocean view? It just makes my heart pound. 

We met not a single person on the beach in three days. It was just us. Here's the view from our private bluff:

We look bundled up, and rain was pretty unpredictable, but it wasn't that cold. Around 50 degrees.

I love in this next picture how you can clearly seen the rain out at sea: those misty columns to the right? Rain. You could watch as they came nearer and nearer, sweeping in from the horizon to rain on you before moving along.

Sigh. I love the beach. 

It's like I can feel my spirit growing and stretching while I stand on those vast stretches of shore.


Look at this Instagram my sister took:

photo credit Emily Taylor


  1. Beautiful!!! LOVE the beach! So much beauty all connected and found in one place! It's gorgeous! :)

  2. So pretty! :D The range of colors are just lovely and I love the quote too! :D

  3. I feel I know you from this terrific blog. I'm from Portland, now living in western Canada, and I LOVE your posts. Your photos of renovating a house similar to the one I grew up in, Miss Clementine, the BEACH shots -- we used to spend our summer vacations in Newport, Lincoln City, Charleston and Florence ... how I miss it. Your great posts about the recent France adventure are bookmarked in case I get to go any time soon. Oh -- and whenever someone asks if I've read your book, I gush. Glorious words, you make. Thank you for it all.

  4. Oh my gosh, those are stunning! What a lovely way to spend an evening!

    Also, your new blog header sent me into fits of excitement, too ;)

  5. Laini!!! These photos are complete magic.

  6. I LOVE the picture of Clementine with her name written in the sand...I feel like you should/could write a children's book about her. ;)
