
Wednesday, July 25, 2012


UK cover for Days of Blood & Starlight!!!

Look how wonderful! The flames, they flicker. Oh, Hodder & Stoughton, you guys are so cool :-)

* * *

Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love and dared to imagine a new way of living - one without massacres and torn throats and bonfires of the fallen, without revenants or bastard armies or children ripped from their mothers' arms to take their turn in the killing and dying.

Once, the lovers lay entwined in the moon's secret temple and dreamed of a world that was like a jewel-box without a jewel - a paradise waiting for them to find it and fill it with their happiness.




This was not that world.

* * *

Love it, love it. I'm so lucky with this book, such GREAT COVERS!!!!!! Yippeee, YAY!!! I love you, publishers! Oh man, it seems like a long way till November 6th and 8th, but you know it won't be. Zip zop, it'll be here all too soon, the intervening months will vanish as months do, pfff. 

Here it is sans flicker, so beautiful ...

Preorder HERE for the UK edition.

HERE for US.

Yippeeeeeee!! Can't wait!!


  1. Pre-ordered this on bookdepository ages ago, thrilled that the cover is as breathtaking as I hoped it would be!

  2. This is an AMAZING cover! Looking forward VERY MUCH to reading it! :)

  3. Hodder & Stoughton only make my desire to live in London that much stronger.

  4. It is quite lovely, but I'm partial to the American version--I have a fondness for those masked women. Ha!

  5. Oh, wow, I love this one! So - I dunno, evocative. Very cool! Can't wait to read it!!!

  6. Cool cover! The UK is closer to home, so I'm getting myself one of these.:-)

  7. Love it! I love how it sort of echoes the feather on the UK Arc of DoSaB. And I am seriously DYING to read this.

  8. Holy cow that's awesome!!!!! You are so lucky with covers! So glad a great book gets a great cover!

  9. Very, very cool.
    Can't wait to get my hands on it!
    I hope my publishers can come up with such an awesome cover.
    Hands down your writing is by far the best I've read... and I read. Alot.
    Thanks Laini for gracing us with your imagination.

  10. The book is currently in the top 10 editor's pick and top pick for Young Adult novels for the most anticipated book released in the fall. I can't wait until November 6 comes so I can read the sequel.

  11. Random observation: The fire looks like it's taking the shape of a seahorse xD. I also love it when publisher's make cover editions with effects ^_^.

    Question: You wouldn't happen to know what the title font for the cover is do you?

  12. Love the stars! Stars, stars, stars <3

  13. Cool!!! I like it!!! :)

  14. The UK covers are just fabulous! I love them both for DoS&B and for DoB&S. Can I just have the covers please?

    And you're right, November will be here so quick it's ridiculous.

  15. Gorgeous cover art for a gorgeous novel :)

  16. I am going into the army and dont know when ill be able to pick up your next book but i hope it will soon because smoke & bone was so wonderful and such a great romance adventure (laughs) it really is but looking at your blogs i feel like the only guy that has read this. I will pass it along to my friends b4 i leave so at least they can get the new one in november. Authors like you have always kept my imagination alive and thank you for it, i can only hope that when i get older and have children authors will be able to inspire my kids like your book encourages my imagination.

    Levi Tate
