
Monday, March 19, 2012

It was all just a dream

Another lazy post: some dreamlike images from Pinterest.
Don't they make you want to write stories?
Some killer potential book cover images here.

Happy day!


  1. These are amazing pictures - as you say, some great book cover potential there! But maybe you would be so kind as to provide credit for them, so we could visit the original sites and perhaps learn more about the artists. For example, the first picture - even at your pinterest site it only links back in general to a tumblr site, not to the original photo. I'd personally love to know who took that photo and where I could see more.

  2. Hi Sarah, yeah, that's the suck of pinterest. There IS a way to trace images back to the source, but I've forgotten what it is -- if you want to look into it though, I'd love to know!

  3. If you go to Google Image search, there's a camera icon on the right hand side. Click on the camera and you can provide an url to the image or upload the image directly and google will search the web for that image and one of the results usually leads to the source material. For the first image, it's

    Hope that helps! :)

  4. Oh wow! I love that last image in particular. It makes me think of a Snow Queen from a fairy tale or something. So beautiful! :)

  5. Love these pictures!!! So cool, neat and amazing! :) I am inspired to write now! Thank you! :)

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Pinterest is lovely, but I recently deleted all my boards and started again after reading many of the discussions currently going around about copyright. Here's one example -

  8. Thank you so much for finding and sharing these amazing photos. Several of them are screaming out their stories.

  9. I LOVE this collection. Definitely a host of atmospheric stories in every image.

    I agree with everyone about the attribution problem though, and then I read this post about the legal issues for users:

    Sigh. I hope things get sorted out because I don't want to have to leave Pinterest. I'm just starting to realize how amazing and inspiring it can be... your post being a case in point!

  10. Very informative post. Get to know something new and very informative. Love to read more posts like this.

  11. WOW! Amazing post, I always appreciate these kind of posts. I hope people will be able to understand value of these kind of posts. Cheers!

  12. the bw pic of the woman with tha hands into face is mine.

    please link me:
