
Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Pinterest finally sucks me in

Ok, fine, internet, you win. I will join another social networking site!


Ah well. Moderation, right? You know Pinterest? It's this site for collecting and sharing images and inspiration. Very cool. For some time now I have known it would get me, I was just staving off the inevitable, and now it has happened. A few days in, I see it is dangerous in ways I hadn't even guessed. I got that it would be totally addictive. I didn't realize it would also make me want to BUY THINGS. Agh! I have not succumbed to that, but I have started some boards, including a Daughter of Smoke and Bone board! It is small now, but I think it will eventually be very cool and full of wonderful weird and beautiful images. If you want to take a peek, it is here. If you start your own Daughter of Smoke and Bone board (there were a few cool ones preceding mine), please let me know so I can follow you and snitch your cool stuff! :-)

Here's a sampling:

a blue-haired marionette, maybe Zuzana made it?

dreamy Prague

doll Zuzana!

gorgeous Karou

a chimaera!

Fun! If you're there already, let me know so I can find you. I have no Pinterest friends :-( 


  1. I'm following you! :)

    Love the dreamy Prague and Karou pictures. If I weren't I teacher in a conservative school I'd totally want to dye my hair blue. First Stephanie Perkins made me covet blue hair and now Karou. :)

  2. Following! Tis verrrrrry addicting, Pinterest. I have taken a bit of a pinning pause...but it is SO good for inspiration!

  3. i'll be your pinterest friend;) it sucked me in a month or two ago. I was just like you-avoiding it.

    although my boards might bore you. I just peeked at your pins and I am much more practical-"lighting" "kiddos" "mama likey"- no pictures of cool places and Karou. Maybe I need to make me a Daughter of Smoke and Bone board...

  4. Love your Daughter board-I'm following it, too! Pinterest has had me wrapped around it's little finger for a while but lack of time and careful moderation does keep things in check (after that initial excitement/obsessiveness abates)! I've actually found that it helps me to not want to buy things- I love that I can 'have things forever' on my pinboard -after I pin it, I 'have' it to enjoy every time I open my boards! p.s. you might see some familiar, much loved, art and books pinned on my boards... Happy Pinning!

  5. oh yay! I was just looking for you on there the other day. I hope you'll still do your eye candy breakfast posts, have to say. :)

  6. I do spend a lot of time on Pinterest but on the other hand I have stopped following as many blogs and now have one place to go to. I do have a smoke & bone board it is called Blue Karou, I don't have a lot of pins.

  7. I am all sorts of happy reading this! And I LOVE IT when writers do inspiration boards for their books! Following you! :)

  8. I'm about to go follow you! (If you try to avoid going on everyday it's easier not to get addicted)

  9. Courtaney and I are both on Pinterest! Welcome to the addiction! Come find us!

  10. Oh my gosh this is so great! I've actually tried to look you up on Pinterest before (because i'm a complete pinterest hoe/stalker) because I was wondering if you had a recommended books board. I just added you! Add me back at Bekka Gandy =)

    P.S. The number of pins I have is awful. Don't judge. I've been addicted since last summer.

  11. Also, in case you didn't know, if you type in "chimera" in pinterest's search bar there are some pretty cool results sometimes. :)

  12. Yay! Laini on pinterest! Loving your pins so far and very excited that you like the stunning chimera girl as much as I do.

    Already following you. You can find me back at

    I have an inspired by DoSaB board but it also includes other book inspired pins. But the name is clearly inspired by you and your beautiful books

    apologies that I pin a LOT about food :)

  13. Pinterest is danger to the highest degree when it comes to time and money. I'm following your boards and am pretty much in LOVE with your decorating style. It's right up my alley. I'm struggling not to repin every single thing you've put up!

  14. Pinterest is the absolute greatest. I'm @gretchenalice!

  15. Hi,
    I'm on Pinterest - only recently. Have avoided more 'crack' as a friend calls it, but finally succumbed. So many cool images. Great inspiration. Love your board!

  16. I just got sucked in, too! My user name is olsonkayla—I started it mainly for photos that inspire my WIPs (like several writers, it seems), but like you, I was so surprised to find that I'd want to buy things…and make things…and want to spend all day on there…

    …so I had to set a timer. Which would have been great, had I obeyed it.

    Anyway. I'm going to follow you, because you always post the coolest things here on your blog. :)

  17. I would have liked you to ask me for the permission to take my picture, cause usualy I ask for credits on them :P (talking about this one )

  18. Hi Vickie, sorry about that. I didn't alter the photo; it was on someone else's blog; as is generally the way these days, I didn't know where it came from. If you'd like me to take it down I will. Meantime, I'll add a credit. Gorgeous photo!

  19. Love Pinterest! I just followed your boards. :)

  20. I would like to be your Pinterest friend! :D

  21. I love Pinterest. Nice to see you there. I have seen more and more art lately that make me think of Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Fun to see your boards!

  22. I love the book and I love all the artworks about it!
    I've seen so many on your Pinterest art-boards that I even got a bit of inspiration and did one as well:
    (it's linking to the original artwork from deviantART, but as this post is about Pinterest I thought to leave a Pinterest link, LOL)

    I hope you like it!
