
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Graphic novel shout-out: Anya's Ghost

One of the many books I picked up at Comic Con was Anya's Ghost by Vera Brosgol, a graphic novel from First Second Books, and it's the one that stands out in my mind out of the stack. I've been meaning to give it a shout-out, and here it is:

*cups hands to mouth*


It's really good.

Anya is not having the best day, and then she falls down a well. 
And makes a new friend. With a ghost.
And everything changes.

(that's my paltry description, not the publisher's)

Here's the book trailer:

So. I'm not a book reviewer, so I won't go much beyond that. I'll just say the art is terrific, and the story is so well crafted. When it begins to turn ... I won't even tell you how it turns ... just, it sneaks up on you with little chills up your neck. 

Right HERE First Second has 17 sample pages.

A long post on process from the author/artist.

Order it! From Powell's or B&N or Amazon or Indiebound.

Enjoy :-)

Do you read many graphic novels? I wish you would. And by "you" I mean everyone. It's such a great medium, and it just doesn't get the love and respect in this country that it deserves. I mean, in France, say, it is reckoned an art form suitable for adult enjoyment, and so you find a lot of fabulous stories, beautifully published ... in French, alas. Or Spanish, or Italian. Reasons to be multi-lingual. (Another of my fantasies embodied by Karou :-)

But Anya's Ghost is in English! Support this one, guys, so there will be more! First Second has a lot of amazing books -- graphic stories that have nothing to do with superheroes (well, some of them might, I don't know, and I have nothing against superheroes. In fact, post upcoming on the massive DC relaunch!), and Top Shelf Comics is another place to find awesome graphic books for all ages. (In fact, in linking, I notice that Clementine's beloved Dragon Puncher has a sequel: Dragon Puncher Island! Woot.)

That's all for today. Ciao! Oh, wait. Here are some pages:


  1. I just bought this! I can't wait to start it.

  2. Yes! I DO read many graphic novels! Love 'em! :D And I, too, can't resist shout outs about the good ones. Check out the graphic novels tag on my book review blog, my review of Anya's Ghost is there!

    Laini you would probably love Hereville, I know I did!

  3. If you haven't already, you should definitely try some Japanese/ Korean comics! The art is generally prettier than American comics, and the plots are too :D They have a lot of cool psychological concepts and all sorts of cool stuff. If you're interested, I'd recommend Cantarella, Black Rose Alice, Vampire Game, and Bride of the Water God

  4. Looks like a great book, I've added it to my wishlist because of your post.
