
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Many good things in my basket today :-)

first of all ...


We love you so much!

Today will be birthday lite, in favor of upcoming weekend festivity. 

And no, that wasn't me up till 2 am painting tiny spool dolls for the tops of cupcakes.

Why do you ask? Yawwwwn.

* * *

And in other daughter news ...

OH. MY. GOD. Check out the UK book trailer:

Is that awesome or WHAT? Love it!!! Makes me want to go back to Prague ...

AND ...



This one is from the Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books, and it's lovely:

Karou is human, attending an art school in Prague, but she was raised by monsters—four beings whose forms include both human and animal parts. Calling themselves chimaera, they live in a little shop with a door that opens to portals all over the world and trade animal and human teeth for wishes. Running an errand for her family one day, Karou has a near-deadly confrontation with a beautiful, winged man with dead eyes and then finds herself caught in an ancient war between chimaera and seraphim that rages in the parallel world of Eretz. There is more to Akiva, her seraph attacker, than initially meets the eye, though, and soon his curiosity about her life with his enemies and her need to learn more about his world draw them together; the mutual magnetism they feel doesn’t hurt, either. Taylor (Lips Touch Three Times, BCCB 11/09) crafts both her world and her romance with meticulous care, building the first on a wealth of thought-provoking details and making the second equal parts tender and antagonistic. The plotting is layered and ambitious, encompassing multiple worlds, generations, and character incarnations and offering some pointed commentary on colonialism, the cost of war, and the slippery definition of monstrosity (as one character observes, “It is a condition of monsters that they do not perceive themselves as such”). Fans of torturously star-crossed lovers à la those in Marr’s Wicked Lovely (BCCB 7/07) and Black’s Tithe (BCCB 1/03) will find much to enjoy here, but those who flock to innovative, character-driven fantasy with thematic depth will be equally enthralled.

BCCB, I am now officially in love with you. Thank you for putting a cherry on the top of my ... cupcake. :-)


  1. Happy, happy birthday to the beautiful Miss Pie! And so pleased about the fantastic Brit trailer for your book and all the success your books are enjoying. Well done you, Laini!

  2. This is so wonderful, Laini! It's all just...WONDERFUL! I've been begging my hubby to bring me back down to Portland. Hopefully soooon! Sending all my best towards your family!

    P.S. (In case you're still keeping track, today's verification word: *fluite*, but I had to re-do it so now it's *aphiketi*!)

  3. Wishing your beautiful Clementine the happiest of happy birthdays!
    Also, congrats on all your awesome book news. So cool!

  4. It's my birthday too!:)
    Happy birthday to the little one!:)

  5. Happy Birthday to your little one and congrats on the review!

  6. That trailer is made of awesome!

    And happy birthday Clementine! I should call her up and wish her a happy birthday. (We pretended to talk on phones when she and Jim came to the gathering before Suz's signing). :)

  7. Happy Birthday to Clementine!

    And oh gosh! That trailer! So, so awesome.

  8. Happy Birthday to your adorable daughter!

    That is an amazing trailer.

    And, how many books will there be in the Smoke & Bone set?

  9. Your little girl is adorable! I hope she had a wonderful bday!

  10. Happy Happy Birthday to your beautiful daughter! :) And I can't wait to read your other daughter.

  11. Happy Birthday to Clementine! Hope you guys have a lovely time. And congratulations for the reviews and awesome book trailer. Yay!

  12. Happy birthday, Clementine! I still smile when I think of that first photo of you, all swaddled up and smooched between your mama and papa. Keep up the fun and feisty, little one!

    Also - I saw that video on the facabook page. Fantastic!

  13. Happy birthday Clementine! I'm glad the festivities are this weekend because I haven't mailed my package yet. :-)

  14. Great review, AWESOME trailer, and Happiest of Birthday wishes to your adorable little Elven daughter! : ) I can NOT wait to get my hands on this book! Seriously.

  15. Happy birthday to your sweet Clementine Pie! And thanks to that gorgeous painting from Jim (oh, the talent in your house!) and that breathtaking trailer I can now picture and even *hear* Karou more vividly. Thanks for sharing-

  16. Over 45,000 views of the trailer on You Tube IN ONE DAY!! Woo-hoo!

    I just finished the book a couple of days ago, Laini, and it's just. so. so. good. Your talent - the storytelling, the world-building and the wonderful, wonderful writing - continues to make me feel warm and happy and so incredibly blessed to be among those who've read your books.

    Happy birthday to the adorable Clementine Pie. I can't believe she's two already!

  17. Happy Birthday sweet girlie!


  18. These trailers are incredible! I LOVE her voice!
