
Monday, August 22, 2011

Carolina Chocolate Drops

Hi there! It's pretty much all writing right now, but I did climb out from under my rock the other evening to go to a concert at the Oregon Zoo with Jim and Clementine and out-of-town visitors. I didn't know the band, the Carolina Chocolate Drops, but I loved them.

(I also love that they're posing in a library here! Or ... are those printer's blocks? Not sure.)

They're that kind of totally engaging act that you can't look away from to chat or do whatever at a lawn concert, but just watch enthralled. Every song was totally different, ranging from old field hand songs to gaelic-incluenced beat-box, if that makes any sense. I'm dumb about music classifications, so I don't know. They're folksy bluegrassy whimsical something and wonderful.

Here's one piece we especially liked, though it's pulled from youtube from a different gig:

I would recommend checking out more of their youtube clips; like I said, every song is really different and fun. But if you can see them live that would be better. Their energy was wonderful. I wouldn't miss them if they came back around.

(The zoo concert series, by the way, is completely wonderful. It's almost over for the year, but if you're in the area, stay tuned for next summer. The zoo is one of the most beautiful spots in the city, and on a perfect day in August, watching the sun go down behind the trees to some good tunes with some good wine ... Not a bad evening :-)

Now, back to writing ...


  1. Love the Carolina Chocolate Drops. We never miss a show near us, if we can help it. They're such nice folks, too. Win win win win win. :)

  2. Gaah! My friends in Portland told me about the zoo concerts and I really wanted to go sometime. Now I'm kicking myself for never making it up for one. Glad you had a great time though!

  3. Wonderful! I saw them at the Vancouver Folk Festival a few years back - they were fantastic!

  4. your enthusiasm for pretty much everything makes me want to be your next door neighbor ;) (i promise i won't come stalk you)

  5. Lucky, lucky you! I would love to see them one day. ;)

  6. This song is so much fun! Thanks for sharing it :)
