
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

San Diego Comic Con!

Back a few days from the amazing four-city pre-pub tour and it's time for San Diego!

We love Comic Con. For a few years we went every year, and then for various reasons stopped.

We haven't been since 2007, the week after my hair mysteriously turned pink.

You know what that means?

Next week is my hair's five year anniversary!

What better way to celebrate than Comic Con?

* * *

I will be signing ARCs -- free ARCs! Come and get one! 
And I'll also be on two different panels with a slew of awesome writers. So fun!

Here's my schedule:


ARC signing of Daughter of Smoke and Bone
in Little Brown booth (#1116)
at 2 pm.

(free books for the people!)


What's Hot in Young Adult Fiction panel:
 Hosted by Nathan Bransford (Jacob Wonderbar Cosmic Space Kapow), and featuring panelists Andrea Cremer (Nightshade series), Amanda Hocking (Hollowland), Tahereh Mafi (Shatter Me), Stephanie Perkins (Anna and the French Kiss), Laini Taylor (Daughter of Smoke and Bone), and Kiersten White(Paranormalcy)

Room 23ABC
10-11 am
signing to follow, 11:30-12:30 in Autograph Area


High School Bites panel
Scott Westerfeld (The Uglies series), Laini Taylor (Daughter of Smoke and Bone), Margaret Stohl and Kami Garcia (Beautiful Creatures, Beautiful Darkness),Debbie Viguie (Once Upon a Time series), Anna Carey (Eve), and Heather Brewer (The Vlad Tod series) discuss their characters' formative years with moderator Maryelizabeth Hart of Mysterious Galaxy.

Room 5AB
2:45-3:45 pm

(Did you see that STEPHANIE PERKINS and KIERSTEN WHITE are on that first panel?
My two favorite writing peoples! In person, in one city, in one room. Awesome.)

If you're going to be at Comic Con, come and say hello! I would urge you to come last-minutely,
but I believe it has been entirely sold out, for quite some time.

Today Jim asked Clementine where we were going in 2 days, expecting her to reply, "Airplane," because she's really excited about that, but instead she said, "Nerd Rodeo!" ha ha ha! 
And we are more nerd cattle for the herd. 



  1. Oh maybe I can convince my friend Mimi to stop by and pickup an ARC for me! If I could get in I would drive there for the Sunday panel.

  2. Ahhh, "Nerd Rodeo" is genius. Wish I could be there, too! Have a blast!
    Namaste, and hugs all round,

  3. You are right. Comic-Con sold out AGES ago...before there was any inkling out there in the world who would be there! I am so bummed. Just half an hour away and no ticket. Oh well. have a blast!


  4. Yay, I'm going to be there on Saturday. I would love to get an arc and say hello. Whee!!

  5. In all my years of wishing I could go to Comic Con, I didn't even think of all the cool authors who would be there! I have a friend there, although knowing him his days are highly mapped out already ( Maybe he can take some pics of your panel for me :)

  6. Can't wait to read up on it!!! BTW...I made you new blog of the day.
