
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Because a good portion of life is spent there ...

Kind of makes you want to do some sprucing, huh?


  1. Laini. Are you on pinterest?? You should be, if you're not.

  2. You totally got these from Sweet Home Style on tumblr didn't you??

  3. not gonna lie. The creepy naked kid mannequins are creepy.

    The umbrella in the house is super fun though! and I love the window frame with pattern behind it above the bed. I might have to steal that idea...

  4. Ha- suddenly it will let me comment again. (this is Thinny). Those were the best series of pictures. Wow! I saved like ten of them. Have you been collecting those for awhile? Fantastic and inspiring. Going to look again...

  5. oh my goodness...who is in NESTING mode now?! i love it. i found myself wondering "how does she catalog this gorgeous collection of images for all things home?" pretty amazing. thanks.

  6. beth, I've looked at pinterest and it's great. But I'm not *on* it. I'm not totally sure how it works :-)

    nameless: no! I've never heard of that. But I will look it up ...

    alysa, I kind of like the creepy mannequins ... And love the umbrella. I want to do that too!

    Thinny, glad you like!

    dawn, ah nesting. The house is still full of boxes. We're not quite to the fun part yet! Hope YOU are!

  7. Dang. My house suddenly seems boring! I think I need to go do something fun to it RIGHT NOW.

  8. totally. such fun inspiration!

  9. holy god-- BEST link list of beds ever-- xo, E

  10. Laini! Wonderful! I second the comment... you *need* to be on it. I'll see if I can send you an invite... once you have an account you can save images from any website onto "boards" on pinterest. Forever I have been saving images into folders on the desktop of my computer... with pinterest, they are all in one place and accessible from anywhere. One of the best features? It keeps the connection to the original location of the image... so you can go back and find it. Awesomeness. :-)
