
Friday, June 10, 2011

Personal Expression

So, Clementine dressed herself this morning. ("Aw by mysef!")

And yes, in case you're wondering, we did go out like that, to a very cute store for the procurement of gifties. The store surprised us by having a playroom with a slide and everything! Love! Hello, new favorite place for procurement of gifties!

Later in the day, some mommy influence was exerted on hair and wardrobe:

But you know, I think I like Clementine's "look" better! :-)

And now: tired eyes tired eyes tired eyes. BED. And I am on a spate of awesome reads I need to tell you about, books that are conspiring to keep me up past my bedtime! You know how somehow you hit a whole slump of meh books and you start to feel kind of disenchanted? This is the opposite of that. More soon, but I'll tell you titles: 

All SO GOOD. So. Good. In the case of the first two, I've been meaning to read them forever, but my reading has slooooowed down these days and I've finally caught up to them. Whew. And HELLO, why didn't anyone tell me they were this good??? Oh wait, a zillion people told me. I just. Whatever. And Supernaturally, I was lucky enough to swap ARCs with Kiersten and it's even better than Paranormalcy!!!! Just wait!

And speaking of Kiersten, I have an event to announce! I'm so excited about this! Did I mention I'm going to Comic Con? Oh man, Jim and I loOoOoOoOoOove Comic Con -- which has got to be the  biggest comic book convention in the world (anyone?), add to that super duper multi-media nerdfest wonderland extravaganza, all in San Diego to boot, with beaches and zoos and leaping killer whales (Oh my!) And not only am I going there, I am going to be on an amazing panel, moderated by Nathan Bransford, along with ...

YAY! I will be doing another panel, but that one's still in the works. Days, details to come. Hope to see you there. It is The Best Time Ever!


  1. Her first outfit reminds me of Wonder Woman, only better. :o)

  2. That's just a fantastic panel! I love comic books. Love them. One of my favourite things in the world is snuggling up in the old armchair by the fire with non-sticky candy and a giant stack of X-Men comics (preferably a really epic run, like Age of Apocalypse from 95. Magnus Erik Lensherr indeed).

    And speaking of which, of course Clementine knows to put her underwear on the outside, as you do when you're a true hero.

  3. My niece Gracie who is almost 4 dresses herself & I pretty much want to hire her as my personal stylist. Clementine & her should start their own consulting business they would make millions!
    I have been to Comic Con a couple times and have loved it. I was so sad to hear you & Steph were going and I am not. But I just got back from San Diego & man it is so lovely. You guys are going to have such a great time!

  4. I have to say I prefer the second outfit, but of course Clementine always looks adorable in everything. :) If I have a daughter, I want to dress her exactly like that. Not cutesy/trendy but however you would describe her outfit in that picture. Vintage, maybe? Anyway, love the pics of Clementine. (And the paperback cover of Lips Touch, gorgeous!)

  5. That panel sounds A-mazing! And I love Clementine's look! Especially the bathing suit bottoms over the pants. Too cute!

  6. now just wait till you read Red Glove, The Dead-tossed waves, and the Dark and Hollow Places!

    But honestly the best book you'll read all year is this little one I just picked up and HAVEN'T been able to put down, called The Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
    Oh wait, I think you might have mentioned it at some point.

    And of course Clementine's outfit rocks (I am referring to the underwear on top one).

  7. I am so glad you liked WHITE CAT. :D

  8. I love when little kids dress themselves. Clementine's a star!

    I started WHITE CAT late last night (after finishing Cherie Priest's BLOODSHOT), and could not put it down. I practically inhaled it. Definitely Ms. Black's best so far - and that's saying something! I'm running out to pick up RED GLOVE as soon as humanly possible.

  9. I think you should let C. leave the house exactly the way she wants. Think of the creativity it will bolster. I'm sure you of all people can appreciate her unique style.

  10. Superhero toddler!!! Hooray!

    Absolutely cute!
