
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

New Orleans!

Hi there! Ah, wireless is connected, so I am no longer trying to snatch filaments of signal out of the air. Also, the radiators are up and running and the jumbles of this-n-that are diminishing, the cardboard box population decreasing steadily. Slowly, but still. So much to do, and we cannot attempt to conquer it all at once. Little by little, we will get settled in.

Meanwhile, New Orleans!

I had been twice before, in the early '90s for Jazzfest both times, and both trips were great and filled with music and food. Maybe some drink.

This visit began with a cocktail, a "pineapple upside down cake martini," at K Paul with lovely Little Brown ladies Alvina, Victoria, and Zoe, and my agent Jane.

This was a very quick trip, less than two days really, and no music was involved. Instead: books! But more on those in the next post. For now, how about just the strolling portion, some glimpses of the city?

Cafe Du Monde. Beignets, cafe au lait (in this case, iced, which I recommend!), and lots and lots of powdered sugar. Essential New Orleans. Jim and Alvina and I met up with Carrie Ryan there (author of the too-awesome Forest of Hands and Teeth and its sequels).

Alvina Ling and Carrie Ryan

I only knew Carrie over email before, but am so glad to have spent time with her. She was an instant kindred spirit, so lovely and fun. And darn it if she doesn't live on the opposite coast. What's with North Carolina, yo? So many awesome people live there (Steph and Jarrod, you know who you are). Come West, friends, come West! 

And Alvina, so great to hang out with her too. Did you hear she has been promoted to Editorial Director of Little, Brown Books for Young Readers? Go, Alvina! WOOT! 

Post-beignets, it was all strolling in the muggy warmth (which was not the misery I feared), with some half-hearted window-shopping thrown in.

You know how I love and covet chandeliers. 

Such a colorful and blooming place.

Cafe Amelie courtyard. Note to self: go there next time.

We happened upon a film crew, the young guy interviewing the guy in red, and I overheard this exchange:

"So is it true that when you were young you pretended to be blind?"

"Yes, it's true."

Someone told us it's for the show Treme but I don't know that for sure.

And that's about all the out-and-about we had time for.

Oh, but one last thing. We *did* find our way into a candy shop ...

We got some pralines to bring back home. 

Jim *may* have had a chocolate-dipped marshmallow skewer (no sprinkles though :-)
and I *may* have helped him eat it.

And then it was back to the hotel ...

... for a little nap before hitting the convention center for the 5 pm opening (aka "the running of the librarians") followed by: dinner and THE AMAZINGLY AWESOME DAUGHTER OF SMOKE AND BONE PARTY. Next time :-)


  1. Oh, how gorgeous. The mood and smells and sounds just leap out of the pixels. Let's go to that courtyard!

    Also, you now have a house that would love to get chandeliers for Christmas. You're getting your house something, right? It looks like the type to adore presents.

    I'll just pop over and help you with the moving in. Let me stop for coffee and Norwegian waffles from that farm, and I'll be right there. Magnus wants to play in Clementine's room. He's never seen a real doll house with real critters.

  2. the running of the librarians - lol

  3. I love every single picture. I watched some travel show years ago and have always wanted to go to Cafe Du Monde, someday. Also your dress is perfect! And I just decided yesterday while looking of pictures of libraries online, that someday I will have a library with a pretty little chandelier in it. Speaking of libraries I am dying to see yours all pretty & new.

  4. Thank you for taking pictures during your busy day and sharing them with us. I miss NOLA so much! Wish I was there now, even in June. And I agree w/Connie--love the dress. It matched your hair perfectly. You always find such interesting things to wear!
