
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

10 Years!!

Ten years ago today:

*I can't believe we found each other.*

*Me either! How lucky are we?*

*So lucky."

"We are going to have the most awesome life together.*

*I know.*

"We will kiss and make art and travel and write books and walk dogs and hunt vampires and lie beside each other reading comics and buy fun t-shirts and eat a lot of mangoes and pizza--*

*And chocolate.*

*Okay. And chocolate. And we'll have a totally awesome kid who will sing and dance spontaneously, and we will do what we love and drink lots of coffee and live to be a thousand and six. Okay?*

*Yes please!*

Happy Anniversary to my sweetie.

Thank you for our life.

I love you.


  1. Happy anniversary! You guys are so adorable!

  2. Congrats! I just had my 8yr anniversary with my husband yesterday!

    Also- I cannot.freaking.wait until Daughter of Smoke and Bone comes out!!!

  3. Happy anniversary! From the looks of it, you both are the perfect couple and that baby is gorgeous! I wish you that long long life full of mystery, fun, and love, and of course, the 1000 years or more if you can get it!

    Just don't make any deals with a demon!

  4. Aww. My heart just melted. Congratulations.

  5. Oh. I'm tearing up. You are just beautiful together. Congratulations to you, and to Clementine (Ten-ten-tINE, as Magnus says) for having such impeccable taste in parents.

  6. Happy anniversary! I hope the next nine hundred or so years are just as wonderful!

  7. Happiest wishes to you both!

  8. That first picture is made of win. Just felt the need to point that out.

    Also, congradulations!

  9. So, so sweet. Congratulations! Happy anniversary! Do something fun today :-)

  10. If only your mouths were a little closer to one another, it would have come out as a heart!

    Happy Anniversary! It is clear you complete each other.

  11. Congratulations! That's so sweat :)

  12. Wonderful post! CONGRATS!!! continue to count the years, and your blessings, together!

  13. happy anniversary!

    you are SO CUTE. and HAPPY. I just want to put you in a jar in my purse and pull you out whenever I need cheering up.

    is that freaky? sorry.

    :) :) :)

  14. That is so sweet. Happy anniversary!

  15. Happy anniversary to one of my very favorite couples! TEN YEARS! xoxo

  16. Awwww! Happy happy Anniversary, Laini and Jim!!!!! :) :) :) :)

  17. I can't believe it was ten years ago today!!!! How did so much time pass? You are as stuffed with joy and delirious love for each other as you were then and two better bumpkins couldnt have found each other truly.May you have many many more decades and centuries together of happiness. (To celebrate you guys I dug out my old green bridesmaid dress and ate four dozen cupcakes.)

  18. You two are awesome! :) Happy happy!

  19. Awesome! Congratulations! We are working on 21 yrs married, and about to be is full of delights and surprises. And mostly, it is beautiful. Enjoy the next 10, or 50, or 900. : )
