
Monday, May 23, 2011

Welcome. Have Some Candy.

It's nearing midnight in my hotel after my first day in Yew Nork, and I have many thoughts aswirl in my head. Like: Wow my boob hurts. And: what was up with that giant yellow teddy bear? And of course: I really should have bought more Swedish candy.

*insert angelic chorus here. (Who knew heaven was a Swedish candy store in Greenwich Village?).*

(As for the boob, nevermind. None of your business. What? *I* mentioned it first? I most certainly did not. I never would. That would be crass.)

Blabbity blabbity. Of course, Yew Nork is great and and full of candy and giant teddy bears and all, but the real thing aswirl in my head is: 


So much so much. Today I went into the Little Brown offices and met my people face to face for the first time! (I had met one, the incomparable Victoria Stapleton, over Voodoo Donuts in Portland.) As I've said before, I [heart] publishing offices. They're full of books and the people who love them enough to make it their life's work to bring them to the world. 

Here is one such person in her natural habitat. Alvina Ling, Executive Editor at LBYR and editor of Daughter of Smoke and Bone:

Oh! Hey! What's that in my hand? Could it be ... the NEW COVER FOR Daughter of Smoke and Bone??? It could. It is. There is an entirely new cover. I will show it more clearly very soon, but you can get an idea here. It's very striking! It is the brainchild of the man whose back you see below, Dave Caplan:

And I'm getting my picture taken -- my first ever actual photo shoot -- which made me hyper aware of every muscle in my face, all of which suddenly needed to be controlled by individual effort. What are my eyebrows up to right now? Oh god, lips, quit it. Act natural! Nostrils, please stop that! Tilt head. Wait, don't squint. Hey, how did my shoulders get way up here? Oh god, who is controlling my body? I forget how. Did I ever know? It was all just working together as a long-running lucky accident, a system which is sure to break down at the first sign of a professional photographer, like the awesome Ali, above, and half below.

This one cracks me up. We climbed into an alcove in pursuit of light. God I hope a decent shot comes out of all that facial anarchy.

Being as how I was all giddy, I did my forget-to-take-pictures thing, so I don't have many pics of other Little Brown peeps, but I hope to remedy that in the next couple of days. They just all made me feel so welcome and so special, and isn't it so great to just be with a bunch of kindred spirits and feel like you would happily hang out with these people all the time? Like they are in your cosmic pool of intended friends (yes that exists, shush), and you just hadn't met them yet? It is also great beyond words to have my book in such extremely capable and enthusiastic hands. 

Thank you.

And here is my wonderful wonderful agent, Jane Putch, my champion and partner and manager and friend, with whom I spent a delightful evening that *might* have involved cheese. And wine. There was no fried food though. Okay yes there was, but it's okay. My crazed boob absorbed it all. 

(Would you stop talking about boobs already? Sheesh.)

More soon. XO!


  1. Ooh, the new cover looks even more awesome! I can't wait to read the book.

  2. This is my third time trying to comment, I really hope three comments don't show up.
    I am glowing with happiness!!! I am really digging what I can see of the new cover! Please keep the posting your favorite New York spots I am going (fingers crossed) next week!

  3. I might die laughing! That teddy bear was the first thing I saw in New York yesterday too! My husband and I both turned to look as the cab went whipping by and thought it looked oddly like it was made of spray insulation.
    It was so great to meet you at long last! Can't wait to see you again tomorrow and take home my very own copy of Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
    PS- Alvina was charming!

  4. Oooo! That cover has a mask! I love masks! Who knew this book could get any more attractive?

    That candy store looks amazing and your trip sounds so fun. I can't wait to hear (and see) more! :)

  5. That cover is fantastic. It's just perfect! Unless, you know, the bottom half is full of pineapples, baboons and poodles with marimbos. That would be interesting, but somewhat less perfect.

    Ahhh. Carneval masks. So intriguing and romantic and scary.

    Also: Hi Jane! You're fantastic, too. Please tell me you didn't have Gorgonzola. Hee hee.

    Also: That candy shop has me drooling into my coffee.

    Also: You look lovely in that dress!

  6. Ha ha! I had to laugh when I saw the picture of the swedish candy store. I live in stockholm and although I´ve never seen such a trendy candy store before - I did recognise all the yummy candies.
    It´s sort of a tradition over here to buy saturday candy( for kids...and as a cover up, for us gown ups..) So here´s to swedish candy! And to a brilliant Laini Taylor!

  7. I know it's been months since this post but seriously, no one brings up the boob??? It's soooo funny!
