
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The US ARC of Daughter is here!!!

Wheeeeeeee! Look what arrived in my mailbox today!

A beautiful shiny new ARC of Daughter of Smoke and Bone,
the US edition from the fabulous Little, Brown.


I have been petting and whispering to it, opening up here and there to read a bit.

Also, it is making friends with its British cousin

They were shy at first, but now they're all:

"You're beautiful."

"No, you're beautiful."

"No, you."

In other news, I cannot stop with the Hipstamatic. It is a mania. Isn't this so pretty?

We went to a six-year-old friend's art opening tonight at a gelato parlor. 

We bought an $8 work ("crayon on paper") entitled "Rain Falling on Monster Island."

Clementine went incognito.

Seriously. She kept her mask on the whole time.

Was revealed only later, in front of her very own bistro.

Yay for books and artists and gelato and wee superheroes!

(The evening may also have involved pizza. And, um, donut holes. What?)


  1. I too, share your adoration for the Hipstamatic...Almost all my Fletcher of the Day's are taken with it. LOVE it! It adds atmosphere and texture to the photos which I adore.

    But you knew that! :) Love Cleme-super-tine. Adorable! though sometimes I have to ask myself...'Who was that masked toddler?'


  2. Lovely pics and brilliant mask on the super-adorable Clementine. I also love your polka dot dress, Laini (I've been looking for one for a while... sigh!) Hurrah for the book, too!

  3. The ARCs are so pretty!
    Are you going to... you know... give any away?

  4. Hi Lori! Ha ha, yeah, I can't believe she kept the mask on. Perfect for a bout of shyness, perhaps? And love the Fletcher of the day pics, always. Are you going to print them all into a blurb book?

    srpainter, thank you! I got the dress in London, cheap at a market, and the best part: a striped version of it was stuck to the back of it when the vendor shoved it unceremoniously into a bag, so I got a free dress :-)

    Thanks, Jeanne! Yes, I will do a giveaway. Right now I have only the one copy, but when I get my "Back to the Future box" I totally will :-)

  5. (I also just notice -- and now remember -- that C had her hand totally down my shirt in that photo. Ha ha.)

  6. Laini, reading your blog brings a guaranteed smile to my day, whether it's a post on writing, travels, or your wee superhero. Thank you!

  7. I fell in love with the cover art from the very first time you posted it, Laini. SOOO exciting to see it in book form! I'm so pumped for you!

  8. I'm planning a date with myself to read Daughter of Smoke and Bone when it releases. Seriously, I've got My Daughters arranged already. I love love the Mask & superhero ensemble. We often leave the house with an extra tutu 'just in case'. It is good to be prepared.

  9. Oh My!!! I want it so much. I can't wait for it to be on the shelf of a bookstore so I can finally read it. Speaking of which, I meant to tell you after you posted your speech that you have managed in my (humble) opinion to live a somewhat unique and original life. or at least you always manage to make everything sound amazing and beautiful on your blog. (I'm sorry if this message sounded a little weird.) Have a good day, a congrats on the ARC.

  10. Laini's blog is the only blog I check consistently. She has the knack to magically make mundane marvelous!

    I so want that book!!!!!

  11. So much shiny! The new book is gorgeous (cannot WAIT to read) and I've probably mentioned this at some time or other, but your daughter is THE cutest baby girl I have ever seen in my LIFE.

  12. Thanks, Rachael!

    Stacy, tutus! Yes. We have a fairy skirt, but it's not as popular as the cape and mask so far. Soon, I'm sure!

    Camille, Evie, and Commander Kip: thank you! :-)

  13. Congrats on the new book! Can't wait for it to officially come out. I hope to see ARCs at Book Expo next month!
