
Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Here it is! It is here! 

It is here twofold, on two continents, two very different looks, both beeyooteeful!

Oh my gosh I've been dying to tell you more and show you more and here it is at last, Daughter of Smoke and Bone. Woo hoo! I have ARC covers*! The book is ALMOST REAL. When does a book finally feel real? I guess it's when you have an actual bound copy of the ARC (advance readers copy) in your hands, and more importantly, other people have it in their hands too and might be reading it. Yeek! That hasn't happened yet but will VERY SOON. And yes, I will do some sort of giveaway. Oh I can't wait I can't wait I can't wait!

Isn't that image crazy-cool? That's the US ARC, from the fabulous Little, Brown. Thank you, Little, Brown!

I've also been dying to do is tell you WHAT this book is ABOUT. Finally. Sort of. In a mysterious you-just-have-to-read-it-and-see kind of way. So, presenting . . . the ARC copy!

There are weird tattoos and giant marionettes; art school, mustaches, and vintage ballet costumes; scary knives, naked ex-boyfriends, and vengeance; heartbreak, a masquerade, a light dusting of sugar, a wishbone on a cord, a cafe full of statues wearing gas masks, plentiful creatures, necklaces made of teeth, and . . . 

. . . there's a boy. A man. He is beautiful and terrifying, with eyes the color of fire and a shadow that does not match his shape . . . 

Daughter of Smoke and Bone.

(Want to read it?)

* * *

AND . . . if you are in the UK, you can pre-order it too, and I hope you will!!! From my amazing UK publisher Hodder & Stoughton (on whom much more next week, as I am going to visit them in London OH MY GOODNESS for several days of amazingness!!!), there's this beauty, of such a very different flavor than the US edition:

Thank you, Hodder & Stoughton! 

I have been so bursting with this and other amazing news that I thought I might explode if I couldn't finally put some of it in the world. So phew. Exploding avoided for now. I may break into giddy dances of glee now and then though. Do not be alarmed.

If you are curious to read a little about the cover-making process for the US edition, my lovely editor Alvina Ling blogged about it here and then here. I was not involved in any of this -- authors generally are not -- but Alvina kept me pretty well posted so I could share the excitement of all that was going on in New York. You can imagine I was haunting my inbox waiting for emails to come through. What's she going to look like? Which model will they pick? *refresh refresh* :-)

As far as other super-cool stuff that is happening, I can't tell yet, but I will drop one cryptic hint. After I hit *publish post* I have the onerous task of, um, taking my measurements. Height, waist, hips, bust, shoe size, the lot. For what? Mwahahahaha. I will tell you next week. Or more likely the week after. Probably.

If you feel any inkling to spread the word about Daughter via Twitter or the nightly news or a sophisticated whisper campaign, please please do. My baby is on the way, and I couldn't be more thrilled :-)

*these are ARCs; both covers could change before the actual book comes out.


  1. SOOO gorgeous! I'm really looking forward to this book!!!

  2. This book sounds amaaaazing. Definitely going ton pre-order!

  3. I're having a dress made. Or a space suit. Either way, I can tell that whatever you're doing with those measurements is going to be EPIC.

    And I think you're a terrible tease for that cryptic hint.


    So much want.

    And I vote for the space suit.

  5. Hee hee hee. Q and Kiersten, if it's a space suit, do I have to go to space. *whines* I don't wanna go to space! :-)

  6. Pretty sure it would just be for dancing and shopping? I mean, really. It's a space suit. What ISN'T it for?

    Also. It can't be said enough: WANT.

  7. What a beautiful cover! Can't wait to have one for my very own!

  8. WOW! I love the covers! Man, I am so so so so SO excited to get my hands on a copy of this fantastic book! I absolutely love the synopsis. Congrats on your amazing covers!

  9. That ARC copy is brilliant. It gave me chills! I am so looking forward to this book now.

  10. I have been jumping up and down about this book since you first announced it (I'm sure I'm not alone in that). It's great to finally *see* it. You can bet your buttons I'll be in on that giveaway. :)

  11. Gorgeous covers! Congratulations! And congrats on the UK deal. The book sounds fantastic and I Can't Wait to read it! Yay!

  12. Beautiful. It sounds amazing. Congratulations.

  13. Ahhhh! They're so lovely! SO lovely! I especially loved the British one. Tasteful and beautiful! It reminded me of my beloved copy of the Lies of Locke Lamora. Same muted glimmering.

    But what really got me was the dust jacket. My belly actually somersaulted. Laini, I have the BEST feeling about this. The BEST. This is going to be huge. You are wonderful, your writing is wonderful, your book is probably just as wonderful, and I can't wait to read it adnto tell everyone I know and don't know about it.

    Oh, and that gorilla costume is going to be awesome!

  14. Congratulations! This is brilliant!
    I have just ordered the UK edition (I'm in Dublin) to reach me in October! Good luck with all your writing projects!

  15. Congratulations, Laini my friend! I am SO ordering the UK one before I leave these shores.

    Meanwhile, how's that cosplay costume looking? I know C.Pie will like the furry bits...

  16. Such gorgeous covers! I love them both. And I can't wait to read the book.

  17. I'm so happy for you. You deserve it all! I love your writing. You are truly an inspiration! Thank you for making the world more a more beautiful place.

  18. This book sounds so stunning, otherworldly and magical and beautiful and mysterious and so *you*. And for once I prefer the UK cover so yay for me!
    - Sophia.

  19. Yay!!!! So exciting! That US cover is so freaking cool. Wow!

  20. It's SO worth waiting for..I'm so happy and continue to amaze and create worlds only an imagination like yours can conjure up!! At times like this I wonder if "Teeny Tiny", "Lisa Lou", and "Swamp Haunts" had a larger impression on a little girl's mind than I had imagined?

  21. i am positively swooning over the american version. seriously, you have the MOST GORGEOUS COVERS!<3

  22. Is it wrong that I feel like singing neener-neener, because I already *KNOW* it's a freaking masterpiece? Hee hee!

    I'm so, so, so, sosososososo happy for you. I can't WAIT for the world to get their hands on it!!! Congratulations!

  23. I second Kiersten White's suggestion. Grocery shopping in your new space suit--or perhaps one of your Portland rambles? "Portland, Star Trek Edition"--be sure to take LOTS of pictures!

    I just realized that I got so distracted by the idea of having measurements for a SPACE SUIT taken (and by trying to figure out how to get my OWN) that I forgot to say: GORGEOUS covers! I especially like the UK one, and the US jacket copy: "Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love. It did not end well." Awesome.

  24. I love the covers, and I'm ordering my copy now, plus trying every way possible to win an ARC!!!!

    Measurements for an angel costume maybe? It definitely has something to do with the book...

    Daughter of Smoke and Bone can't help but be brilliant, because all of your books are brilliant. It's ALL you. Anything from your imagination will be breath taking and amazing.

    I wish you all the success in the world, however you define it. You deserve it. I love to see creative, down to earth, friendly people succeed!

    After reading just the first paragraph of Lips Touch, I knew you were more than an author; you are a master storyteller, a magical weaver of worlds.

    Even though I don't know you, I can feel your happiness and excitement exploding out of your post! Congratulations!!!! Your books don't read like YA; they defy labels. Young, old, male, female- your stories have widespread appeal.

    And I love your blog. When you are rich and famous, having your books made into movies, and thousands upon thousands subscribe to your blog, I can say, "I use to read her blog when she wrote about Portland Ramblings and Morrocco and loving old houses and little Pie was just knee high"

  25. Wow, that US cover is INCREDIBLE! Took me a little while to work out what the red shape is... *slow, I know* but I see it now :-)

  26. Aw, Laini, hooray! (We asked, and you provided. Whee!)

    I've been checking Amazon often for the pre-order link, and at last it's here!

    What a striking cover. I'm so thrilled for you! :D

    Also, cryptic news, eh? Hmm!

  27. Beautiful covers! I absolutely loved "Lips Touch" and I CANNOT WAIT to read this!!!


  28. I was just reading Lips Touch and really enjoyed the creativity (folklore and twists of mythology) you included and so went to google to see if you had any other novels coming out. Looks like I know where I'll be spending my book money for the next while.

  29. I hate to say it, but I hope these covers will be changed, especially the US one. None of the friends I shared it with liked it:(

    I will buy the book regardless, but some more work needs to be done on them.

  30. I'm soooo excited for the new book! I really liked the blurb at the back, it does a great job of piquing my curiosity. I will definitely be adding it to my book shelve when it comes out.

    That being said, as much as I'm looking forward to the new book, I'm not as fond of the covers (the US one in particular) as some of the other posters seem to be. I loved the previous book covers soooo much (the Dreamdark books and Lips Touch), and this one... I don't know, it just doesn't call out to me at all! *sadface*

  31. Can't wait. I like the first cover, absolutely love the second one, but what I really want would be inside.

    The measurements have to be for your new super hero outfit.

  32. I'm counting the days... But you already knew that. So, so cool, Laini!

  33. You have no idea how excited I am.

    BLUE HAIR!!!

    Congratulations on your new baby! Both covers are beautiful and completely different. And as for your measurements, I'll guess you're being fitted for a full rubber body glove so that you can match Lady Gaga. No, actually, I like the space suit idea better. Whatever it is, I'm sure it will be epic!

  34. Eeeeee so excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  35. Have pre-ordered the hardcover AND the Kindle version and will be adding DoS&B to my Amazon Listmania lists which I hope will nudge more people to the order page. I cannot wait to read this story. Congratulations, Laini!

    Totally OT note: Have you come across the Clementine books by Sara Pennypacker and illustrated by the wonderful Marla Frazee? I adore them and have thought of you (and your own adorable Clementine) more than once while reading them. The title Clementine even has curly red hair! :-)

  36. squeeeee!

    I am so excited. October is really far away, though!

    I think you're going to be in a movie, and the measurements are for your costumes. Either that, or you want to make sure everything in your new-old house will fit you: stair run the proper length for your shoe size, doorways and ceilings the proper height, etc. I don't think enough people realize how important that is! It's no fun hitting your head on the ceiling while jumping on the bed.

  37. I can't take my eyes off from the photo of the girl.

  38. I got an ARC from BEA, and I love your book so far. It's wonderful. I'm more than halfway through it and I don't want to put it down, I just have to know what's happening.

  39. Just finished it last night; you definitely bring something new to the mythology-- to be as vague as possible-- & I mean that as the highest compliment.

  40. Hi, I've never read you before but I picked up a (FREE!!) ARC copy of DOSAB at the London Film & Comic con and I must say it's just wonderful! I thought it would be too girly for me but I liked the cover so thought I'd give it a try, and I'm really enjoying in I'm carzy obsessed with it! But I must say this is the exact reason I hate trilogies...Because I already can't wait for book 2 and the first ones not even out yet!!

  41. Brilliant book, probably my top pick this year. Went to the Hachette roadshow in NZ last week and they would not stop raving about it. So I expect good sales once we get it officially in stock.

    Looking forward to the sequel!

  42. I'm in the UK and reading the ARC right now! It's fabulous! Thank you!

  43. In the middle of reading it now - LOVE IT!!! Can't put it down!!! I'm telling EVERYONE! I can already see it as a movie in my head. Love that its set in Prague (more or less). Brilliant!

  44. I absolutely loved this book. I bought it at random on iTunes while I was waiting for another book to be released. Great story, keep them coming.

  45. I just read the first 60 pages on iBooks waiting around. What an exquisite surprise. I love this story already and the writing--so excited for more. Yes. Keep them coming.
