
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

5 a.m. Dress-Up

Being awakened early by Superman isn't the worst thing ever. :-)


  1. I can just imagine you rousing yourself, then dashing to get the camera.

  2. Darlingest superbaby on the planet!

  3. okaysssss SO i know this has nothing at all to do with this post but i just wanted to say that i've been following your blog for a very long time (i was linked here from meg cabot's blog) and could immediately tell that i'd love your books. the only problem was that i live in india, which means that many books i'd love to read are simply not sold here. BUT - miracle of miracles! - today my school had a book fair, and i saw lips touch! i spazzed, wrangled money from strange sources, and put the book in a bag which says 'oink'. i've just skimmed through the first few pages, and it looks absolutely enthralling. PLEASE, i IMPLORE you, send more of your books this side of the world! and quick!

  4. This is one hundred kinds of awesome.
