
Monday, February 7, 2011

Clementine's Favorite Letter

So, Clementine's a little cagey about what her favorite letter of the alphabet is; she won't come right out and say it. However, it isn't hard to figure out :-)


  1. This is adorable! My boys (ages 5 and 2) will want to watch it over and over tonight. They already think Clementine is "so pretty!"

  2. Ha! We have that same exact thing at my house, except it's the letter B. All letters are B! Aren't they dolls?

  3. Hihihihi, so funny. ABP. Love it.

    Magnus has no idea what the alphabet is yet, poor thing. He does know how to howl like a wolf and miow like a cat, though. And screech like a monkey.

  4. That's so cute!

    Guess what my favorite letter has always been...

  5. My daughter and nephew were born a month apart and my competitive sister always compared their progress, taking great pride when her son could do something before my daughter.

    Once, when they were about two and a half, my sister was frustrated because her son was having trouble with his colors. She pointed to various colors, and he got all of them wrong. I pointed to a big yellow stripe on the wall and asked my daughter to name the color. She proudly replied, "YELLOW!" My sister's jaw dropped in disbelief that my daughter learned something before her son and stomped off. Can you imagine?

    What she didn't know, and still doesn't know to this very day, is that my daughter would answer "yellow" no matter what color I pointed to! Score one for tricky me.

  6. I think Clementine is trying to give you a hint.

    She may have to ABCDEF--PEE!!

    LOL. She is just too adorable. Hope there was no surprise in her undies @ the end of the song.
