
Friday, February 11, 2011

Cargo Sale!

Remember Cargo, our favorite store? Well, their annual 25% off EVERYTHING sale
starts . . . tomorrow!

See you there!

Also, we just had a half-birthday around here. You celebrate those, right?

One year ago:

Happy half-birthday, sweet!


  1. Clementine needs to be on the cover of a picture book.
    OR maybe have her own line of Laini's Ladies. It can be Clementine's Babies, with wise quotes from children's lit.

    She is absolutely adorable!

  2. The face Clementine made in that pic is soooo cute.

    Also, I want to go to the Cargo sale--that store looks like so much fun. Unfortunately, I'm in Minnesota. So, until I get that private jet...

  3. Please tell me you're getting that bureau. I love it!

    We're totally planning on celebrating Magnus's half birthday. Cake. Yay. Happy half to Clementine!

  4. Happy half birthday to cutie Clementine! We celebrate halfs in our house too. :)

    Enjoyed my visit to your blog today! Gorgeous images... Making me want to visit Portland even more than ever.

  5. clementine's half to my whole. a perfect day, indeed. *please* take me to hippo hardware in april, *please.* i suspect you're swimming in your cargo booty. very excited for all of you!
