
Saturday, January 15, 2011

We are all fools in love

So. Um. I have a confession to make.

Around about Thanksgiving we did something a little, um, foolish. 

Or . . . not foolish, exactly.

Let's say . . . dreamerish.

I'd like to think we're not fools but dreamers.

To do something we said we wouldn't do (again).

Like fall for a house . . . 

. . . a house that needs a lot of love.


Of love.

But what can I say?

"We are all fools in love."

Even red linoleum cannot sway us.

*happy sigh + nervous gulp*



  1. Oh my goodness!! It looks amazing!! I have always dreamed about living in a house with history, a house that can tell stories, and a house that holds surprises around every corner. I guess I'm a dreamer too. :)

  2. Liani,
    Oh, congrats! I will be looking forward to see what you do to it. will you be using some ideas from your travel, morocco, Italy, Istanbul!

    By the way, I really recommend Damascus next time; it is really an amazing city and hassle-free. In few years time I guess as you will be busy with the new house :)


  3. Looks like this house has been waiting for you. I'm so glad you finally found it.

    Umm, can I have your old writing room with the doors that lead to the wondrous outside? And the awesome book shelf...and the bench...

  4. that looks lots like my house! We have the same radiators. And eleven years on, I spent an hour this morning working on the kitchen moldings....but it is worth it to have a beautiful old house with high ceilings and bay windows!

  5. holy crap! i *LOVE* this (i.e, "this" being (1) able to comment on your fancy new blog...darn cookie thwarters and (2) that you're off on another romantic adventure with walls)! Might I schedule a personal viewing in April? WARNING: I don't think I'll be able to release my grasp when I get to hug Clementine-rock-star-adorable-toddler the first time.

    I LOVE the stories and pictures of your trip. Belated Congrats and DARN! you're an extraordinary "secret keeper."

  6. Evie, you CAN have the old writing room, all you have to do is buy our old house in a couple of months, ha ha! The furniture stays with me though :-)

    Charlotte, eleven years huh? Yep. Sounds about right!

    Dawn, yay! A visit! Can't wait to see you!

  7. What a gorgewous adventure. You have the ability to see what can be. Good luck.

  8. but wait. the red linoleum is a good thing, right? along with purple walls, i'd say. ;)

    :no joke:

    this is gonna be fun.

  9. I thought I was going to find out- on your BLOG- that you're pregnant- phew!- this has got to be one of the most beautiful houses and spaces in all of Portland. please let me know when my people can get going with my renovations for my private, personal wing! So happy for you guys Fatty!!xo

  10. Oh, congratulations! I've been dying to see the new house! I'd like a wing, too. Hee hee.

    No, but seriously, it looks a slick of paint short of the house of my dreams. That radiator! How can a radiator be romantic? And stained glass!

    You are George and Mary Bailey. Make sure you love that staircase end.

  11. I can't wait to see what you do with the new place. Your current home is so beautifully decorated from the pictures I've seen. I think I would die in the bright colors, but you have such an eye for accents, just like the details in your writing =)

  12. Congratulations! The house looks charming and funky and perfect for you!

  13. wow, that house looks amazing pre-loved! There's nothing foolish about the work of making the world more beautiful. Soldier on!

  14. Houses with history are the best houses. "They don't make 'em like that anymore" is a saying that really should only ever apply to elegant old ladies and equally elegant old houses.

    A house that needs that much attention is going to try your patience. It's going to try your marriage. It's going to have your heart in your throat a million times over for all the unforseen things that Clem has the unique toddler knack for getting into. And down the road after all the trials and heart ache and reno bills, you're going to sit back and see this creature that was like a wounded butterfly in need of love. And it was your love that gave it new life and brought out it's own inherent beauty. Hell of a challenge and one that I definitely envy you. Oh to be so lucky to buy an old house...

  15. It's the first time I'm in... and I'm so glad I dropped by :)

    Will keep coming back for more... by the way, the house looks amazing! :)

  16. Laini, this house is incredible and I can already see that its possibilities and already-lovelies beat with your hearts.

    From experience, and I'm sure you already plan to, please please have a lead test done on the house before you move in and do any work. You will not regret it.

    Good luck and enjoy!

  17. Thanks, WarmSunshine :-)

    Cyndi, thanks, yes it IS incredible :-) And I'm not exaggerating when I say "a lot of love." We won't be moving in for some time.

    Kate, I totally agree about old houses -- wouldn't live in anything else. The "try your marriage" part I'm not worried about though :-)

  18. Congratulations, Laini!!! I cannot wait to see how you dress this place up.

    *excited for you*

  19. congrats! what a lovely lovely place! I know you'll make it a fab home for your family! But won't you miss the old home? (always a problem for me)
