

Hi! Want to get in touch?

For any rights inquiries:
email my agent Jane Putch.

For publicity regarding Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Days of Blood and Starlight,
(including ARCs, interviews, and events)
contact the publicity department at Little Brown.

For blurb or review inquiries, my policy is here.

* * *

As for me, the thing is, I am disorganized in the best of times, and now is not the best of times. I'm on deadline, I have a small child, every day at least a dozen things are left undone, and I don't always get around to responding to emails. But I love getting them and I try to reply. Basically, I exist in a constant state of guilt over neglected messages and invitations. I'm sorry!

So please still contact me, one of the following ways:

or, alternatively:

2. Mail me.

Laini Taylor
PMB 505
4110 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, OR  97214-5246


3. Think your thoughts
directly to my brain.

I have heard from some people lately via email that they don't think their thoughts are getting through, but I assure you, they are. And what's more, I respond to every single one. You just might not have registered that it was from me. Often I communicate in random imagery. For example, if you find your train of thought interrupted by a brief image of, say, a bright green moth? That was from me. Look closely and you'll see a message printed on its wing. Unfortunately my mental telegraph has some kinks to work out, and is transmitting entirely in Cyrillic characters, for which I apologize. I hope to get that fixed soon.