
Tuesday, December 1, 2020

10th anniversary editions are here!

This week! The 10th anniversary editions of the Daughter of Smoke & Bone trilogy are in the world!!! (The US editions. UK editions still upcoming :) I'm always greedy for covers--new covers, new looks, new alphabets, new art--so it thrills me to get two whole new sets of covers at once, and so, so beautiful! Writing this series occupied such a big part of my life, and it's just plain weird that it's been ten years now since the first book came out. WHAT? Though honestly, my actual daughter was a baby at the time and is now 11, so that's a good measure of the time!

I'm hopeful that with the new editions, a new slew of readers will discover them. 

These are the US editions, available in paperback, individually or in a box set! You can find them here via, which is a great alternative to Amazon and benefits indie bookstores :)

Or here through Barnes & Noble:

The artist is Jelena Kevic Djurdjevic, and the work is simply stunning--and so different from anything else I've seen on the shelves! Not that I imagined, at the time, that we wouldn't get to actually see it on shelves, or browse in bookstores and libraries, but only online. Sigggghhhhhh. I really really miss bookstores and libraries. But I'm grateful for all the resources we have to discover, acquire, and consume content in these shut-in times! 

I hope you're all holding up well, and will be able to enjoy the holidays, even if differently than usual. 

