
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Llamas, Cupcakes, and Antiques: BARN HOUSE!

Although I am still behind on pre-pub tour and Comic-Con posts (I can't keep up with the fun these days!), I have to divert to today, and Barn House!

Clementine and I drove with my best friend Alexandra out to Battleground, in rural Washington, for Barn House, this great one-day antiques sales on a lovely piece of property in the woods. It's an intimate, curated show, only 23 vendors I think, and it was so great! I wasn't prepared for the wonderful. Not enough money, and no room in the car for hauling larger treasure! Next year I think a truck will be in order!

Got there early and joined the queue. 

Were entertained by farm animals while waiting. There were goats and sheep, chickens, a turkey, and ... llamas!

Hello. Yes, we are the stars of this show.

We are regal and yet adorable. Don't try this at home.

And have you seen our magnificent profiles?

Eventually they let us in, and the first booth that caught my eye was a wonder of whiteness called Sparrow. 

I'd already cased the joint from the perimeter and spied some chairs ...

... for the dining room. As mentioned back here, we have a new 10-foot dining table for our new dining room, and we want to just do mix-y match-y white chairs around it. These four were tremendous for being a) already white, and b) inexpensive, and c) actually ready for sitting. (You mean to tell me that chairs come with the seats already on??) That was my only significant purchase. A random few pretties did make it home with me from this display ...

... and then of course there were the CUPCAKES, if they count, and they so DO!

So pretty!

Did I mention there was live music and a darling empanada wagon too?

After a bite it was all just browsing, taking pictures. It's nice to take pictures at events like this -- I find that I can sublimate the urge to buy things into simply photographing them. And it was just so picturesque!

Alexandra fell in love with this chandelier that had vintage salt shakers hanging instead of crystals.

The pink candles make it, I think.

She also loved this chandelier, so great:

It was already sold. At this sale, you see something you leap on it. The best stuff went so fast!

The in-the-woodness of the place was really great.

 I loved seeing these cool tableaux set up in plein air. Sofas of the wilderness.

Elf bedroom. And because it wasn't quite cute enough,
there were actually kittens frolicking in it. No, really.

Great suitcases, white pottery, and a couple of pieces of furniture that would make awesome kitchen islands, like this one below.

Cool industrial baking pans like the one we got a while back to hold Positano treasure:

Hello shabby.

I sense a theme here ...

These stools were from an old soda fountain counter. Love them!

And you know I always love taxidermy in fancy dress.

Isn't that great stuff? Here's what now lives with us:

Some blue glass jars and cups, some vintage juice glasses with tin lids.

Some dining chairs for the dining room!

Which brings me to the subject of the house. It's been a while now since we moved in, and I'd love to be able to show you pictures of a tidy cozy warm home, but alas, it's still all boxes and disarray. The living room doesn't look terrible though, but is far from "done."

Here, you may recall, is the "before":

And now:

IKEA pieces (sofa, chairs, curtains, lighting) mixed with more unusual stuff like the rug and poufs we brought back from Morocco, some handmade pillows, and the woollen mill tilt cart coffee table.

There it is, a teeny peek of the house in progress! Much MUCH yet to do!

If you get a chance to go to Barn House next year, go! Maybe I'll see you there.